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Some rat's doing for me

dh | 08.09.2002 21:47

Managed to put this up twice but it's gone without the links which make it rather meaningless. The reference is to a recently downed article

The assertion is that we're all subject to classical and operative conditioning techniques

Micah Wright's superb gallery of 'propaganda posters'



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08.09.2002 23:18

I've let the routine hiding of messages go by without comment over the past week or two. ok mike. But I object to this one on mass brainwashing, so pertinent to the anniversary of mass trauma and concommitant warmongering. And not least the depriving of im users of the superb artwork of Micah Wright. So - middle digit extended upwards!


grow up!

08.09.2002 23:25

grow up dh
