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Americans Must Stop Whining About 9/11

Copyright Joe Vialls – 7 September 2002 | 08.09.2002 01:57

Americans Must Stop Whining About 9/11
Millions worldwide grow weary of the unending American orgy of whining self-pity about a single two-hour surgical strike on New York City

Americans Must Stop Whining About 9/11

Millions worldwide grow weary of the unending American orgy of whining self-pity about a single two-hour surgical strike on New York City

Copyright Joe Vialls – 7 September 2002
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you don't have to listen

08.09.2002 10:00

you don't have to listen ...

mail e-mail:

Theres a reason we call them patriot missiles

08.09.2002 11:19

' Americans Must Stop Whining About 9/11
Millions worldwide grow weary of the unending American orgy of whining self-pity about a single two-hour surgical strike on New York City '

I hardly call an intentional terrorist attack on a highly populated civilian target as a 'surgical strike'...
All this does is demonstrate where your sympathies lie... with the barbaric extremists that carried out this sick, unacceptable attack on the American nation (and remembering the nationalities of those killed... the international community as a whole)...

To qoute my good friend dubya...

' Nor will we forget the citizens of 80 other nations who died with our own: dozens of Pakistanis, more than 130 Israelis, more than 250 citizens of India, men and women from El Salvador, Iran, Mexico and Japan, and hundreds of British citizens. '

It was more than an attack on United states soil... it was an attack on the free world, by the agents of doom, who would see the worlds population subjugated by the most extreme form of islamic rule.

An attack of such ferrocity, coupled with the extremist ideology behind it, has stricken fear into the hearts and minds of all who are civilised and respect human life, endeavor and the fundamental freedom to go about their lives without interference from the evil men who walk among us.

This is clearly going to be a topic of interest for a long time to come. You can't expect us to forget such an attack.


For a world without Violence

08.09.2002 11:36

September 11th was a tragedy, the bitter fruit of US imperialism, we should never celebrate the killing of civilians.

Attacking the twin towers cannot liberate us from the capitalist system that breeds war, famine, and poverty (a system incidentally that whatever their faults the Islamists did not create).

That said I vividly remember the words of a Colombian trade unionist who said to me, "yes, we should spend 1 minute each year mourning the victims of terrorism in America, then we should spend another 59 minutes mourning the victims of American government foreign policy".

Far worse attrocities have taken place across the world (many committed or condoned by the United States).

I wonder if on the aniversary of September 11th the American government will remember the civilians who died in their bombing of Afghanistan?


not news

08.09.2002 11:51

much as I might or might not agree, it's not news really now is it?
Try a discussion forum like on
