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No Sweat Getting Nekid on the Nike Fun Run

Mick | 07.09.2002 12:24

Nike Fun Run Fun - No to Nike Naked Greed
No Sweat will meet up at Barnes Train Station at 9am on Sun Sep 22 for some fun direct action at the run. We need as many people as possible to maximise the impact we can make, bring your mobile and leave your inhibitions at home.

No Sweat Getting Nekid on the Nike Fun Run
No Sweat Getting Nekid on the Nike Fun Run

Nike get big publicity out of this event - posing themselves as benevolent do-gooders, raising money for London schools. Meanwhile they make that money from paying poverty wages to kids who are denied the chance of going to school as they are working forced overtime in a factory producing for Nike.
We'd rather go naked than wear sweatshop will be the theme - a clue there but given the physical state of most of us it may be little short of actually going naked!
Our contact numbers on the day will be 07904 431 959 or 07979 046 219.
For more details call Mark on 07931 319 685 or Gary on 07979 046 219.
Ps someone seems to be attacking Nike's expensive ad campaign for the run with stickers and 6ft long posters (see pic). Obviously No Sweat wouldn't encourage that sort of thing!

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07.09.2002 18:50

I think this is a stupid thing to do when the Countryside Alliance are marching, opposing the CA would be far more relevant than this...


Why would it be more relevant?

07.09.2002 21:39

Why would opposing the countryside alliance be more relevant than Nike. Living in London Nike is surely much more relevant. They are using a London park for their run which will enable them to push more Logo'd Nike gear into schools in London. They are advertising all over the capital and promoting their corrupt brand as something ethical and wholesome in our highstreets. The Nike flagship store is on Oxford St. London is the consumer capital of the country, this is where nike do their business. It is up to us here in London to show that we don't want our city to be used as a billboard for one of the worlds largest users of sweatshop labour.

The countryside alliance are coming here to protest that we in the city are interupting their way of life. Personally I think that fox hunting and the like is disgusting and cruel, I also think that forcing children to work in sweatshops is a foul practice.

Obviously Nike chose the date for their run, not the protestors, given the choice I think we would all like to go to both. We don't have that choice, so we must spread our assets and attempt to get as many people to both events.

Cussing each other and calling people stupid will not help.

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07.09.2002 22:33

Fair point, I think it's more relevant for me to goto the Countryside Alliance thing though (what with me living in the countryside)... :)


USA says no Nike!

09.09.2002 00:39

Oregon,where I live in the Pacific NW. is the home of the headquarters of Nike corp. The company originated in my hometown.I was one of the first track and field runners to wear the brand and race wearing their shoes. Take it from me,Nike now sucks,oppose them any way you can.I don't know the particular politics of the countryside group,but I only know they have pretty much bought out the university in my hometown,and of course they employ alot of people in foriegn countrys under deplorable conditions.Phil Knight,the founder of the corp. is a capitalist in the full sense of the word. Don't hesitate to drive them out of the UK.
