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Origin of Iraq invasion plan

CBS News | 06.09.2002 16:31

Notes made at a command center briefing five hours after the WTC attacks make clear that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was determined to use the 9-11 tragedy as a pretext for overthrowing Sadam Hussein.

Notes made at a command center briefing five hours after the WTC attacks make clear that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was determined to use the 9-11 tragedy as a pretext for overthrowing Sadam Hussein.

With the intelligence all pointing toward bin Laden, Rumsfeld ordered the military to begin working on strike plans. And at 2:40 p.m., the notes quote Rumsfeld as saying he wanted "best info fast. Judge whether good enough hit S.H." – meaning Saddam Hussein – "at same time. Not only UBL" – the initials used to identify Osama bin Laden. "Go massive," the notes quote him as saying. "Sweep it all up. Things related and not."

The fact that Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks was completely irrelevant - facts NEVER are. It's clear that only slick marketing is important to the Bush administration, and the upcoming meeting between Blair and Bush is designed solely to develop a marketing strategy "justifying" war, the facts be damned.

Story link:

Spread this information around. Although the story was published at, it hasn't received much attention despite its important insights into the personal agenda really driving plans for an invasion of Iraq. It's a certainty that Rumsfeld and Co. ain't gonna like CBS airing the details of Rumsfeld's sociopathic obsession with Saddam, so it might be a good idea to copy the CBS story page before it "disappears".

CBS News


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What We're REALLY Fighting in the US

06.09.2002 17:32

Free press, my arse. There are plenty of things the American public is never told about by the mainstream media here, due to corporate editorial control. It would be too troublesome if the general public knew about certain things that had happened, were happening or were about to happen. They might start asking uncomfortable questions or something, Heaven forbid! Or electing different leaders! Oh, no!

Luckily, I'm capable of thinking for myself, so I bypass them and find my own news online. I read the foreign press, alternative news sites, lots of political weblogs and just whatever I come across. All kinds of fascinating stuff just waiting to be found. I'm grateful for the Internet-it's my lifeline these days-and now they're even trying to let the corporations take that away from me, too.

Once they let corporations take control of our municipal water supplies across the country, we'll be completely at their mercy. I can already picture the scrambling in the House and Senate as they try to pass laws against rain, because free water will eat into corporate profits. Can't let that happen, oh, no.

I don't really feel like it's going to get any better before it gets worse.

Sandra Davenport