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A message to all “Working Class” left wingers

? | 06.09.2002 00:33

Working class comrades wake up! There is a new party on the scene run by working class left-wingers. The SWP is full of middle class dreamers who care little about us working class poor. They only recently started to run in local elections to compete with us.

Working class comrades! Surely you are fed up with the middle class run SWP and the so-called Socialist Alliance. If so join the Socialist Labour Party SLP, were most of the activists and our leader are “WORKING CLASS”.

We don’t live in the prosperous suburbs and we fight in local issues as well as international issues. Not like the middle class SWP who have their heads constantly immerged in international issues.

Don’t Attack Iraq Public Meeting

Working class comrades on Merseyside don’t forget to come and meet our leader Arthur Scargill 7-15pm Monday 30th September at the Gladstone Hotel Lord Nelson St Liverpool City Centre (back of Empire Theatre)



For more details on further meeting go to SLP web site page:



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06.09.2002 01:50

This is a sad post with weak politics and a chip on its shoulder.

The meeting sounds good, and is to be found advertised and supported by all sections of the left and activist scene. But it is not organised by the SLP, and it is not the SLP's private property just because good old Arthur is speaking. Its good he is speaking on a united platform. I have a respect for the man's past.

I would like to go along and hear him, along with the other speakers - including the middle class Bruce Kent, John Pilger and the SWP leader Lindsey German. But I am not attracted to the 'meet our great SLP leader' spin in the post!

You go on about international issues being a middle class lefty thing - but this meeting you advertise is on Iraq - an 'international' issue - and one of pressing concern to millions in the working class.

You go on about the SWP being middle class - well I'm not a supporter of theirs, but the majority I have met are down to earth people with ordinary jobs, trying to get by.

Arthur Scargill, while he once was a miner, has for decades been a highly paid union leader with a comfortable salary and a nice house - hardly one of the humble working people himself.

This just seems to be an excuse to promote the SLP - which is old news, having proved a flop, and uninhabitable for most working class activists.

Unfortunately it only exists as a small supporters group for Scargill, a worship cult for Stalin, and is moribund. and intellectually sterile.

So this SLP supporter above, (and 'another' bloke called Mike) have only one line of argument left - "we are really more working class - you are all intellectuals".

But being working class is not a rare thing! There are millions of us in this country! And many tens of thousands are also socialist, environmental, anarchist and anti-capitalist activists.

We work, sleep, fuck, eat, shop, raise kids, think about political ideas and organise resistance on our estates and workplaces - and we are internationalists - coz we all live on this one planet fighting a global capitalist enemy.

So get off your high horse, my friend.

You can find working class activists who are also intellectuals, and who both think globally and act locally. Ther are plenty of such fine people in Liverpool and everywhere else.
