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Theft and the Community

person unknown | 05.09.2002 17:22

Steve O'Donell makes a break with thousands of pounds worth of stolen goods from London Squats!!

We live in a squat. Like most squats its a hub. A platform where people come together from all backgrounds, Spanish, English, Polish, Brazilian, French etc. Its multi-cultural and fluid, spontaneous and free. It is practical anarchy.

However it can be seriously undermined by people that haven't that fluid mentality.

On Monday 2nd September one such 'green' squatter working at the ASS (Advisory Service for Squatters) stole a van from a squatted residence, stole decks and equipment belonging to the residence and stole items belonging to his own flatmates. On his exit he stopped off at ASS where he worked, and stole all the float money!

The man in question is Steve O'Donell. Scottish, 5'8 with blonde dreads, blue eyes. Research into his past shows he also worked at CAT (Centre of Alternative Technology) where he stole a laptop on leaving his job.

Evidence from what was said before he packed off suggests this was a calculated robbery. 'But he seemed such a nice guy' say the victims.

Please if anyone has any information regarding Steve O'Donell than please send it to 07733128739. And please be warned of him.

This is not a matter for the Police - As anarchists we are reliant on our community and ourselves. Thankyou...

person unknown


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What will you do with him if you catch him?

05.09.2002 22:50

"person unknown" are you proposing vigilantism? From what I can gather you plan to punish this man for his crimes yourself, and this I find very disturbing as it would be considering yourself above the law. I would object to this on moral grounds and say that this issue is for the legitimate courts to decide, but then I'm somewhat skeptical of the whole anarchist thing, though I am no fan of the current authoritarian system either.

Thomas J

Legitimate courts???

06.09.2002 10:25

"proposing vigilantism?"

Damn right! If this is true, then community assets have been nicked by an individual. And don't reach for that "property is theft" nonsense, because if you read yer Proudhon you'll know there are different definitions of property.

"From what I can gather you plan to punish this man for his crimes yourself, and this I find very disturbing as it would be considering yourself above the law."

Again, damn right! Except for the punishing bit, I'd agree with a course of action to get this stuff back for the community. As for above the law, I'd say forget the law. Ignore the law. The law isn't there for us.

"this issue is for the legitimate courts to decide"

Legitimate courts? I'd say the established courts have no legitimacy whatsoever. They are there primarily to protect the priviledged (definition of priviledge: from the latin "privi", meaning private, and "lege", meaning law. A private law. Not public protection)

I'd just say find the guy, get the stuff back if possible. If not possible, then just learn from your mistakes. It's a shitty world out there that we are trying to change, and until it changes, well, we have to put up with this kind of thing, and keep a closer eye on stuff. And when people do this sort of thing, try and prevent them getting into a position where they can do it again, by warning others.

Mind you, I'd be pretty pissed off if I was that guy and falsely accused. But then, the "legitimate" courts hardly have a good track record of protecting the innocent.



06.09.2002 13:29

I read the first article and response and reckon that firstly it is not proposing vigilanty action as the media show it. We have seen the images of hysterical parents running after an 'accused' paedophile with sticks and rocks... not very anarchist - more of a mob.

In anarchist society the issue would arise differently. It would not have been a crime and would not be treated as such. The perpertrator of the theft would find himself isolated and either retreat into nothingness or surrender himself to the community as a person that needs help.
(clearly to rob from the Advisory Service for Squatters - which is poorly funded already - one has got to be pretty sick in the head!)

But for anarchists living in a capitalist society the challenge is greater because the perpertrator has an escape option into society at large - where theft for personal gain IS capitalism. He will be isolated from anarchists but still find plenty more opportunity to rip people off outside our circles.

How should we deal with such people? We shouldnt even ask that question. Information is the key and as long as people are aware of the nature of such a person they will be able to defend their possessions whilst seeking a remedy. In the case of the ASS and the squats, the perpetrator shall not return because he has created an illusory barrier. But the community is still there and it has a remedy.

person unknown 2!

I stand by what I say

06.09.2002 15:53

By taking this action, you are taking the law into your own hands, and maybe in your case he may tried in a kangaroo court, but in other cases, it opens up a whole oppotunity for abuse. First of all, they may get the wrong man, and second, that person could potentially be treated very inhumanely, e.g. tortured, murdered even, since they consider themselves beyond the law. Remember when Sarah Payne was murdered, and when thugs and lynch mobs started targeting the homes of (alleged) peadophiles, to me this is vigilantism, and it is not a good thing. The problem it is that the vigilanties are only accountable to themselves, and therefore can do whatever they like.

Feel free to object, but I just don't buy the whole anarchist thing, sorry.

Thomas J