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No Confidence

karlof1 | 05.09.2002 06:49

Blair is leading the UK toward becoming a full-fledged "airstrip one." Will MPs do what's right: vote him out and drastically change the direction of policy?

It's becoming clearer every day that the British public is seeing what war means for them and the world's future. A growing number of MPs are aware of this also. The question is will they have the courage and vision to vote Blair out and take the lead in a radically altered foreign policy that will galvanize Europe against the Bush war machine? It seems that even the UK corporate media sees war as a dire threat to UK and European interests. MPs should not wait for Blair to recall them; they should recall themselves and put Blair's bootlicking to the ultimate test. Only a very cold slap in the face consisting of an abrupt policy change threatening to rupture US/European relations and the loss of his chief valet is likely to have any chance of stopping Bush and those he's fronting for from controlling the main sources of the planet's energy. For their children's sake if not their own, it's in the interest of almost everyone in the UK to oust Blair and lead the charge to change course before worse becomes worst.



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Don't trust Labour

05.09.2002 20:34

It would be a mistake to trust Labour politicians to get rid of Blair and then to hope that this will stop the war.

What we need to do instead is get as many people as possible on the 29 September Stop the War demo in London. It's that sort of resistance that will make it harder for Bush's lapdog Blair to go it alone and bomb Iraq. The more people on the march, the more politicians will shit themselves that they'll be hugely unpopular if they support the bombing. It also gives us a sense of our own collective power to change things.

Let's get on the streets.

Let's get on the streets