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New Psy-Ops Operation: Manipulating the Trauma of 9/11

Duppy Conqueror | 04.09.2002 15:21

Over the next two weeks we will see a concerted attempt to manipulate the events of 9/11 in the public memory

Over the next two weeks we will see a concerted attempt to manipulate the events of 9/11 in the public memory, with two ends in mind:
(1) to shore up ebbing public support for the Bush regime
(2) to generate support for the War on Iraq

Note in the UK: Blair's appeal to September 11, in his war-mongering speech to his constituency, where he described 9/11 as an attack on British national security. The propaganda machine in Downing Street, and on the other side of the river is revvedd up, and they are going to be propagating FEAR. Spend some time helping your friends learn to see through the lies

As an example of the kind of thing to expect look at the story planted in USA Today (repeating text used after 9/11), read through it, and monitor your own response to the narrative and imagery used. :
"Delay meant death on 9/11" in USA Today

It is what some psy-ops people call a trigger pull: mobilizing anxiety, softening up with bang, so that the idea can be quietly planted.

Learn to recognize the tricks of the manipulators. Teach your friends and children how to defuse the mind-fucking that these guys are retailing

Look out for the stories that surface in the next week days, they will aim to build tension prior to the attack, which will happen in October/November.

Fight the mind controllers

Duppy Conqueror


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mind control indeed

04.09.2002 23:43

people were led back upstairs by people on the stairwells
the towers were brought down by vibrational technology, not by crashed airplanes
If the absent pasangers on the flight lists were al qaida then they were certainly mind controlled
bin Laden was and certainly still is a CIA stooge
That's why he and Mullah Omar and the most of the rest are still free waiting for the next spectacle - involving Saddam - or the next one after that
Crap we are being fed
