The next "Dossier" from Bush and Blair...
Doubting Thomas | 04.09.2002 01:39
Let us not forgot the last "Dossier" of "evidence" which HM Government/Downing Street produced following 11 September 2001.
Tony Blair tells us that he intends to publish a "Dossier" of information providing "proof" of a threat from Iraq.
Let us not forgot the last "Dossier" of "evidence" which HM Government/Downing Street produced following 11 September 2001. This is a laughable document of 70 unconnected and unverifiable statements, which contains such gems as:
"30. Members of Al Qaida must make a pledge of allegiance to follow the orders of Usama Bin Laden."
"65. The attacks of 11 September 2001 are entirely consistent with the scale and sophistication of the planning which went into the attacks on the East African
Embassies and the USS Cole. No warnings were given for these three attacks, just as there was none on 11 September."
To see the full document, visit here:
None of this crap would be allowable as evidence in a court. Why should citizens again be subjected to treatment as if we are idiots?!
It's plain and simple: Blair wants to help his mate Bush to distract attention from the terrible economic situation and help Bush in his election efforts. What better way to do that than to start another war...
Doubting Thomas
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04.09.2002 10:55
Blair said yesterday "no decision has been made - other than that something must be done and what that may be, has not been decided" (such eloquence) "and there will be a full debate in Parliament" - but today, the press made the decision - it's war!!
Disinformation campaign has already begun
04.09.2002 13:06
"When we finally arrived, there was nothing to see of the "uranuim plant"... the yellow cake [ore] production complex had been bombed. it had been levelled. all that remained were its foundations sealed by a new layer of concerete to prevent nuclear contamination..."
I doubt whether many people saw that, so having inevitably sen the news stand headlines, the suggestion is definitely there that Saddam has a fully functioning atomic program.
G H Gythuk