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An sub-human Hating Jew

QED | 03.09.2002 14:35

You and goyim are a threat to the supreme race of us jews. When we are finished all goyim will scurry around the planet like drunk coakroaches in a bottle

- that is if G_d chooses to let you live.
We are the Chosen Ones. We are the Lions.
Thus ends the demonstration.



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Nazi Scum!

03.09.2002 14:49

This 'comment' is obviously the work of a mentally retarded Nazi...


Arf Arf

03.09.2002 14:57

Wow. Awesome in it's crudity. I know Nazis are pretty fucking stupid, but they can't be so thick as to believe anyone will ever fall for this, can they? Or is someone out there trying to discredit indymedia with charges of racism...

Aim Here

Stupid Nazi fucker

03.09.2002 14:59



looks to like something sharon would write

03.09.2002 15:12

yes this looks like an ashke-nazi wrote it


ashkenazi DID write it

03.09.2002 15:20

yes a ashkenazi DID write that I saw the original at syndey IMC as a comment to article link to comment
