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The real start of the war on terror

C | 02.09.2002 14:32

And other stuff the fake "critics" ignore

There's a key fact that is being completely ignored in the overall "critique" of the terrorism in America:
the terrorist bombing campaign in Russia in 1999.
Here's the piece from my website on this, with a mainstream source:

"Vladimir Putin, head of the FSB (i.e. the KGB) was appointed Russian prime minister on
August 9th of that year (1999). On 25th August, Moscow journalist Alexander Zhilin wrote
that a plan with the codename "Storm in Moscow" was being hatched in the Kremlin
involving terrorist attacks against the Moscow population. On August 31, the first bomb
blew apart a Moscow shopping centre. Throughout September 1999 a series of bombings
targeted civilian apartment buildings, killing hundreds of people. An Islamic terrorist
group was blamed (one which no-one had heard of before - the Russian secret services,
so complacent, having not even bothered to create it). This allowed Putin to reignite the
war in Chechnya, and to grab power at home, becoming President the following year,
and quietly suffocating Russia's already ridiculous democracy. The western media felt
able to suggest the obvious - that Russian intelligence were behind the bombings. It is
because there are such striking similarities with the subsequent American developments
that Russia's model equivalent has had to be magically forgotten. "

These attacks have been ignored by all the critics of the official "911" story, but they are
very helpful in understanding what is going on.
The current US imperial expansion is a consequence of the collapse of Russia's
empire.The US is moving into areas it couldn't previously get into - the Middle East, the
Balkans, the Caspian Basin. At the same time Russia is trying to hang on to as much
control of its former satellites as it can. It was Russia that first staged terror attacks for
this purpose, soon followed by the US.
As I write this, Russia is extending its own "war on terror" into Georgia, to US
displeasure. Behind the united front against terrorism is a struggle over the rich pickings
from the collapse of an empire, with terrorism used as the justification for invasion, and
also for military occupation of countries around the the ones that are actually being
One advantage of drawing attention to Russia's parallel terror war is that, since it is
obviously the work of their "security services", and the western media were themselves
talking about this fact, it undermines the compulsory unthinkableness of the truth about
the US equivalent.

Yet every "critical" site that I've reminded about this, has continued to ignore it. You'd have thought it never happened. My own site is the only one that I've seen on the net that has even mentioned it.
They have also tended to lose the 2 key proofs of the origins of the American terrorism (that the war in Afghanistan had been scheduled in advance, and
that the biological element of the terrorism came from within the U.S. "security" establishment )beneath a sea of trivia. To what extent this is because they are fucking idiots, and to what extent they are deliberate diversionaries is sometimes hard to tell, but it will be the latter quite often.

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Russia’s Strategy of Tension (1999-)

02.09.2002 15:10

Some useful links concerning Russia’s Strategy of Tension (1999-)

‘Bomb rocks Moscow subway’ (11/06/1996) – ‘A bomb blast ripped through a subway train in the Moscow Metro Tuesday night, killing four people, the mayor's office reported. At least 12 people were seriously hurt, rescue officials said. Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov characterized the incident as "a wild terrorist act" that must be viewed as an attempt to create chaos in the days preceding the elections.’

The beginning...('revolutionary’ group or state pseudo-gang? No prizes for the correct answer!)

‘Note found at blast scene’ (01/09/99) ‘Russian security forces are investigating an explosion which ripped through an underground Moscow shopping centre…A group protesting against growing consumerism in Russia has said it was behind the blast, Russian security services (FSB) said.’

‘Media mystified by mall blast’ (01/09/99) ‘The Russian media on Wednesday reflected the state of confusion surrounding the blast which ripped through the Manezh Square shopping centre near the Kremlin, with speculation that it could be the work of Chechen "terrorists," a previously unknown group of anti-consumerist "revolutionary writers" or ordinary gangsters.’

Chechens get the blame

‘…two blocks of flats in Moscow, and one in the southern town of Volgodonsk, were destroyed by huge explosions. These incidents were immediately blamed on Chechen separatists, and were used to justify the entry of Russian troops into the breakaway republic later that month. But the scale of those attacks, and the professionalism with which they were carried out, led to doubts as to whether the Chechens could have arranged such acts’

‘Blast rocks Moscow subway’ (08/08/2000) ‘A bomb has ripped through an underpass packed with hundreds of commuters and shoppers in central Moscow, killing eight people and injuring about 50. The bomb went off during rush hour in one of the city's busiest subways, in Pushkin Square. A second bomb was found and defused near the scene of the blast’

‘Muscovites fear more blasts’ (09/08/2000)

A farcical trial (outcome – acquitted!),7792,520510,00.html

Evidence that the Russian secret services carried out the bombings (12/03/2000),4273,3973053,00.html

Links to BBC archives...

The bombings -
Chechnya -,2759,180787,00.html

‘Moscow's designs on Chechnya’ General background to the Russian war on Chechnya from Nov 1999 issue of Le Monde Diplomatique “…various prominent figures involved in the Chechen crisis, such as General Alexander Lebed or Shamil Basayev, have drawn attention to the coincidence between these events and major dates in the Russian political calendar and have even gone so far as to accuse the Kremlin of commissioning the bomb attacks in Moscow and Volgodonsk or somehow manipulating the bombers…”

‘Nato pledges to reward Putin’ (24/11/01) ‘President Vladimir Putin's strategy of locking Russia into a long-term partnership with the west brought fresh dividends yesterday when Nato's secretary general, Lord Robertson, voiced understanding for the Kremlin's much criticised military campaign in Chechnya, saying that Moscow was combating the "scourge of terrorism" in the breakaway republic…The shift in western tone was evident from Lord Robertson yesterday. "We have certainly come to see the scourge of terrorism in Chechnya with different eyes," he said…’,2763,605248,00.html

‘Berezovsky Promises to Show Film in London’ (05/03/02) ‘Exiled tycoon Boris Berezovsky has promised to show a documentary film in London on Tuesday that he says will provide evidence that a series of apartment building explosions in September 1999 was the work of the Federal Security Service.’

‘Berezovsky Says Putin Knew About FSB Role’ (06/03/02) ‘Boris Berezovsky announced Tuesday that President Vladimir Putin "definitely knew" that the Federal Security Service was involved in four bombings that killed more than 300 people in Moscow and two other cities in the fall of 1999, as well as a foiled bombing attempt in Ryazan.’

‘Former ally links Putin to Moscow blasts’ (06//03/02) ‘The Russian former media mogul Boris Berezovsky launched his strongest attack yesterday on his one-time friend and now president, Vladimir Putin, accusing him of being linked to the terrorist bombings of apartment buildings that killed about 300 Russians in September 1999.’,3604,662448,00.html

‘Russian tycoon blames Moscow for blasts’ (06/03/02) ‘Exiled Russian media tycoon Boris Berezovsky says he believes Moscow orchestrated the 1999 bombings of apartment blocks in Russian cities which triggered Russia's onslaught in Chechnya.’

‘Deadly attacks that made leader a hero’ (06/03/02) “From the beginnings there were suspicions about who was behind the bombings. Foreign newspapers, in the summer of 1999, had reported that officials in the Kremlin had discussed launching a "terrorist" campaign against their own people.”

‘Putin opponent urges inquiry into bombings’ (06/03/02)

‘Russian accuses government of attacks’ (15/05/02) “When Alexander Litvinenko worked for Russia's main security agency, his job was to try to infiltrate and topple terrorist networks. Today he is fighting what he claims is the country's biggest terrorist group: his former employer. From London, where he fled in November 2000, Litvinenko, 39, talks to anyone who will listen about the Federal Security Service's alleged role in apartment-house bombings that killed more than 300 people in Russia in 1999.”

‘Ex-KGB Agent Says He Has Evidence Suggesting Prime Suspect Not Involved in 1999 Bombings’ (25/07/02) “A former Russian security agent presented evidence Thursday that he said supports his claim that the KGB's successor agency was behind a series of deadly apartment-house bombings that thrust Russia into a new war in Chechnya.”

‘Ex--Agent Presents Pieces of a Puzzle’ (26/07/02) “Former FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko said Thursday that he has heard from the main suspect in the 1999 apartment bombings, who claims he had nothing to do with the deadly explosions and was set up by a childhood friend he now suspects was an FSB agent.”

"Such a perfect democracy constructs its own inconceivable foe, terrorism. Its wish is to be judged by its enemies rather than by its results. The story of terrorism is written by the state and it is therefore highly instructive. The spectators must certainly never know everything about terrorism, but they must always know enough to convince them that, compared with terrorism, everything else must be acceptable, or in any case more rational and democratic." Guy Debord in 'Comments on the Society of the Spectacle' IX (1988)

George Orwell