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Dirk | 31.08.2002 20:13

"What I am saying is true. The British Establishment is happy to try and ridicule me and I believe many of them are happy that Diana and Dodi were killed


"A Friend shocked me the other day saying he thought Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi Fayed had been assassinated. Eh? Yes, he said, it was as clear as day that MI5 or, as it may be, MI6 had been responsible for their deaths. What shocked me most was his judgment that our security forces had been wholly justified in their action. My friend reckoned it was right to prevent a marriage between the Princess and Mr. Fayed, and if this meant they had to be bumped off, so be it. Intelligence agents were in the Hotel."

Ex-MI6 Agent Richard Tomlin-son claims that the MI6 was involved "in the Paris assassination where the Princess of Wales, Diana, was killed".

The Israeli intelligence service MOSSAD has got a free hand to kill whenever, whoever and wherever. Influence of the Israel-lobbies almost anywhere in the world.
"MOSSAD's business is spying and killing. MOSSAD does that in the USA just as freely as in Great Britain, France or Germany.
What would be a motive for the MOSSAD to murder Princess Diana? Well, Israel would have been in trouble if Diana had married Dodi Fayed. Think about it. What if Diana would have visited Palestine as a mother to a half Arabic child and as a wife to an Arab man? Imagine the masses cheering Diana, embracing her as one of theirs. What if the Princess had then hugged a Palestinian child in front of hundreds of TV-cameras? Perhaps a child whose parents were murdered by Israeli death squads! A child whose father might have been shaken to death as a method of Israeli interrogation procedures - shaken until his artery was bursting open. A child whose pregnant mother was beaten to death because a family member of her's was an alleged "terrorist" against Israel. The truth about the Israeli terror regime would have been revealed to the world - thanks to Diana.

Last but not least, the powerful Israel lobby surrounding the British Royals could not tolerate an Arabic influence inside the British Establishment.



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does he change the course of rivers ?

31.08.2002 21:27

don't forget that Mossad made on earthquake in Iran,
change the course of rivers,
and pollute the Moon and stars.


Actually, Yes

31.08.2002 23:37

Want to really mess with the troops? Just focus the IZ in a large fault zone -- say such as the San Andreas fault in California. Use the exothermic interferometry mode. You deposit energy slowly in that fault zone. The stress increases. Eventually the plate edges shift, and you have an earthquake. If you want a very powerful quake, put the energy in gradually, so that a sort of "overpotential" or "overpressure" builds up, past where the rocks would normally slip. Then when they let go, you've got a real nice big one.

The amount of information available on weather modification and defense applications surrounding the HAARP project proves that chemtrails aren't so secret after all. Public documents have trickled out of government offices and committees for the last 50 years. And the most valuable cache of data about weather-control efforts is freely available from a very reliable source: the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Throughout the Cold War, both the United States and the Soviet Union actively investigated the military use of weather modification. In 1958, Captain Howard T. Orville served as the White House's chief advisor on weather modification. He publicly admitted that the military was studying "ways to manipulate the charges of the earth and sky and so affect the weather through electronic beams to ionize and de-ionize the atmosphere."

Professor Gordon J.F. MacDonald, serving on the President's Science Advisory Committee in 1966, frequently published papers on the military use of weather modification. In the book Unless Peace Comes, MacDonald titled a chapter "How To Wreck The Environment." He described the military applications of weather modification including climate change, melting the polar ice caps, techniques for depleting the ozone layer over the enemy, engineering earthquakes, manipulating ocean waves and using the earth's energy fields for brain wave manipulation.

"The key to geophysical warfare is the identification of environmental instabilities to which the addition of a small amount of energy would release vastly greater amounts of energy," MacDonald commented.

In the early 1970s, the U.S. Congressional Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment held investigative hearings on the military's research into weather and climate modification. The committee's findings were shocking at the time, including detailed plans for creating tidal waves through the coordinated use of nuclear weapons.

A 1977 United Nations treaty, The Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of the Environmental Modification Techniques, prohibited "the use of techniques that would have widespread, long-lasting or severe effects through deliberate manipulation of natural processes and cause such phenomena as earthquakes, tidal waves and changes in climate and weather patterns."

The revival of the Cold War during the Reagan years produced a slew of new inventions in the area of weather modification. Presumably to cool off the earth, an August 1982 patent, number 4347284, outlined plans to produce a "White covered sheet material capable of reflecting ultraviolet rays" from the sun.

Numerous other patents attempted to perfect "aerial spraying of liquids," like patent number 4412654, registered in November 1983: "A laminar microjet atomizer and method of aerial spraying involved the use of a streamlined body having a slot in the trailing edge thereof to afford a quiescent zone within the [airplane] wing and into which liquid for spraying is introduced."

Not to be outdone, a patent was filed in July 1986 detailing a "Liquid propane generator for cloud-seeding apparatus." The abstract reads: "Apparatus is provided for release of liquid propane from the holding chamber of a cloud-seeding rocket." A new and improved "liquid atomizing apparatus for aerial spraying" was patented in August 1990. "The generator is driven from a power take-off from the engine of the spraying aircraft, a drive assembly includes a device for controlling the speed of the generator relative to speed of the engine," reads patent number 4948050.

The breakup of the Soviet Union in the 1990s ushered in brave new opportunities in weather modification. The New York Times reported on September 24, 1992, that a Russian company was openly selling electronic equipment to manipulate the weather in a specific area. The Times noted that certain Russian farmers used the weather-control technology to alter the climate for better crop yields.

A little over a month later, the Wall Street Journal reported that Russian company Elate Intelligence Technologies Inc. was selling weather-control equipment using the slogan "Weather made to order." The Journal quoted Igor Pirogoff as saying that Hurricane Andrew, which did an estimated $17 billion in damage, could have been turned "into a wimpy little squall" by his company.

South Africa's Water Resource Commission admitted to being involved in the actual testing of "hygroscopic seeding particles from a seeding flare" in an October 1994 patent: "In a confidential technical trial which was conducted on a small isolated cloud formation above the Nelspriut area in the Transvaal province of the Republic of South Africa, two flares were ignited electrically from inside the aircraftto produce rain."

Russia's open selling of former Soviet military weather modification devices often made for interesting news stories. "Malaysia to battle smog with cyclones" is a headline in the November 13, 1997, Wall Street Journal. "The plan calls for the use of new Russian technology to create cyclones-the giant storms also known as typhoons and hurricanes-to cause torrential rains washing the smoke out of the air," the Journal reported.

By 1997, the great global reinsurance firms-the companies that insure the insurers, like the Swiss Reinsurance Company and Lloyd's of London-were complaining publicly of global warming and the added risk of climate-related insurance losses. Beating the drum in the U.S. for weather-modification technology to combat global warming was none other than the father of the H-bomb, Edward Teller. His public interest in the issue coincided with the December 1997 Kyoto Conference on global warming and greenhouse gas emissions.

In April this year, the New York Times described Teller as director emeritus of the Livermore Weapons Laboratory and "an ardent advocate of the Reagan administration's Star Wars anti-missile plan and, more recently, has promoted the idea of manipulating the earth's atmosphere to counteract global warming."

The U.S. Air Force admitted to CNN in July that it had broken up a storm over the Atlantic using products made by a company called Dyn-O-Mat. The company's website,, lists "environmental absorbent products" such as Dyn-O-Drought and Dyn-O-Storm.

As recently as November 13, another patent was filed outlining a "method of modifying weather." The abstract reads: "The polymer is dispersed into the cloud and the wind of the storm agitates the mixture causing the polymer to absorb the rain. This reaction forms a gelatinous substance which precipitate to the surface below. Thus, diminishing the cloud's ability to rain."

Sunbury resident Dan King remembers a stormy day in July when he was driving on a newly resurfaced section of I-71 and "the rainwater looked like dish soap water on the highway. I thought it was just from the resurfacing," he said, "but when I got out in the country I saw the same thing. Piles of suds at the side of the road."

The scientist who works at Wright-Patterson told Alive that barium stearate is basically a soap bonded to a metal and could have produced the soapy rain.

It's impossible to know which chemicals are being sprayed or for what reason since, according to the government, chemtrails don't exist. But, increasingly, government skeptics and other watchdogs are demanding to know if chemtrail spraying poses any health risks.

In his NEXUS New Times article, William Thomas wrote, "Chemtrails can cause drought by soaking up all available moisture, and drooping chemical curtains fall through vast colonies of UV-mutated bacteria, viruses and fungi living in the upper atmosphere. Could these malevolent micro-organisms be piggy-backing on the plumes?"

Hungary, England, Austria, Korea, China, Germany and Spain etc. have experienced the worst (artificially induced) torrents of flooding for centuries.

First published December 6, 2001 Copyright © 2001 Columbus Alive, Inc. All rights reserved.

Not Nature

what is this bullshit

01.09.2002 11:19

gizz a break jimmi


Rubbish !

01.09.2002 12:51

Everybody knows it was a conspiracy organised by Trotsky, Ghandhi, Julius Caesar, J F Kennedy, Martin Luther King and John Lennon. Well, can you prove it WASNT ? No, I thought not...

GH Gythuk

Give me a break!

01.09.2002 17:33

Pure Science Fiction.


conspiracy theorists are sick

01.09.2002 17:44

professional conspiracy theorists never sleep
They working 24 hours at day
You can found their posting on all 289 indy sites in 289 languages all over the continents of the Earth.
Themself being incontinent because they haven't time to anything else except pollute cyber spice with their Goebbels lies.

They are sick.
They need help.
Who believe them ?
Other sick people
