Liberty wants your photos
sk | 30.08.2002 13:47
Please note that we always need photographs for our newsletter and other publications. Finalist photos may also appear on these materials and will of course, be fully accredited.
We're looking for photographs which capture the essence of Human Rights in modern society. The best photo will feature prominently (and fully credited) on the relaunched site* and the winner will also receive a pack of Liberty publications and two tickets to The Human Rights Awards 2002.
We're open to ideas of what those images could be - but as a guide, think about the following:
- Surveillance - remote cameras, banks of monitors and CCTV, images of people through viewfinders, barcodes and scanners...
- Security - private security guards, armed police, tools of guards (batons, restraints), uniforms (armoured helmets, gloves, boots), armoured vehicles, barbed & razor wire, long high walls, closed gates, barriers, gated communities, (keep out, restricted area and other signs, fences, checkpoints, electronic locks).
- Protest - protestors and the policing of protests etc
- The 'system' - courts and government offices, mock-ups of ID cards and bureaucratic documents.
- Society - both negatives and positives: from empty streets or corridors, single figures on wide-open plazas, deserted playgrounds, faceless buildings .... to young people playing safely together, mixed age/gender/ race groups walking, talking, shopping, enjoying themselves, community policing, people talking happily to the police; etc etc.
Wherever possible, photos should be taken and submitted only with the consent of the subjects. Please tick the box to confirm that you HAVE OBTAINED THE CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE INVOLVED; and that if those people are too young to give informed consent, you have obtained parental consent [ ]
The photos should be submitted in .jpeg or .pdf format and each image needs to be a minimum of 600 x 600 pixels at 72dpi or 1 megabyte in size regardless of dimensions.
Send your entries to

Feel free to circulate this message to anyone you think may be interested.