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Guilty about racism

J Tyndall | 29.08.2002 23:50

Are we guilty of racism?

Time to Stop Feeling Guilty about being "Racist"
John Tyndall says that liberals have engaged in a "can't lose" debate over Britain

LAST MONTH the liberal establishment conducted one of its familiar debates about "racism" - a debate which in fact wasn't a debate at all!

It all began with a report published by a think-tank set up by the Runnymede Trust, in the first place with the approval of government ministers. According to the report, the word "British" is tainted with "racism", and the idea of the "British way of life" is a lie. The report called for a "rethinking of the national story and national identity" to reflect the views of Asian, Black and Irish people. The idea of the British Nation, it continued, was "deeply entwined" with race and therefore should be "symbolically written out of the national story."

This, understandably, brought a furious reaction from around the country. But, regrettably, it was chiefly articulated by politicians and journalists. What an outrage, they cried, to suggest that the word "British" has racist connotations! All races, they claimed, can share in "Britishness", and to back this up numerous newspapers trotted forward well-known members of ethnic minorities to say how "British" they felt themselves to be. A Daily Mail leader was typical, describing as British "the waves of people who have settled here, from the Saxons and Vikings to the Afro-Caribbean and Asian peoples of our own day."

In other words, either way the "anti-racists" win the argument. Racism is axiomatically bad; the only question to be decided is whether being patriotic and proud to be British is racist or not!

What we say
We beg to differ. First, we believe that patriotism and race feeling are not two separate and mutually exclusive things; on the contrary, they are inseparable. And as for Britishness, this is, equally, inseparable from British racial origins. Prior to recent Third World immigration, the waves of settlers coming to the British Isles were wholly European and, in the vast majority, indigenous to Northern Europe. Over the centuries, they blended and came to form a common British type - not difficult because their origins were extremely similar. Saxons, Vikings, Normans, Celts, Huguenots, Flemings - all these came from common European origins and are responsible for Britain's great achievements. There can be no comparison between these tribal groups and the Afro-Caribbeans and Asians who came later and brought with them vastly different - and incompatible - cultures. We believe that vital to the preservation of Britain's national identity is the preservation of the native English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish stocks which have gone to create that identity. And if to say this is "racist", so be it!

Racism no crime
So let's have done with this idea that to be a racist is some kind of crime - something of which we need to feel guilty. It's not so.

Of course, it's wrong to ill-treat a person on the grounds of their race; we're as much against this as any of the so-called "anti-racists". But that's something entirely different from being proud of our own race and wanting to preserve it.

And we'd better start thinking seriously about preserving the white British breed - because if we don't we're going to lose our country by the time the present century is out!

We can make a start by not being ashamed at being "racist". So the next time they call you this don't be apologetic; surprise them by looking them straight in the eye and saying: "So what?"

J Tyndall


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I'll look you straight in the eye pal

30.08.2002 00:12

and say you're totally in league with the status quo - you little creep - obsessesed with men in uniform with medals on their chests and little boys in shorts and healthy living. You're part of it.



30.08.2002 00:39

or nigger and jew wanna be's with attitude problems

Do us a favour, Nazi

30.08.2002 01:10

Shut up and stop polluting the newswire with your fascist crap!! It's bastards like you that give British people a bad name. To any 'coloured' person reading this, don't despair, the majority of 'whites' in this country are on your side, and I will say that the Asians, Afro-Carabbeans, and Orientals who live in this country have a right to be considered as British as white/European people.

But hang on, does it really matter if we are British or not? Not really, cause we are all one people, one race, with one common origin, in Africa.

Thomas J

America & The Brits Lost WW2

30.08.2002 01:44

Looks like the Brits lost WW2. You have been better off under a German government where balck savages would not be raping your daughters. Your streets would not have been over-run by black savages. Soon, your whole country will be consumed by these animals and that was the plan all along. You just have not figured it out yet. Here's why your country, and America are a multiracial cesspit


Multi culturism is genocide

20.07.2003 16:07

Western countries all over the world are now being over run by Third World immigrants. This has been policy for the best part of 50 years. In the UK, or more specifically England, we are set to become a minority in our own country by the end of this century. All minority cultures are promoted, yet the indigenous people are denied an identity, or the right of protest. The UN have admitted, due to falling birth levels, that Europe needs to absorb another 75 million people in the next generation or so - from where I wonder? The UN even has the gall to state that Europeans must stop thinking of themselves as a seperate people. This blatantly contravenes the UN genocide charter - indeed this policy is advocating genocide of the European peoples. What if this was happening in India or China?

If we're all one people, then why is there such obvious disparity between the races. Which race invented practically everything of a scientific, technological nature? If there were never any white people, do you think the world would be as advanced as it is now? This isn't racism, it's historical fact. By the way, have you seen the remains of Egyptian mummies - red hair & caucasian features. What does that tell you?

We are living in an age where free speech is stifled, and we cannot even protest at the forced changing of our culture without being vilified. This the culture that our ancestors built up over thousands of years, and we are intent on throwing it away in a frenzy of political correctness & post colonial guilt.

Multi culturalism is an imposition. Diversity is divisive, not a strength. What multi racial empire, or state ever survived? Indigenous peoples should have the right to self determination, which seems the only logical & natural solution. This isn't hatred for other races; it's common sense. I don't see why we should give up our ancestral homelands, in the name of this evil political doctrine.
