Colchester Radical Centre update
Bodie | 28.08.2002 11:38
We were all in court today and dispite our best efforts the ignorant right wing bastard judge Molle gave a posession order to capita. So this is the end of the road - or is it?
We haven't had the bailifs round yet and we aren't expecting them today. However, there will be a meeting in the centre this evening at 8 to decide what to do next. Capita want to leave the the building to go to ruin, we won't let that happen and we want to stay. If necissary we can barricade the basement and take enough food for a long stay, but we will decide that tonight. We are currently in the process of moving all valuable equipment out and any help would be appreciated. If you want to help or want any more information call 07986654583 or 07905477229
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