The truth about our national identity
Paul Golding | 27.08.2002 20:39
"All things in creation like to stick to their own kind, tigers with tigers, elephants with elephants, red ants with red ants, and black ants with black ants. And the white[s]..and black[s]..are totally different with different cultures, different natures, different tastes. Now that I know my own stature and culture I am free." These words were uttered by Muhammad Ali, the legendary black boxing champion.
When a retiring Conservative MP, Mr John Townend, stated that Britain's "homogeneous Anglo-Saxon" society was being undermined by immigration, he received the usual conditioned reflex of lies and smears from the politically correct anti-British mass media.
Yet when a pathetic little squirt resembling a garden gnome, going by the name of Robin Cook, stated that the British people are really a figment of our imaginations, and don't actually exist, he received praise from most journalists and sparked an orgy of lies and half-truths concerning the anthropological history of our nation from the bastions of the politically correct anti-identity movement. Let's inspect just some of those lies and demolish them one by one:
Britain is a nation of immigrants. Not true. According to DNA research by Oxford University's Professor Sykes, white people in Britain whose maternal grandmother was born here before 1948, are 99% descended from those who lived in these islands between 10,000 and 40,000 years ago! All the so-called 'immigrant groups' the multi-culturalists list, such as the Saxons, Angles, Celts and Normans were tribes of the same white race. The 'logic' to what they are saying is this: whites come to a white country, mix with white people and produce white people, and that makes us a mongrel race!
In any case, archaeologists are increasingly concluding that the invasions by these white European tribes involved only warrior elites who, with their tiny numbers, compared to the overall population, and by subsequently taking native wives, made very little genetic impact, however much they altered our culture and systems of government.
There are two things that make us what we are: Our ethnicity, and our nationality. Words such as Celt, Angle and Saxon, and in modern times, British, French and German, are all expressions of nationality, not ethnicity. Ethnically we are all part of the common European white race. Mixing within our ethnic group doesn't make the slightest difference; it is like tigers mixing with other tigers. Mixing across ethnic groups is, however, totally a different matter. And it has to be stated, the mass-immigration in the last fifty years has not been from peoples within our ethnic group, but from people of very different foreign ethnic groups.
The multiracial ‘experiment’ has gone too far to reverse it. Rubbish! The Government's own figures state that ethnic minorities are only 6-9% of the population. Even the latest census is likely to show them on only about 10%. This proportion, and the speed with which it is growing, are very worrying, but a prompt halt to further immigration, and the introduction of a sensible system of generous voluntary resettlement grants, could reduce the proportion to around 5% within a few years, and could keep it falling thereafter. The rush towards a non-white Britain will be stopped and reversed the moment the British people pluck up the courage to demand it and to organise to achieve it.
We need immigrants for our economy. Rubbish! Why does Britain, the country that started the industrial revolution and led the world for generations in technology, science and creativity, now need the help of immigrants to carry on? Why do we need to import more foreign workers when - on the old measures used before Labour's spin-doctors got to work - we have more than four million unemployed British workers in this country already? The answer is to retrain some of them, not bring in huge numbers of people who often can’t speak English. The talk of 'foreign computer experts' is a con, most of the newcomers are from places without reliable electricity, let alone computers.
We're all the same anyway! A very complex subject, but not true. If this were the case, then why does the British Medical Association appeal for in-group donors for organ transplants? Why is that blacks and Asians have to take Vitamin D supplements because of the climate in Britain, whereas whites don't have to? Why do blacks dominate some sports, while whites dominate others? Why is there so much scientific evidence for innate differences in behavioural patterns and intelligence? No sensible person believes that any race is 'superior' to another, but only a liberal fool can believe that we're all the same.
Curry. This is the most desperate argument used, and blown completely out of the water by the fact that it was the British in India who invented curry in the first place!
These are just a few of the mountains of lies used by the internationalists in their war against all forms of identity. In order to achieve the globalised, one-world, one-ethnic group and one-government society the liberal-left strive for, all forms of national and ethnic identity must be eradicated. This is why the likes of Cook, Blair and Hague repeat lies designed to undermine our sense of who we are and where we are from. The only force that can unite a population against exploitation by international big business is the patriotism that comes from a common identity. And, despite the efforts of the multiracialists, we still have this in Britain. Take my surname, for instance. The name Golding was brought to this land by the Saxons and can be traced back to around 800 AD. The likes of Mr Robin Cook may have an identity crisis, but I am proud of my rich British and white European heritage and roots and I am not going to betray them and my country to secure myself a place on the one-world gravy train, let alone for slavery on the global plantation.
With Tony Blair stating that he looks forward to the day when Britain has a black Prime Minister, while William Hague boasts that he looks forward to the day when Britain has an Asian Prime Minister, the only alternative to this betrayal is the British National Party, a party of British heritage, tradition and roots!
When a retiring Conservative MP, Mr John Townend, stated that Britain's "homogeneous Anglo-Saxon" society was being undermined by immigration, he received the usual conditioned reflex of lies and smears from the politically correct anti-British mass media.
Yet when a pathetic little squirt resembling a garden gnome, going by the name of Robin Cook, stated that the British people are really a figment of our imaginations, and don't actually exist, he received praise from most journalists and sparked an orgy of lies and half-truths concerning the anthropological history of our nation from the bastions of the politically correct anti-identity movement. Let's inspect just some of those lies and demolish them one by one:
Britain is a nation of immigrants. Not true. According to DNA research by Oxford University's Professor Sykes, white people in Britain whose maternal grandmother was born here before 1948, are 99% descended from those who lived in these islands between 10,000 and 40,000 years ago! All the so-called 'immigrant groups' the multi-culturalists list, such as the Saxons, Angles, Celts and Normans were tribes of the same white race. The 'logic' to what they are saying is this: whites come to a white country, mix with white people and produce white people, and that makes us a mongrel race!
In any case, archaeologists are increasingly concluding that the invasions by these white European tribes involved only warrior elites who, with their tiny numbers, compared to the overall population, and by subsequently taking native wives, made very little genetic impact, however much they altered our culture and systems of government.
There are two things that make us what we are: Our ethnicity, and our nationality. Words such as Celt, Angle and Saxon, and in modern times, British, French and German, are all expressions of nationality, not ethnicity. Ethnically we are all part of the common European white race. Mixing within our ethnic group doesn't make the slightest difference; it is like tigers mixing with other tigers. Mixing across ethnic groups is, however, totally a different matter. And it has to be stated, the mass-immigration in the last fifty years has not been from peoples within our ethnic group, but from people of very different foreign ethnic groups.
The multiracial ‘experiment’ has gone too far to reverse it. Rubbish! The Government's own figures state that ethnic minorities are only 6-9% of the population. Even the latest census is likely to show them on only about 10%. This proportion, and the speed with which it is growing, are very worrying, but a prompt halt to further immigration, and the introduction of a sensible system of generous voluntary resettlement grants, could reduce the proportion to around 5% within a few years, and could keep it falling thereafter. The rush towards a non-white Britain will be stopped and reversed the moment the British people pluck up the courage to demand it and to organise to achieve it.
We need immigrants for our economy. Rubbish! Why does Britain, the country that started the industrial revolution and led the world for generations in technology, science and creativity, now need the help of immigrants to carry on? Why do we need to import more foreign workers when - on the old measures used before Labour's spin-doctors got to work - we have more than four million unemployed British workers in this country already? The answer is to retrain some of them, not bring in huge numbers of people who often can’t speak English. The talk of 'foreign computer experts' is a con, most of the newcomers are from places without reliable electricity, let alone computers.
We're all the same anyway! A very complex subject, but not true. If this were the case, then why does the British Medical Association appeal for in-group donors for organ transplants? Why is that blacks and Asians have to take Vitamin D supplements because of the climate in Britain, whereas whites don't have to? Why do blacks dominate some sports, while whites dominate others? Why is there so much scientific evidence for innate differences in behavioural patterns and intelligence? No sensible person believes that any race is 'superior' to another, but only a liberal fool can believe that we're all the same.
Curry. This is the most desperate argument used, and blown completely out of the water by the fact that it was the British in India who invented curry in the first place!
These are just a few of the mountains of lies used by the internationalists in their war against all forms of identity. In order to achieve the globalised, one-world, one-ethnic group and one-government society the liberal-left strive for, all forms of national and ethnic identity must be eradicated. This is why the likes of Cook, Blair and Hague repeat lies designed to undermine our sense of who we are and where we are from. The only force that can unite a population against exploitation by international big business is the patriotism that comes from a common identity. And, despite the efforts of the multiracialists, we still have this in Britain. Take my surname, for instance. The name Golding was brought to this land by the Saxons and can be traced back to around 800 AD. The likes of Mr Robin Cook may have an identity crisis, but I am proud of my rich British and white European heritage and roots and I am not going to betray them and my country to secure myself a place on the one-world gravy train, let alone for slavery on the global plantation.
With Tony Blair stating that he looks forward to the day when Britain has a black Prime Minister, while William Hague boasts that he looks forward to the day when Britain has an Asian Prime Minister, the only alternative to this betrayal is the British National Party, a party of British heritage, tradition and roots!
Paul Golding
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