who really killed Holly Wells hidden factually incorrect
dh | 26.08.2002 22:27
No story to tell - huh? Well there was once and there is now - and while it's entirely suppositional it's important, cos once again the official line stinks. It's avenues of exploration - think of it as nothing more than that.
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Saw this storey today in the local newspaper
26.08.2002 23:24
Here is a piece of information that may be of some use to you. You may be able to tie it into something.
Below is the web page address to the Liverpool Echo:
This storey is rather strange to say the least.
e-mail: ?
Homepage: ?
thanx for that
27.08.2002 00:06
Tabloids jeopardise justice
27.08.2002 11:23
Jack's back
27.08.2002 12:52
dh: Intresting article, could be easy to write off as conspiracy nonsense, but the powers that be have certainly done shit in the past this is just as sinister and disturbing, (eg the Porton Down nerve gas experiments of the 1950s), so it pays to keep an open mind, especailly when the UK is doing all it can to back the USA and defend its public relations However, the "no story to tell yet" thing is not a censorship conspiriacy, even some mundane articles have fallen prey to this bug, it's all due to a vey unreliable system, report any bugs to imc-uk-tech@lists.indymedia.org
Peace/Solidarity, TJA
Thomas J
The Secret History
27.08.2002 13:14
I think we should avoid too many open statements as this can only mean pointing fingers with too little evidence. In fact, The contradictions are so glaring, they are enough to point themselves out. The more you look for one simple fact, the more complex the matter becomes, which is a sure sign.
Heroin o/d's just as likely
27.08.2002 20:19
However, the key point to bear in mind is that no cause of death has been established. Therefore, no one can be certain if the girls were killed - or died by misadventure. It is just as easy to speculate that the girls found or received then smoked heroin at or near Soham school, then o/d'd, following which the 'supplier' had two bodies to dispose of. In such a scenario (bored girls at the end of hols experimenting in boring Soham) it is hard to believe that anyone will eventually be convicted of murder - even manslaughter would be difficult to prove - still less of abducting (which needs a live victim).
It is very convenient for the police that Ian Huntley is currently in Rampton because he cannot attend court whilst 'unfit to plead'and thus the preliminary hearing cannot take place at which the lack of forensic evidence against him could be challenged. It is also convenient that Maxine Carr is only charged with perverting the course of justice - since, again, no challenge based on lack of forensics would be likely to persuade the court to dismiss the single charge against her.
The public appetite has been whipped into a frenzy by media reporting which damns two defendants as murderers and abductors without a shred of evidence. The media never learnt any manners, let alone sense, from the terrible miscarriages of justice as suffered by Stefan Kisko and the Tottenham Three - miscarriages which had at their root the need to arrest and attribute blame fast. The need to sentence first. Welcome back to Alice in Wonderland justice.
At least TRY to get your facts right..
27.08.2002 21:52
Wrong. Huntley and Carr were arrested, and charged with abduction and murder, before the bodies were found.
Furry Dave
e-mail: furry1dave@yahoo.com
here here to that
28.08.2002 21:54
29.08.2002 20:40
Thomas J
Oh it's gone
29.08.2002 20:45
Thomas J
The New Myra and Brady ?
30.08.2002 13:25
GH Gythuk