Cop’s widow in landmark case.
Jumping-Beans. | 26.08.2002 08:12
'REAL ESTATE FRAUD. Marketeer Dudley Quinlivan.
Property buyers are warned to be on their toes. They have been operating in Auckland N.Z.
The Gold Coast's image has taken a battering with allegations the property marketeers are making big profits at the expense of unsuspecting investors. Racketeering-where investment properties were sold to interstate and overseas investors using tactics including free holidays, investment seminars, street touting, and telemarketing-is not new. However, in recent times, marketeers have begun targeting the re-sale market, buying duplexes and townhouses on the cheap after telemarketing the owners, and then on selling them weeks later for reported profits of up to 50%.
"Sucker Kiwi’s “have found their investments worth 50% less than they paid. Mr. Dudley Quinlivan reported to be selling as many as 300 properties a month. The former bankrupt has denied so-called two-tiered marketing. Prices for the Gold Coast persons who know the prices and others from places further a field and may not. “It’s an old adage: 'a fool and his money are soon parted'. On the Gold Coast, you will find shyster lawyers, valuers, builders, and property agents.
'Often heard that every second person on the Gold Coast is a crook' and 45% have arrived from New Zealand. "Boiler-room swindles.” There is a parallel in the share scams in Bangkok, where Australians and New Zealanders have been relieved of millions of dollars by sending money overseas to buy shares, which were 'assured' will make big profits-tax free.
Time for a serious public education campaign, and not just in the [newspapers] finance pages, as the people being sucked in are unlikely to read those. In Queensland Australia if a purchaser does not settle on a high-rise unit by 5pm on the day of settlement their deposit is lost. No, provision for late settlement as in New Zealand. Sun City Resort Hotel a high rise in Surfers Paradise. A link arrived a day late and a call came through from the Sunland Group lawyers at Bundall, to the effect, the deposit was forfeited. 'It may be put it back on track'.
The phone, call being at 8/30 pm. A link was at the bar/restaurant Chateau Beach. The male lease said ‘I would not buy in Sun City’. ‘Why’ ‘Workers used to come in for lunch and said they were having pumping out problems, and the wiring was rough’. A unit valuation was then obtained being AUD 25 1000 under the settlement price.
In over 2 years off the building project, property prices fell. Never buy of the plan if you intend to purchase, unless you are a drug dealer or money to throw away. Learn the rackets, like Body Corp “scams”. An agent gave out a few of the swindles used.
The Bundall lawyers made it clear to our link that 'if he went public they would sue.’
A Cop from Melbourne cooked "electrocuted" in the Sun City Resort Hotel swimming pool. Five other persons felt tingles. One investor in Sun City advertised and took AUD 75 1000 losses just after settlement date. Off the plan named SUN CITY then SUN CITY RESORT then SUN CITY RESORT HOTEL. Cunning eh! It is all in the name.
A unit advertised by Jim Page as ‘SO SUN CITY’ $750 1000 at 34 level.
Clive Evended at 0414640458 has a Magnificent two + I bedroom at $525,000 neg.
Posted Saturday, December 08, 2001. Reading the White Knights files, the link recalls his Australian lawyer, in Cairns forwarded the contract documents to the Sunland Group agents on the Gold Coast.
When it returned a Mr. Sciacca acting as lawyer, that was unknown to him signed him on the contract. Not currently known, if Mr. Joe Sciacca is the one and same person. This matter resolved when his lawyer obtained further contracts, which of course run up his bill.
It is little wonder the kangaroo is on an Australian Territory flag, Airlines and one-dollar coins due to its bent tail. I have found that the compulsory clause 27a designed to show hidden fees and kickbacks and identify anyone benefiting from the sale, does not disclose payments to a finance broker, nor the Company’s commission. The new law may be missing the target. A “Bad Government.”
Cop’s widow in landmark case.
Monday, 26 August 2002.
TRAGEDY: The Outrigger Sun City Resort’s pool area where Victorian policeman Richard Vella (right) was electrocuted.
A WOMAN whose husband was electrocuted while she was pregnant will sue for the entire cost of raising the child.
In the landmark legal case, the Melbourne widow, who was holidaying on the Gold Coast with her husband at the time of the tragedy, also will launch proceedings aimed at recouping the entire salary the police officer would have earned during the lifetime.
Daniela Vella and her son Richard, 13 months, who was named after his dad, will be named as joint plaintiffs in the legal action to be launched in the Supreme Court later this year.
It is believed the action aimed at recouping parenting costs is the first of its kind in Queensland.
Mr. Vella, 30, a Victorian police constable, was electrocuted while holidaying at the Gold Coast’s Outrigger Sun City in November 2000. He died after rushing to help his wife, who had received a minor electric shock near the resort’s pool.
Mr. Vella pushed his wife into the pool but in saving her life received a fatal electric shock.
Michael McGarvie, a partner in law Holding Redlich, said it was likely Mrs. Vella and young Richard would launch their civil damages claim before a coronial inquest into her husband’s death due this year.
“Mrs. Vella and her son are claiming loss of dependency and seeking compensation for the loss of income support for the full duration of her husband’s working life,” Mr. McGarvie said.
Mrs. Vella will sue Tyco Asia Pacific Pty Ltd, owners of the company O’Donnell Griffin, which allegedly fitted electrical works in the pool area.
Mrs. Vella and her husband were holidaying with friends at the 40-storey, five-star resort in Surfers Paradise.
A friend dragged Mr. Vella from the pool, where the force of the shock threw him. A resident nurse gave assistance until ambulance officer arrived. Mr. Vella was taken to the Gold Coast Hospital but was pronounced dead soon after.
COMMENT: I understand Mrs. Helen Davis [Clark], during a visit to Australia, was expounding the virtues of the New Zealand ACC. Understand the law change, came about so that shyster lawyers would be unable to make a killing, and further those injured would receive sweet FA.
However, it provided employment for one of the lowest forms of life, the paper shuffling, foot shuffling, side stepping bureaucrats. I was reading where the Government spent some $40 million paying selected outsourcing legal firms to handle work that their paid bureaucrats were unable or unwilling to complete
Property buyers are warned to be on their toes. They have been operating in Auckland N.Z.
The Gold Coast's image has taken a battering with allegations the property marketeers are making big profits at the expense of unsuspecting investors. Racketeering-where investment properties were sold to interstate and overseas investors using tactics including free holidays, investment seminars, street touting, and telemarketing-is not new. However, in recent times, marketeers have begun targeting the re-sale market, buying duplexes and townhouses on the cheap after telemarketing the owners, and then on selling them weeks later for reported profits of up to 50%.
"Sucker Kiwi’s “have found their investments worth 50% less than they paid. Mr. Dudley Quinlivan reported to be selling as many as 300 properties a month. The former bankrupt has denied so-called two-tiered marketing. Prices for the Gold Coast persons who know the prices and others from places further a field and may not. “It’s an old adage: 'a fool and his money are soon parted'. On the Gold Coast, you will find shyster lawyers, valuers, builders, and property agents.
'Often heard that every second person on the Gold Coast is a crook' and 45% have arrived from New Zealand. "Boiler-room swindles.” There is a parallel in the share scams in Bangkok, where Australians and New Zealanders have been relieved of millions of dollars by sending money overseas to buy shares, which were 'assured' will make big profits-tax free.
Time for a serious public education campaign, and not just in the [newspapers] finance pages, as the people being sucked in are unlikely to read those. In Queensland Australia if a purchaser does not settle on a high-rise unit by 5pm on the day of settlement their deposit is lost. No, provision for late settlement as in New Zealand. Sun City Resort Hotel a high rise in Surfers Paradise. A link arrived a day late and a call came through from the Sunland Group lawyers at Bundall, to the effect, the deposit was forfeited. 'It may be put it back on track'.
The phone, call being at 8/30 pm. A link was at the bar/restaurant Chateau Beach. The male lease said ‘I would not buy in Sun City’. ‘Why’ ‘Workers used to come in for lunch and said they were having pumping out problems, and the wiring was rough’. A unit valuation was then obtained being AUD 25 1000 under the settlement price.
In over 2 years off the building project, property prices fell. Never buy of the plan if you intend to purchase, unless you are a drug dealer or money to throw away. Learn the rackets, like Body Corp “scams”. An agent gave out a few of the swindles used.
The Bundall lawyers made it clear to our link that 'if he went public they would sue.’
A Cop from Melbourne cooked "electrocuted" in the Sun City Resort Hotel swimming pool. Five other persons felt tingles. One investor in Sun City advertised and took AUD 75 1000 losses just after settlement date. Off the plan named SUN CITY then SUN CITY RESORT then SUN CITY RESORT HOTEL. Cunning eh! It is all in the name.
A unit advertised by Jim Page as ‘SO SUN CITY’ $750 1000 at 34 level.

Clive Evended at 0414640458 has a Magnificent two + I bedroom at $525,000 neg.


When it returned a Mr. Sciacca acting as lawyer, that was unknown to him signed him on the contract. Not currently known, if Mr. Joe Sciacca is the one and same person. This matter resolved when his lawyer obtained further contracts, which of course run up his bill.
It is little wonder the kangaroo is on an Australian Territory flag, Airlines and one-dollar coins due to its bent tail. I have found that the compulsory clause 27a designed to show hidden fees and kickbacks and identify anyone benefiting from the sale, does not disclose payments to a finance broker, nor the Company’s commission. The new law may be missing the target. A “Bad Government.”
Cop’s widow in landmark case.
Monday, 26 August 2002.
TRAGEDY: The Outrigger Sun City Resort’s pool area where Victorian policeman Richard Vella (right) was electrocuted.
A WOMAN whose husband was electrocuted while she was pregnant will sue for the entire cost of raising the child.
In the landmark legal case, the Melbourne widow, who was holidaying on the Gold Coast with her husband at the time of the tragedy, also will launch proceedings aimed at recouping the entire salary the police officer would have earned during the lifetime.
Daniela Vella and her son Richard, 13 months, who was named after his dad, will be named as joint plaintiffs in the legal action to be launched in the Supreme Court later this year.
It is believed the action aimed at recouping parenting costs is the first of its kind in Queensland.
Mr. Vella, 30, a Victorian police constable, was electrocuted while holidaying at the Gold Coast’s Outrigger Sun City in November 2000. He died after rushing to help his wife, who had received a minor electric shock near the resort’s pool.
Mr. Vella pushed his wife into the pool but in saving her life received a fatal electric shock.
Michael McGarvie, a partner in law Holding Redlich, said it was likely Mrs. Vella and young Richard would launch their civil damages claim before a coronial inquest into her husband’s death due this year.
“Mrs. Vella and her son are claiming loss of dependency and seeking compensation for the loss of income support for the full duration of her husband’s working life,” Mr. McGarvie said.
Mrs. Vella will sue Tyco Asia Pacific Pty Ltd, owners of the company O’Donnell Griffin, which allegedly fitted electrical works in the pool area.
Mrs. Vella and her husband were holidaying with friends at the 40-storey, five-star resort in Surfers Paradise.
A friend dragged Mr. Vella from the pool, where the force of the shock threw him. A resident nurse gave assistance until ambulance officer arrived. Mr. Vella was taken to the Gold Coast Hospital but was pronounced dead soon after.
COMMENT: I understand Mrs. Helen Davis [Clark], during a visit to Australia, was expounding the virtues of the New Zealand ACC. Understand the law change, came about so that shyster lawyers would be unable to make a killing, and further those injured would receive sweet FA.
However, it provided employment for one of the lowest forms of life, the paper shuffling, foot shuffling, side stepping bureaucrats. I was reading where the Government spent some $40 million paying selected outsourcing legal firms to handle work that their paid bureaucrats were unable or unwilling to complete