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AWiP UK | 25.08.2002 07:42

AWIP UK is a new organisation that is seeking to draw together all the
groups and individuals who are thinking for themselves and making informed
choices to influence all the big issues facing our world.

AWIP UK is a new organisation that is seeking to draw together all the
groups and individuals who are thinking for themselves and making informed
choices to influence all the big issues facing our world.
This will include anarchists, the millions who don't vote in elections,
people who seek out the best original ideas/music/art/films/books,
socialists, greens, and those are just not prepared to accept that there is
no alternative.
We have no political line and endorse no particular view on how the better
world can be acheived, except that it won't happen until all those people
that believe in it come together.

We are currently planning a public meeting to discuss these issues (date and
venue to be confirmed) please send an email to to be
involved in further discussion

be cynical, be suspicious, be cautious but be involved

- e-mail:


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it's about time

25.08.2002 08:00

YES! It's about time we stopped worrying about fighting amongst ourselves and joined together with the millions of people who, like us, think that it's time for a change. there are millions of people each isolated living their own lives who together could form a powerful social / economic / political group for real change. you might not like the phrase ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE or the social forums but it neatly sums up the need for a mass movment to counter the slef satisified political / economic status quo.


lets do it

25.08.2002 14:03

brilliant idea, this is exactly what we need to really move forward. i for one do feel isolated not wishing to join the likes of GR/SWP or the S.A. we need to get organised but we do not need the agendas of any political group. Lets make this happen, hopefully as a network of groups across the uk.


Excellent Idea

26.08.2002 10:16

Execellent proposal. The SWP so clearly want to monopolise through Globalise Resistance, but have nevertheless done a lot of good work organisationally, and created a publoic space for discussing anti-capitalism. But the monopolist tendency remains politically irresistible. The anarchist critique of this is attractive for anybody inspired by non-hierarchial, libertrarian politics but is sometimes so over the top that it creates a sectarian culture that rubbishes all organisation, any alliances. A broad, inclusive 'Another World is Possible' initiative could be a really exciting option for those many inspired and empowered by anti-capitalism.



26.08.2002 20:34

If you want to to distinguish yourself from the supposedly SWP-dominated organisation Globalise Resistance, why use one of their main slogans as your name?



27.08.2002 12:56

Yes! I look forward to getting involved in this too!

And Mike, 'AWiP' is not a 'SWP slogan', but one that has been used by groups campaigning against neo-liberalism for many years. When this movement broke on to the mainstream, and the media hailed the 'anti-capitalist movement' after London June 18th 1999, the SWp leapt on the the bandwagon.

The term to 'globalise resistance' isn't even a SWP invention. Have a look at the picture on -- organised by a Dutch anarchist collective that has been going a long time!
