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Australian imigration minister incites global conflict.

mabo | 24.08.2002 23:01

Stirring up hatred predjudice and division.

Not content with creating the most horrific division in the Australian community since the Indo China conflict, Mr. Ruddock, the Australian minister for imigration, multicultural and indigenous affairs, has been spreading the word for some time, along with the properganda.
Just exactly why Mr.Ruddock would wish to attempt to persuade the rest of the world to follow him on such an obvious and desperate trampling of human rights, is open to considerable speculation.
Is it simply pure racism gone to extreme?
Or maybe he believes his ego will be protected if he can get some other rougue state on side?
One thing appears certain, if all nations were to impliment the ruddock-howard-solution and prevent the persecuted from seeking asylum, it would effectively shred the refugee conventions, the Declatation on Human Rights, the convention on the rights of the child, and the international recognition of the inate dignity of all human beings.
The alleged "People smuglers" are a complete and utter fabrication.
Perhaps Mr Rudduck hope's that if he can get the world on side, he might avoid the inevitable prosecutions for crimes against humanity. But Mr. Ruddock being seemingly a complete fool is only getting himself into hotter water.
For his actions in the global arena, the world will point to Mr. Rudock as the mastermind behind a campaign of terror that will make osama appear as a saint by comparison.
There are a lot of lawyers eyeing ruddock from all corners of the globe.
It is only a matter of time before one of them steps up to him and says, do you accept service of this summons Mr.Ruddock?

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Pacific alliance in works to replace NATO

26.08.2002 15:49

Australia is in a position to speak about world events because it is Australia and not Europe which America will need in the future. As Europeans make more unreasonable trading troubles in America's backyard and refuse to pay ANY of the 600 million dollars (America currently pays for nothing)--for US forces to protect a hopeless europe; plans are already being made to shore up America's future. A replacement for nato is already in the offing.

As the joke that is europe and nato dies, America's focus is going to China, the Pacific rim and Latin America. To shore up future trade and military needs a military alliance between Japan, Australia, and the US is being constructed.

All three of these nations together will be signed a pledge for mutual defense in the future and to give special attention to China's needs. Taiwan will be, upon the creation of this "Pacific Alliance" considered an "inalienable part of China" in exchange for the peaceful reunification of a free Korea.

After publicly declaring a new military alliance to suit America's military and trade needs, and after giving China to written olive branch of peace by declaring Taiwan an inalienable part of China; Australia Japan and the US will pool resources and politicians to the cause of keeping European trouble-making abilities OUT of America's future back yard.

The beauty of the Pacific Alliance is that no American will be required to place large numbers of troups in either Japan or Australia to abide by the military arrangement. Focusing on common goals and Australia's great success in getting Japanese markets; America's strong Latino population will provide the last remaining thread from America to Australia to Japan to China.

Europe is the past and the pacific rim is America's greatest hot spot militarily and economically. The time is now to let europe breath it's last. We, Australia and the US are never beholden to Europe.


Australian IMigration frought, coruption, exploitation,

15.08.2005 20:24

I am about to kick as , and do so with out self intrest, ask me why I am at war with Australian Imigration, if your media I like to hear from you, my experiance ought to be told,
as you said , bin laden is a sweethart compared by my dispice. the Australian Imigration has had the brutality to for long. I have now a tool that can be used to put them in place.
ones and for all, are you in? or out? sponsers are welcome, I beleave they will comply in time , unles there complete fools, I am colecting intrested partys, who like to have the opertunity to gain a better live, witch is each there right. I beleave I can achive this, but must cooroperate with intrested people, my fee off US$98., is only payed when visa is granted so there is no risk, this is not agend fee but cost of my tool to inforse multy entry to Australia.
fisit only one year multy entry only , no gain no pain. I have a good live, so why should I bother, well I do, becouse the Australian Imigration are instegators off terorism, I have proof off this. thank you yours truely oswald O mention my name there no who I am,

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