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Canalside Breaks Promise to Tenants

Hackney IWCA | 22.08.2002 14:32

Canalside tenants voice their anger at broken promises. Tenants voted a couple of years ago to transfer to a private landlord and are now facing the consequences.

Canalside Breaks Promise to Tenants

Tenants in Haggerston transferred from Hackney Council to Canalside Housing Association are angry that it has broken a rent guarantee promise made before council tenants voted to privatise their homes. They have decided to increase rents for new tenants by £10.00 per week.

“This decision … breaks the rent guarantee promised before the transfer vote. It is an attack on some of the poorest in our community; homeless families moving out of bed and breakfast,” say Canalside Board reps Nick Strauss and Sheila Seabury in a letter to the Hackney Independent.

Canalside have also decided to use at least 47 homes for a “key worker” scheme. These schemes are supposed to ensure affordable housing in London for “key” workers. Canalside propose rent increases of £50.00 per week for these flats.

“This is bad for people waiting for housing in Hackney, bad for Canalside tenants waiting for transfers and bad for key workers.”

“There is no excuse for turning 47+ social housing units transferred from Hackney with around £19,000 Social Housing Grant per home, into homes for key workers instead of allocating them to people on the waiting list.”

“For key workers, renting a [1 bed] flat for over £500.00 per month does not address their need for secure, decent and affordable housing. We believe that these financially driven proposals will bring Canalside into disrepute. It is our duty as tenant representatives to publicly oppose them.”

“We call on tenants and residents to support the campaign by Haggerston, Whitmore, Kingsland (HaWK) TRA against these plans for higher rents for our future neighbours.”

Messages of support, or requests for further information should be sent to HaWK TRA at 179 Haggerston Road, E8 4JA.

(Nick Strauss is a tenant on Haggerston Estate and Sheila Seabury a tenant on Whitmore Estate.)

Hackney IWCA
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Oh no the IWCA

23.08.2002 18:39

It is sad that the struggle to improve the lives of those living on the estates in Hackney continues to be undermined by the proto-SWP types in the IWCA on one side and developers & Hackney COuncil on the other.
I agree with much of what the IWCA bases it campaigns around, but sadly too many members seem to be sheep following the herd in as unimaginative way as possible. One member was recently expelled from a local community led initiative for being obnoxious to local staff , including threatening peoples jobs and sexually harrasing a member of staff.
Though the IWCA supporter concerned is a vocal supporter of many a good fight for the rights of locals he was seen to be a hypocrite when he had some power. Right-wing, left-wing they're all the fXXking same.

Steve B

Response to SteveB

16.08.2003 09:56

You're talking out of your arse Steve. I know who you're referring to and he has never been a member of our organisations. He supports a lot of stuff we do but then so do many people. By all accounts the charges laid against him were overblown and exaggerated. Get back off your soapbox and back into the Bacchus.

a Hackney IWCA person
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