reminder of the 2 keys to "Sept 11"
C | 22.08.2002 13:43
1. Advance Planning
On September 9th, a top-secret formal National Security Presidential Directive was passed to the White House for presidential approval. This directive contained the strategy for the "war on terrorism" launched 2 days later, according to NBC's Jim Miklaszewski. According to the May 16th NBC report "The plan dealt with all aspects of a war against al-Qaida, ranging from diplomatic initiatives to military operations in Afghanistan, the sources said on condition of anonymity. In many respects, the directive, as described to NBC News, outlined essentially the same war plan that the White House, the CIA and the Pentagon put into action after the Sept. 11 attacks. The administration most likely was able to respond so quickly to the attacks because it simply had to pull the plans "off the shelf" ". This news report, quite unable to draw any explicit conclusions, finished nicely with " Such directives are top-secret documents that are formally drafted only after they have been approved at the highest levels of the White House, and represent decisions that are to be implemented imminently."
2. The source of the anthrax
The importance of the fact that the anthrax used in September's attacks came from the U.S.'s own biological weapons program can hardly be overstated, since it is irrefutable forensic proof that the biological element of the terrorism came from within the most inner and secret regions of the American military-industrial complex.,,3-292197,00.html
It is clear that the fact that the anthrax was traced represents a major miscalculation on the part of the world's first bio-terrorists. The original intention had been to use the anthrax attacks to justify attacking Iraq, and in the early days of the anthrax panic the CIA were briefing journalists that Mohammed Atta had got the anthrax from an Iraqi agent in Prague. But certain leading US scientists, perhaps to everybody's surprise, began to break ranks in October, initially protesting about the destruction of evidence which occured on October 10th, just 5 days after the first anthrax death, when Iowa State University in Ames destroyed all its anthrax stocks, with, naturally, FBI approval. (The anthrax later turned out to be the "Ames strain".)
These scientists then began to voice their opinion that the anthrax could only have been produced in the U.S., something which quite quickly ceased to be denied. Some, such as Barbara Rosenberg, chairman of the Federation of American Scientists Working Group on Biological Weapons, have since publically stated their view that the FBI don't want to catch the perpetrator, or perpetrators, ( for example, as of February 8th 2002, the FBI had still not even subpoenaed employee records of the labs where Ames strain anthrax is worked with), and Rosenberg has even gone so far as to reveal that the CIA recently 'researched' sending anthrax through the mail, while Dr. Ronald Atlas, president-elect of the American Society of Microbiologists, has said the FBI are looking for an individual, when they should be looking for a group of people. We cannot expect any stronger hints than these from people whose careers, if not more, are at stake, and frankly I am surprised that they have gone as far as they have.,1520,653082,00.html
Rosenberg's own analysis can be found at -
Nevertheless the memory of the anthrax has been successfully soothed away, to the extent that it has not even been found necessary to produce a scapegoat, although the FBI and the media have of course made it clear that while they don't know who did it, it was certainly a lone individual, pursuing a strictly personal agenda. The practice of referring to the terrorist attacks as "September 11" or "9-11" shows how successfully the biological terrorism was eased from consciousness once it turned into proof of U.S. involvement.