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now open

tom | 22.08.2002 07:54

Now open- LaRC

Lancaster Re-Source Centre (La.R.C.) is a space for anyone concerned about the mad state our planet is in and wants to meet like-minded people to share a positive vision of our future. La.R.C. is an autonomous, non-hierarchical space. Come along for a cuppa fair trade tea and read some subversive literature or just hang out or plot and dream…

Current activities:
- Wombles litter pick
- Kinamatagraph (video screenings)
- Chemical Reaction (campaign against local polluter Acordis)
- Lancaster Seed Savers
- Tree planting

We are trying to start:
- Local group of ‘food not bombs’
- Anti Sellafield/nuclear campaign

You can join in or start something new. We also have info, space for community meetings, children’s play area (cos we all are), Internet access etc.

Open Wednesdays 12-7pm
78a Penny St.
(Below Single step/Whale tale café)
Tel- 01524-383012



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12.09.2002 16:26

Rock on, that's cool.



24.09.2002 14:55

Glad to see stuff going on in lancaster. Good luck with it all.
Which reminds me - the council there are threatening
to close the Musicians Co-op down. The co-op has
been going 15 years and has provided rehearsal space, advice and recording facilities as well as a centre for
musical activity in the area. Without this treasure the young and disenfranchised of the area will be lacking an amazing resource that has helped me and countless others find an alternative to Mac Jobs and plastic fun pubs.
more info at

rock on.


Next Lancaster IMC meeting

21.04.2003 23:04

Next meeting is 7pm Tuesday 29th April 2003 in the L.A.R.C (Basement), Penny Street, Lancaster.


Might just make it

30.05.2003 10:22

Tom, let me know about the food not bombs, I would be definately up for it and I know lancaster would be too!
