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Welsh ISP hosts Muslim fundimentalists

@lex | 22.08.2002 00:32

From, much of the material is redirected to sites at Who is query reveals host as described below.

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Last Updated:
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Hide the following 8 comments


22.08.2002 00:45

What's the problem with this website and/or provider?


what is ISP ?

22.08.2002 02:23

what a problem?
who is ISP ?
nite nite comrads


Islam is not our enemy

22.08.2002 04:31

Hello. I am an atheist, an anti-capitalist, feminist and queer liberationist who wants to defend the rights of the Islamic minority.

This is because in the UK many working class Asian people have suffered from a history of racism. This means bad housing, shit jobs or unemployment and police brutality at levels far worse than for white working class people.

In France it is the North Africans and in Germany it is the Turkish who are treated as the scapegoats. Before Muslims took the blame it was the Jews.

This is part of the system of Imperialism, whereby western countries have controlled, impoverished and humiliated third world peoples.

Islam, the religion of many of these peoples, has been denigrated as inferior, backward and fanatical, as part of this racism and imperialism.

But if you try to suppress the religious identity of an oppressed people, then they will hold on to it more. This is why for many people Islamicist spiritual, social and political movements have become a focal point of resistance to domination and exploitation.

I don't believe that religion can carry forward humanities great struggle for liberation. But I do think we must defend the Muslim minority from persecution in Europe.

I have heared some anarchists equate Islam with Fascism, as if they were equal enemies of our liberation. Worldwide while some Islamicist movements are fascist, most are not.

In any country, the real threat of fascism and intolerance comes from hate groups that claim to speak for the dominant racial or ethnic group.

In the UK the main threat to liberty and equality comes from groups like the BNP, with their fascist politics of white racial nationalism.

Their advance will inevitably provoke a reaction. This will come from different groups to whom fascism poses a mortal threat - social protest movements, Asian and Black communities, Trades Unionists, free thinkers...

If some 'anarchists' are running around calling Asian youth who have Islam as their religion 'fascists', then they will sow division and confusion.

I want to unite with Asian people against fascism, racism and war. The fact that they may be Muslims is not a big deal. I unite with Christians, Seiks, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and atheists too!

If all the forces of freedom and equality can unite, they can defeat and push back the fascist BNP and the racists. This can then open the way to more understanding and somthing new for us all.

The choice for Asian youth will then no longer be between assimilation into a dominant racist culture or retreat into a reactionary religious culture. We can create a new culture for a new times!


swp [party line

22.08.2002 08:46

re-sista, sounds like an swp line, straight from central committee, eh, get into bed with the fundamentalists as they have a religion based on being oppressed.Well, no thank you,the extremes of Islam as well as the extremes of any other religion including christian fundamentalism are dangerous and antithetical to human right and basic respect for one another.


no need for censorship

22.08.2002 11:38

muslim fundamentalists are as bad as them GOOD OUL BOY KKK HICKS, zeb spiders caught a fly fukwits and the BNP SEX OFFENDERS, despite this they still have a right to have their own websites, religious convictions and to say whatever they want, i'm all for people to have a right to express their views without censorship, there should be no censorship, if you have to censor than your not allowing people to debate and argue freely.


Islamic fundamentalism

22.08.2002 15:10

Re-sista, we should differentiate between Muslims and member of islamic fundamentalist organisations. You seem to think there is no important difference.

Of course ordinary Muslims should not be discriminated against, but that does not mean that fundamentalists who shout "death to Jews and queers" should not be attacked.

Matt (A)
- Homepage:

bzzzt! I smell double standards..

22.08.2002 16:17

Interesting that I've never seen a posting calling for the ISPs that host various BNP/NF sites to be "smashed".

Could it be that some people find reactionary Asians more offensive and upsetting than white Nazis?


doubt censorship is best way, necessarily

22.08.2002 19:42

surely the most direct way to take action though is against voices of these jehadis. Targeting web-pages of jehadis is likeable to targeting them physically, can it be seen as censorship though? This is a major question I have, and would welcome other peoples views. This is incidentally why I disagree with no plATFORM anti-fa. As long as they agree to let US speak, we should agree to let THEM speak. Only let them look at me threateningly tho, and I annihilate them (only in hypothetical-non existent situatuions, guv!)
By letting them talk we can (hopefully) expose them for the morons that Jehadis, Nazis and some Lefties are.
The reason MI5/6 doesn't shut them (as queried by JR Galt) isn't incidentally because they have been infiltrated by Islamic Jihad! it is because if they shut down Welsh ISP then they lose an insight into group's workings, they also lose the backdoor that UK server admits them into the website management (to read emails, view source data for photos etc).
Matt (A) I agree with you 100%
Sceptical-working on it!

'Though I may disagree with what you say, I will defend to death your right to say it' Tacitus

Sources: Where have the Jehadi sites gone by @lex

UK guy indicating western hosting of Jehadis
