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Argentina- Asamblea Popular Anfiteatro la Floresta

Asamblea Popular Anfiteatro la Floresta | 21.08.2002 04:53

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Argentina- Asamblea Popular Anfiteatro la Floresta
Argentina- Asamblea Popular Anfiteatro la Floresta

As you may know,after a popular revolt overthrow the De la Rua's goverment during the 19 and 20 of Dicember 2001, in Buenos Aires capital city a lot of people started to organizate themselves in "asambleas populares" (popular assembly).
We, the Asamblea Porpular Anfiteatro la Floresta, invite you to visit our web site where you can find a lot of information about the assembly movement and other anti-capitalist social movements as the "piqueteros" (unnemployed-road blockers), etc.
The picture above is from December 20th of 2001, there you can see the people resisting police represion.
You can get more pictures in indymedia argentina:
Remember visit our web site:

Asamblea Popular Anfiteatro la Floresta
- Homepage:


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the photo

21.08.2002 05:00

the photo
the photo

The missing photo!!!!!!!

Asamblea Popular Anfiteatro la Floresta

More photos

21.08.2002 05:22

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More photos

more photos of December 20th

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More photos

21.08.2002 05:22

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more photos of December 20th

Asamblea Popular Anfiteatro la Floresta
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21.08.2002 05:22

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more photos of December 20th

Asamblea Popular Anfiteatro la Floresta
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21.08.2002 05:22

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more photos of December 20th

Asamblea Popular Anfiteatro la Floresta
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21.08.2002 05:22

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more photos of December 20th

Asamblea Popular Anfiteatro la Floresta
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21.08.2002 05:22

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more photos of December 20th

Asamblea Popular Anfiteatro la Floresta
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21.08.2002 05:22

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more photos of December 20th

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21.08.2002 05:22

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more photos of December 20th

Asamblea Popular Anfiteatro la Floresta
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More photos

21.08.2002 05:22

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More photos

more photos of December 20th

Asamblea Popular Anfiteatro la Floresta
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De la Rua's Scape

21.08.2002 05:26

De la Rua's Scape
De la Rua's Scape

This is president De la Rua scaping from the goverment house while there was a popular rebelion figthing in the streets against the police in order to reach Plaza de Mayo.
Remember to visit our site:

Asamblea Popular Anfiteatro la Floresta
- Homepage:

Is there an English version?

21.08.2002 15:23

Is there/will there be an English translation of the site?

in solidarity.


We dont have it

22.08.2002 07:09

We are very sorry but we dont have an English version of the page, maybe we work for it but we have a lot to do here.
We are really greatfull for your solidarity and we support any anticapitalist movement there in UK and in the world.
All united for the socialist world

Asamblea Popular Anfiteatro la Floresta