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Caterpillar: demolishing peace (by Latuff)

Latuff | 20.08.2002 02:00

Caterpillar Campaign

Caterpillar: demolishing peace (by Latuff)
Caterpillar: demolishing peace (by Latuff)

The SUSTAIN Campaign, Free Palestine Alliance, and the Berkeley Students for Justice in Palestine sent a letter to the Caterpillar Corporation on June 24 asking that they halt all sales of equipment to the Israeli Occupation Forces.

As of July 8, we had not received any response from Caterpillar. Therefore we have decided to launch a campaign to expose Caterpillar's complicity in Israel's war crimes and pressure them to meet our demand of stopping all sales to the IOF.

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Let's all support this campaign!

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American Allies?????

20.08.2002 03:08

I am so sick of this evil Zionist Israel, sick I tell you! All the billions of our US. tax dollars go to support this evil regime. And all the capitalist pigs such as Caterpillar that profit from it. We are told that these demons are our allies. And I say the cow jumped over the moon! Because this propaganda is nothing but a fairy tale! Americans, as well as Brit's have fought in the Korean War, Vietnam, and the Gulf War. I don't recall Israel offering a squadron, or even medical personel to any of these theaters! I equate Zionism to Satanism, along with my so called government. And believe me when I say this 9/11 is total BUSH*T!!!! And so is Israel!

Vish Varnay