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Cliffords Tower shopping mall development.

Dave Gorman | 19.08.2002 22:10

Stop the shopping mall development at Clifford's Tower in York. sign our online petition.

The Public Inquiry into the shopping mall proposal at Clifford's Tower, in York, England, ended in blackmail and intimidation when the City of York Council's barrister threatened citizens of York with punitive costs if their objections were not withdrawn.

Legal avenues of protest have now closed with the end of the Public Inquiry. We await the Inspector's ruling, but in the meantime, we fight on.

Please see the new online petition linked from this page, which was set-up by some American supporters of our campaign to stop the building of this tawdry shopping mall at one of York's most sensitive historic locations.
Please add your voice to the international body of protest.

Dave Gorman
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