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no smoke without fire

babsdebrawl | 19.08.2002 21:42

it has emerged that the respectable pillar of society school caretaker ian huntley{nixon} who was arrested with his fiancee Maxine Carr had been previously charged with rape in lincolnshire.

seemingly respectable pillar of society soham school caretaker Ian huntley had previously been charged with rape in lincolnshire. Ian huntley who cultivated an air of respectability and authority about himself(he always wore a tie and shirt, according to one neighbour), was well known in his local area of Grimsby, Lincolnshire, and had a reputation and perchant for underage girlfriends and authortarian violence. authortarian loner huntley/nixon who was a blood and thunder enthusiast was arrested along with his submissive fiancee classroom assistant Maxine Carr on suspiscion of abducting and murdering missing soham school girls Holly and Jessica. Ian huntley hailed from Grimsby, near Grantham hometown of notorious right wing authortarian lunatic Margerate thatcher. The fictional town of Roysten Vasey was rumoured to have been based on the tighnit inbred lincolnshire townfolks which produced the likes of maggie thatcher and Ian huntley .



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Well spotted

19.08.2002 22:24

The murder of Holly and Jessica has served a purpose in focussing attention on what's really going on. If Royston Vasey is the world, then Papa lazarou is the real controller


local news for local people

19.08.2002 22:36

roysten vasey is not the world, it is only based on the good old boy kkk hick towns in south east england/lincolnshire. dont forget local news for local people.


you want to join some dots?

19.08.2002 22:59

Try this


try this

19.08.2002 23:19

in fact


painstaking research

20.08.2002 19:40

i painstakingly researched Ian Huntley/Nixon's background, thralling through every local lincolnshire paper, this is grimsby, this is scunthorpe etc, untill bingo, there it was the clue/key and motive behind the abduction and murder of Jessica and Holly. do it yourself and you'll find the same information eventually. All of which i've written can be verified factually. A very sad story for Jessica and Holly, which could have been avoided and prevented if only the authorities had done the same simple research.


the authorities should have joined the dots

20.08.2002 19:44

if only the authorities had bothered to join the fukin dots, Jessica and Holly would not be dead.



20.08.2002 22:22

One arrested for murder and potentially disappeared with Mental Health Act sectioning already. How convenient is that!


USAF airbase Lakenheath is right there

20.08.2002 22:37

Another covered vortex. Many strange goings on


Death Row

20.08.2002 23:15

While emotions are running high, that other pillar (pillock) of society, Littlejohn, calls for reinstating death by hanging, paedophiles first, anti-social behaviour next. Another regressive step into Medieval feudalism.

Mme Guillotine

death penalty only for child murderers

22.08.2002 10:37

the death penalty should only be allowed for all child murderers and child sex abusers should be locked up for life. if they kept them in prison indefinitely that would be ok



22.08.2002 13:32

So tell us again how when the ones that are later found to be innocent they are released from jail after they've been hanged?


Huntley and Carr

17.11.2003 12:09

Hi I'm researching for backround piece to run at the end of the trial. In particular looking at their lives in Grimsby. How they developed and what they were like.
The impact their actions had on the town etc. I would be very interested in talking to you.

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