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England overtakes Germany (new laws for asylum seekers)

Werner Gross | 18.08.2002 12:19

In the new laws for asylum seekers there are new steps/aspects in it, so England takes leadership for perhaps worse treatment of asylum seekers in the EU

(from a German emigrant who has been living since 1 year in Manchester).

In last years England was a humane country for asylum seekers in comparison to other European countrie.

But this changes.

What it looks --- with his new laws -- England will overtake many other countries under this Germany too.

And what the whole makes sad more,
in this new laws - there seem to be new steps / new aspects for a worse treatment of asylum seekers.
The leader of this new,worse steps is England and the other EU-countries will follow these new, worse steps probably.

Moreover sade also make --- it seemed other (humane) ways were not searched (taken into consideration)- it looked like one only wanted to go the hard (inhumane/brutal ??) way.

Werner F. Gross, Manchester
member of the community "Defenders of BASIC Human Rights within the EU".

Werner Gross
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18.08.2002 14:30

if u say so



18.08.2002 17:13

"Moreover sade also make --- it seemed other (humane) ways were not searched (taken into consideration)- it looked like one only wanted to go the hard (inhumane/brutal ??) way. "
Wot's the Marquis de Sade got to do with it? Most asylum seekers and economic migrants must be masochists then, since they go to extraordinary lengths to "flee" here from other perfectly safe European countries....



20.08.2002 02:08

Spot on, Whatever. The asylum seekers and "economic migrants" are indeed masochists, to leave other European countries for an overcrowded, overpolluted shit-hole like Britain.

bazza Mackenzie


15.12.2003 17:28

I wish to confirm with you the rights of an asylum seeker. Is it not stated that an asylum seeker should do so in the first country they arrive whilst escaping oppression or inhumane circumstances. Could you please explain why Britain receives any asylum seekers or for that matter why Germany or France do. The position of these countries is such that no asylum seeker can claim to have landed on the shores of any of these countries first especially not Britain as it is north of mainland Europe. Therefore these laws will ensure that the British public are undeservedly taxed for asylum seekers who have no right to be in our country. This would not be the case is there were asylum seekers from Norway or France or Germany as it is viable that Britain would be the first country but many asylum seekers are from Africa and Asia.

I look forward to your reply on this matter

Simon Bennett

SImon Bennett
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