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Real Countryside Alliance = ALF psy op

Gordon Bennett | 16.08.2002 21:20 | Animal Liberation

The Real Countryside Alliance is an animal liberation psy-op designed to discredit the Countryside Alliance

The Real Countryside Alliance is a cleverly mounted animal liberation psy-op calculated to discredit the Countryside Alliance by mounting incompetent and inappropriate operations against useless and counter-productive targets.

The development of the Real Countryside Alliance as a spoiler tactic shows a new level of deviousness in the animal rights movement.

Gordon Bennett


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18.08.2002 10:46

You haven't included any.

G the R

Ha ha, good "theory"

09.12.2003 13:07

Shame you don't have any evidence, as already noted.
However, evidence DOES exist of hunters faking attacks to discredit the animal rights movement - remember the case in June 1990?
Hunt supporter John Newberry-Street gained much animal rights publicity when a nail-bomb was found under his Land Rover. Further investigation revealed that he had planted the bomb himself and he later told police "I did it to discredit the animal rights saboteurs". He was jailed for nine months for his bomb hoax and asked for several other similar offences to be taken into account.
