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Belfast July 2002: Photo Essay

Diane Greene Lent | 16.08.2002 19:40

Summer in Northern Ireland means the Orange Order Marching Season, which brings an increase in Sectarian violence, most of it perpetrated on Catholic residents by Loyalist paramilitary. A constant barrage of bombs and projectiles are thrown over the Interface walls at their homes and thousands of police and army troops and unequal measures of surveillance will be in their communities. I spent 10 days in the Catholic neighborhood of Ardoyne in North Belfast.

Belfast July 2002: Photo Essay
Belfast July 2002: Photo Essay

Diane Greene Lent
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Good, but...

17.08.2002 12:55

I good view of the situation for the Roman Catholic/Nationalist side of the fence - although the picture showing Loyalist supporters free to move around seems to show them hemmed in as much as the protesters on the other side. Also, the report of planned violence by Nationalists in the Ardoyne was largely accepted as truth - it was neat PR to have a fully peaceful demo (and to be applauded). The Loyalists never seem to get their ass in gear to do this kind of thing to show their side of the story, and if they do they shoot themselves in the foot with overstated bias and exaggeration. I know Loyalists are bringing most of the violence but many Nationalist youths are only to happy to reply in-kind, organised by older community members. The Loyalist side is lashing out, more so than the Nationalists, but there are plenty in the former community who do not believe in violence and have legitmiate concerns about their safety and future. It is just a pity that any voice they have is drowned out by the paramilitary thugs.
