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Fidel explains educational changes

Marxist_Mike | 16.08.2002 16:56

PRESIDENT Fidel Castro thanked the country for its participation in the far-reaching educational and cultural revolutions being developed in Cuba, in the midst of a world beset with difficulties for the survival of the human race.

At a special event marking the renovation of 254 Havana schools, the Cuban leader highlighted the significance of September, when the new school year begins, as a result of the changes to the Cuban educational system.

“Battle after battle, we will confront the dangers and overcome the obstacles. Thank you for all that has been achieved! Thank you for the far-reaching educational and cultural revolutions that are underway, not only for the benefit of our people, but for many others as well! Thank you for the example of tenacious, heroic and creative struggle that we can now offer the world!” declared Fidel.

Of the 779 Havana schools included in the general renovation program, only 123 remain to be completed.

The birthday of Hero of the Revolution René González, one of the five Cuban political prisoners currently being held in the United States, was likewise remembered at the event.



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Cuba's 4 family fun!!

16.08.2002 23:58

Why are you celebrating this corrupt, sleazy dictatorship? Is it socialism when children are forced to sell their bodies as if they were mere sexual commodities, as happens regularly on Cuban beaches? Is it socialism when dissidents and gays are locked up? Please.

mail e-mail:

load of bollo

17.08.2002 10:04

what a fucking load of bollocks by lenin! I am willing to bet that this is the voice of swp trotskiyism or of silly season anarchism, completely ignorant of the reality in cuba today fact 1 cuba does not persecute gays and people with aids, fact 2 it most certainly is not a place for sex tourism. If like myself you visited the place then you would know that you are wrong

che guevara's ghost

what the fidel are you on about

17.08.2002 10:18

What the fidel is lenin going about? Sounds like imperialist propaganda to me. Whose side are you on mate? Clearly what lenin is saying is either out of ignorance or just plain dirty lies, i've been to cuba mate have you? and i've seen the reality on the ground myself, and whilst things certainly are not perfect, especially with good old uncle sam breathing down their neck, their healthcare, education and social programmes are the best in the third world as well as some first world countries as to this bollocks about the treatment of gays and aids patients etc gays in cuba have more rights in cuba than britain fact!
and aids patients are treated with respect and lo9ve unlike britain! also children are not forced to sell their bodies where is the evidence for that you fucking dirty liar!

viva cuba
down with imperialism

lenin get a life

che guevara's ghost


17.08.2002 10:57

lenin appears to have fallen for the propaganda of certain Western media sources.


Lenin is right

17.08.2002 11:23

Fidel is a dictator whose secret police do not tolerate opposition. The ideals of the Cuban revolution are ideals we can all share, but the machinations of a dictatorship are not. However, the Cuban poor are a lot better off than most Latin American poor, who have been subject to the forces of free market fundamentalism. Recognising that does not mean swallowing the propaganda of Cuban state capitalism, but does mean that the policies imposed by institutions such as the IMF are far more anti-human than many other forms of capitalism.


Typical SWP Cobblepots

17.08.2002 13:58

"Corrupt, sleazy dictatorship", says our commentator, posing behind the name of a great revolutionary; perhaps he's thinking of Tony Cliff's SWP, or Guy Taylor's Glob Resistance ?
Is anything more corrupt and sleazy than the Labour party that the SWP defend to the detriment of themselves and the enire socialist movement here?


Cuban anarchists

17.08.2002 15:29

Don't forget what Castro did to the anarchists after the revolution. He won't tolerate dissenting voices within the Cuban left, let alone the American stooges. A bit like the SWP ...

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