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Anarchism in Britain index complete at

Struggle | 16.08.2002 12:15 has now got a complete listing of British anarchist web pages and emails lists at (or at least we think we do)

If you have a web page or email list please check the listing to make sure it is included. If it isn't just complete the 'Suggest a link' form to suggest it. And please consider adding a link to from your web page or advertising it in your publication.

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Class War Listing

18.08.2002 10:02

The listings look interesting and its good to have such a tool.

It is not correct to say however that Class War wound up. It split between those who have carried on as Class War, and those who produced issue 73 of the paper (who have nearly all, thankfully, dropped out of politics)

Paul Marsh
mail e-mail: claswaruk"
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