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Former NF Leader Found Guilty Of Attempted Murder

Anti fascist | 16.08.2002 00:29

A former leading member of the UK National Front Party has been found guilty of the attempted murder of A leading Australian Fascist.

The man who cannot be named, was part of a three strong team that attempted to murder a leader of the fundamentalist World Church of The Creator in Sydney in February this year. The World Church of The Creator is a fake religion that preeches white superiority over blacks and Jews, and believes that each and every white man is God. The US based "religion" has been implicated in a number of firebombings and daubings in Australia and even murder, in the US.

The prosecution told a packed Sydney court room how thirty-one year old Mr X drove a car across Sydney's western suburbs with two high powered, loaded fire arms in the passenger seat, while the two other occupants had a blanket and handcuffs to use to tie up their target, a twenty-two year old Brisbane man in Sydney for a meeting of the church.

Mr X, who cannot be named to protect his "new" identity after fleeing from the nazi terror group Combat 18 in the UK, had planned to attack the meeting at which he was to be "unmasked" by the Brisbane man. After opening fire on the private house, Mr X and his accomplacies entered the house amid what the prosecution described as "mass terror, panic and confusion" and proceeded to attack the man with a hunting knife he had purchased earlier that day. The victim screamed the name of the attacker, who had not covered his face and the attackers fled, leaving six men requiring hospital treatment, one requiring seventy stitches to his back and neck in what Hugh Gray, the prosecutor described as "pre-medetated attempted murder."

Upon his arrest, Mr X thought he had something akin to "Diplomatic Imunity" as he is a "C Case" and cannot be named of identified in or by the Australian media. On being told this was not the case, he told the Senior Arresting officer "I should have finished the c*** off properly then."

In his defense, Mr X who has lived in Canada, New Zealand and Australia since leaving Britain in 1994 said he had feared for his own life after being recognised by the Brisbane man four days earlier, and had used contacts within the organisation to find out where the meeting was being held. He did not deny, that it was anything other than an attempt to silence and intimidate members of the church, and that he still maintains that his only regret was not "Finishing the job completely." Speaking on behalf of Mr X, a number of community leaders including the Jewish Community indigenous community, all said that they had benefitied greatly from Mr X's assistance in combatting "organised fascist and red-neck attacks" upon them, and claimed that it was "Unbelievable" to them that Mr X had bhaved in such a manner. Despite calls for lenience, the Jury took only forty minutes to find him guilty and sentence will be passed on Friday 16th August. Moves are afoot to strip Mr X of his residencey and return him to the UK after his sentence has been completed"

Does anyobne know who this man is, and why it has been hidden from the mainstream press in such a way?

Anti fascist
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Hide the following 7 comments

you ain't my fuckin brother!

16.08.2002 09:30

The Church of the Creator isn't really a religious group, check it out:

- Homepage:

Recognised as a religion under federal law

16.08.2002 12:55

The WCOTC is recognised as a religion under the federal law of the United States of America.... there for the comment that 'The World Church of The Creator is a fake religion' is false.

To me, the false relgions are those that worship gods... gods clearly being nonexistance mythical entities.

mail e-mail:

Comment Hidden

16.08.2002 13:24

A comment above by "Brother John" was deleted because it violated the IMC editorial guildlines on racism. "Brother John" is in the World Church of the Creator who, as stated above, are a bunch of white supremacist pieces of shit.

George's Bush


16.08.2002 18:10

NO, you deleted this persons post simply because he was pointing out inaccuracies in the 'anti-facists' post and because he's a member of WCOTC. Clearly you are discriminating on grounds of religion and once again violating your own policy... which is typically the marxist thing to do... create policy and then just violate it when it suits your communistic view points.

mail e-mail:


16.08.2002 18:42




18.08.2002 01:00

is imcuk a marxist censorship site? i don't know if a post was racist because it was not 'posted'. thankyou for making the descision for me.
my mind sometimes doesn't understand the complexities of modern day political discourse, so it helps when someone can make the descision for me. not that i really give a fuck about a story of some sad, white cracker head, ex renegade c18, fighting or trying to kill each other; as usual.
but anyway the story could have been interesting from 'brother johns' point of view. i'm sure it wasn't, so thankyou making the descision for me.
george's bush understands this sort of thing and can sort it out for me. i'm sure mr marx had nothing to do with this descision. did he?
sometimes i wonder what the fuck this is all about.
yeah nazi's are bad, bad people, can we not answer them our selves?
obviously not here...

the cur

It Sounds Like Matthew Collins

18.08.2002 10:13

From the background, age and movements of the person listed, it sounds like none other than Matthew Collins, who claims to have infiltrated the far-right for Searchlight magazine, and who gave evidence to the Stephen Lawrence enquiry.

As Collins has admitted in The Guardian to working with MI5, the case may be d noticed - i.e. the papers cannot mention it on grounds of national security.

All of this should of course further demolish the myth that Searchlight is some sort of progressive publication that deserves a slot in the radical movement.

It is a stomping ground for the security services - and the fact that Collins - who has appeared frequently in the British media and on the BBC - is now not being named, is simply an attempt to cover up for him and Searchlight.
