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karl | 15.08.2002 11:07

How Exxon/Esso has already sabotaged the upcomming Earth summit.

Exxon and Republican Lobbyists Work to Stop Johannesburg Progress

Leading Republican Party and conservative lobbyists – many funded by Exxon Mobil
– have combined to try to stop progress at the Johannesburg Earth Summit.
Environment pressure group Friends of the Earth today published a letter which had been sent to
President George W Bush from 31 political groups and individuals, demanding that
he not attend the Summit and calling on him to ensure that his negotiators
prevent any progress on climate change (letter attached).

The letter, dated August 2nd, says “we applaud your decision not to attend the
Summit in person … Even more than the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992, the
Johannesburg Summit will provide a global media stage for many of the most
irresponsible and destructive elements involved in critical international
economic and environmental issues. Your presence would only help to publicize
and make more credible various anti-freedom, anti-people, anti-globalization,
and anti-Western agendas.”

It also claims that “the least important global environmental issue is
potential global warming and we hope that your negotiators at Johannesburg can
keep it off the table and out of the spotlight.” And the letter also says that
“in our view the worst possible outcome at Johannesburg would be taking any
steps towards creating a World Environmental Organization, as the European Union
has suggested”.

Signatories include:
* Fred L Smith and Myron Ebell of the Competitive Enterprise Institute
- funding from Exxon $280,000 in 2001
* Craig Rucker from the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT)
- funding from Exxon $35,000 in 2001
* Steven Hayward from the American Enterprise Institute
- funding from Exxon $230,000 in 2001
* Terrence Scanlon from the Capital Research Center
- funding from Exxon $25,000 in 2001
* Joseph L Bast of the Heartland Institute
- funding from Exxon $90,000 in 2001
* Deroy Murdock of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation (AERF)
- funding from Exxon $150,000 in 2001
* H Stirling Burnett of the National Center for Policy Analysis
- funding from Exxon $20,000 in 2001

(all funding details from, an official Exxon

Many of these groups have long been active in trying to frustrate progress on
tackling man-made climate change and other global environmental crises. For
example, the CFACT sent fifty “trained” Republican students to the Bonn climate
talks in 2001 to demonstrate against the Kyoto Treaty. The AERF promotes and
supports the work of leading US climate sceptic S Fred Singer.

Friends of the Earth Director Designate Tony Juniper commented:

“This letter casts a grim light on the iron triangle of the Bush White House,
corporate polluters such as Exxon Mobil, and conservative lobbyists.

They are determined to block any progress at the Johannesburg Summit. They have
already leaned on President Bush not even to show up, and are now demanding that
his negotiators do their best to wreck any hope of agreement. These lobbyists
cannot live off the support of ordinary citizens – who would react with
incredulity or anger to their claims that climate change is an issue of no

So they rely instead on handouts from corporations such as Exxon. Exxon doesn’t
have the courage to promote its political agenda directly. So it relies on the
lobbyists to do its dirty work.

The case for a binding international agreement to control the behaviour of
destructive corporations has never looked stronger.”

[1] Friends of the Earth is a member of the Stop Esso Campaign, launched with
fellow coalition members Greenpeace and People & Planet in response to the US
withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol in Spring 2001. ExxonMobil were the most
prominent members of the fossil fuel lobby opposing US involvement in the vital
Kyoto climate treaty.



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16.08.2002 14:14

I tried to check out the link to the Exxon document that you provided, but there seems to be a problem with the URL.
Why doesn't Indymedia collect funds to send Ralph Nader instead. Several organisations used the same scheme to put Michael Meacher on the list of British delegates. I don't know what good it will do, as he has no access to the current administration, but at least somebody from the States will be there. Collin Powell is going, but I doubt that it is out of any deep conviction on his part. Rather, he probable will be sent to bring back info to GW, and sabotage the conference if possible.
