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Stop the War online petition - please sign!

Auntie Beeb | 13.08.2002 18:32

The Stop the War Coalition/CND petition - 'DON'T ATTACK IRAQ!' is now online.

The URL for the petition is:

View and Sign now!

Please circulate this e-mail (with kind permission) throughout your organisation's e-mail lists and to addresses in your personal address books.

If your organisation would promote this petition by means of providing a link from their websites, CND and Stop the War Coalition would be most grateful.

Flyers for the 28th September "Don't attack Iraq/freedom for Palestine" march are available as a pdf file from -

Please download, print and distribute widely.

Auntie Beeb


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Petitioning is a waste of time

14.08.2002 14:31

In some countries, the petition has a constitutional place, and can actually force a government into acting . Here, it has no power whatever, and actually will only result in the authorities having more details of troublesome activists !


Please sir...

15.09.2002 00:23

'Please Mr Blair, we know you can be nice, oppose those evil Americans and that horrible cowboy Bush and we'll be sure not to ever call for class struggle or opposition to British imperialism...we know you haven't really bombed and starve Iraqis for the previous 11 years, bombed Serbs or maintained your might in Northern Ireland... you will be nice if we have the Archbishop of Canterbury on our side, we have faith in you sir...'

No discreet class collaborationists in the STWC I see.
