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Mobilising Meeting for European Social Forum

Mark | 13.08.2002 12:42

English mobilisation for European Social Forum, Florence 7-10 November gathers pace.

The European Social Forum, Florence 7-10 November 20002 is set to be the biggest ever gathering of anti-capitalists from across Europe. The Forum was initiated by the Genoa Social Forum and others in Italy in response to the Porto Allegre World Social Forum. The support for the forum is alreasdy significant, there will be a wide variety of political trends represented with many different national political traditions and radical cultures adding to the potential of the event. Some will have criticisms of the politics of particular elements of the ESF but to ignore it would be a major mistake.

In England the mobilisation for the forum remains fairly limited and has been largely iniitiated by the SWP. This will convince some the ESF is not worth bothering with. But look to France, Italy, Spain, Germany and elsewhere, the anti-capitalist mobilisations there here are much bigger, broader and dynamic than the 'English version'. Join the mobilisation here and help broaden our input too.

Next open mobilising meeting: Monday 19 August, 6.30pm, Amnesty International, 5-8 Hardwick Street, London EC1.

The European Social Forum website:

The English mobilisation for the European Social Forum website:

- Homepage:


Hide the following 15 comments

Oh really

13.08.2002 20:57

Attac france = SWP UK, or worse

DS (ITALY) = New labour , couldn't be worse but they try hard !!

As I understand it the real Italian Anti globalists, Casarin and co' will be attending the ESF in firenze to protest against it !!!! or what ?


ESF = the last reign of capitalism

13.08.2002 23:26

The European Social Forum is not about creating a
post capitalist world or for challenging the foundations
of capitalism. It is a talking shop distraction for the
statist left and their fat cat NGO fuckwits like amnesty
international, war on want, christian aid and WDM to
completely de-rail the antagonistical anti-capitalist
movement. ESF is the last hope for capitalism.

a Womble
mail e-mail: .
- Homepage:

ESF - Make up your Own Mind

14.08.2002 00:07

Why not read the original posting? There are different trends represented within the European Social Forum. But the fact is that it grew out of two events vital to the recent development of the anti-capitalist movement, the Porto Allegre World Social Forum and the anti-G8 protests initiated by the Genoa Social Forum.

A new politics, a 'movement of movements' is about junking the idea that one, single ideology has ALL the answers. Neither socialism nor anarchism but opposition. Recognising the role of militant direct action, strikes, working in, and against the state.

To write off one initiative as 'the last reign of capitalism' because it doesn't match one world view is posturing of the worst sort. The European Social Forum is supported by the whole spectrum of oppositional movements in Italy, there working together isn't such a big deal, in the face of Berlusconi and Fini's fascists its an urgent necessity.

If you don't loike the politics of some of the ESF participants fine, neither do I, but bringing together in dialogue these different trends is more constructive than ideological purism.

To assess the ESF for yourself visit their website or come to Monday's open mobilising meeting for those travelling to Florence from England.


Do me a strawberry flavour

14.08.2002 09:14

Claudio Martini the president of the region of Tuscany has given the verde (Italian Greens). the job of organising the ESF, their record on destroying the environment is second to none.

Check out the devastating pollution of Merse River and Scarlino (GR), where all the wells and the water table has been polluted with arsenic and heavy metals by ENI
in collaberation with DS and Greens ...

The democratic Sinistra have run Tuscany since the end of WW2 these bunch of scum bags still call each other comrade, they look like lefties use all the leftie rhetoric, but they bend over backwards to lick corporate arseholes like ENI, ENEL BAYER CHIRON
MARCONI (they make arms), remember the Karin B ?
well it started and ended it's journey in the Tuscan port of Livorno where thousands of tons of toxic waste are stored. A fair bit of it comes from the leather industry
along the Arno between Pisa and florence .
All the weekend jet set yuppies that flock to Florence and buy Gucci and Pravda leather bags should be aware of the toxic by products, the (DS) don't mind .
Through a series of municiplised companies which
have all the rights of a public sector company and all the benefits of a private sector company the waste is handed over to their old mates the MAFIA , Ecomafia
in this sector. ARPAT , the local environmental agency
is part of the scam, they all are, it's a fucking totalitarian
hegemony and these are the people that are hosting this mega PR stunt whuch is basically a sort of lefty version of custers last stand . They might as well have it in london with the Phoney Boy at the controls ...
expect some serious "Casini" from local posseeeee..


Oh dear

14.08.2002 09:40

Oh dear. The anarchist mentality is on display once again. Anarchism is such a wonderful tool for understanding the world don’t you agree? I’m holding my nose as I read this ultra-left bile. I guess we heard it here first - the ESF is an SWP plot to rescue capitalism.

Oh dear


14.08.2002 09:45

The Anarchists must be trying to build on their wonderful performance in Genoa. Way to go guys...not!


Italian Anti-Capitalists will be at ESF

14.08.2002 10:04

DS, the old Italian Communist Party, and Rifondazione, the left-wing split from DS are only paet of the Italiaan mobilisation for the European Social Forum. Direct actionists, trade union rank and file, No Global, social forums will all be in Florence. No doubt some will agree with above criticisms, some won't. Point is they have the political maturity to take part. Standing outside on platform of purity does no good, the ESF is not a plot to monopolise the antiu-capitalist movement it is one of a variety of efforts at convergence, dialogue. Pouring scorn on it, pretending all the participants are dupes does nobody, including the critics any good.

Make your own mind up, visit the ESF website:

Join the English mobilisation, open organising meeting on Monday 19th, visit the English ESF mobilisation website:


Why the ruling class *is* the ruling class

14.08.2002 10:20

Many people have the idea that the ruling class, or elites in (post)modern parlance, are a homogenous bunch of tightly knit comrades-in-arms. Nothing could be further from the truth! This class is deeply divided ( and hate each others guts) as sometimes becomes apparent in times of crises, but they are what they are because they are *organized*.

They work together in order to get what they want. And that's something we haven't been able to do, as of yet anyway. As long as we are unable to do this they will continue to rule and we will continue to be shat on.

jay actually

14.08.2002 10:56

What you say about our rulers is true. But the implication – that we on the Left should drop our differences – is not quite as simple. Yes we need united action to stop the BNP, to stop war etc. But the question of how to smash the system is still central. And on this there is fundamental disagreement between socialists and anarchists. ‘Life itself’ will be the judge of who has the better strategy – not you or I. Humanity will choose in struggle between competing strategies. I have no doubt of the outcome.


Judge for yourself?

14.08.2002 11:17

If the organisers want people to judge for themselves, then why not put a link to this site on their web page...

Paul Treanor
- Homepage:


14.08.2002 12:06

“The similarity to the global business forums also suggests, that they (ESF) are equal partners of the global business leaders.”

It suggests no such thing.

“…only well-organised and well-funded groups can exercise influence, in the preparation of large international meetings.”

Might this ‘suggest’ to you that you need to get (draw breath) ORGANISED? Oh God I’m using the dreaded O word. Sorry anarchists, better to cry outside the door I guess.


To me

14.08.2002 16:54

Differences are the lifeblood of all successful movements, as they are the fuel for debate which can lead to solutions. These debates cannot happen, however, if we refuse to talk to each other.

Pluralities need to interact for mutual benefit.


a late night thought

14.08.2002 20:35

The inability to work with others is caused by a lack of practical activity.


avoiding the real issue

15.08.2002 09:11

Interesting to note the Socialists response to ctritical postings of the ESF, just like well trained politicians they avoid question and try to create a smokescreen.

The fact is that the Delinquenti di Sinistra (DS) are not only big buddies of Tony Blairs New tories, their policies are much the same. Blair came to tuscany
four times, and got on great with the DS scum bags.

The DS have run the region for 57 years.

The Banca dei Monte Pasci di Siena the oldest bank in the world is the economic power in the region.
they also control the Banca di Toscana and a series of other Tuscan banks . The bank and the DS of the Province of siena are one and the same.

You socialist wankers obviously don't know shit about
tuscany , but I imagine that if you managed to get to the top of the pile you would gladly invest a couple of
million of your ill gotten gains in a yuppie villa.

To some one who doesn't share your bourgious socialist dream you might as well have your ESF in
London under the heel of Phoney Blairs Jack Boot.

your just another part of the establishment, which uses
brave new world slogans to describe more of the same.

try to ansa my point about the DS being equal to tony blair, you can't really get around it , either they are or they are not , no quoting marx or other old boores
strictly forbidden, try to think for your selves and come up with a good ansa ...
also of interst the Rifondazione, hero's of the left have already sold out , they are part of the Junta on the Commune di Siena ...

No Social Justice Here


who is the purest of us all?

15.08.2002 16:29

See, the ESF folks are making the same mistake as so many naive young anti-capitalists; they're trying to do stuff!

If you think about it, any demo or march or gathering, in fact any large-scale activity of any sort, involves working with or at least talking to people who MIGHT NOT BE REVOLUTIONARIES! Which is clearly a total sell-out.

A much better revolutionary strategy is to wait for other people to organise things and then criticise them. Also has the advantage that you never have to get out of bed.

a nonny mouse