Reconstructing the Tower of Babel
money | 13.08.2002 11:32
We're going to examine the workings of the evil forces of darkness in today's children of disobedience. We'll read two texts to guide us to our context.
I Timothy 6:1-10, "Godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and clothing let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
Yes, covet not this world's vain treasures whether material wealth or the adulation of man, for they are vain and ephemeral. "Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust can corrupt and where thieves don't break through nor steal: where your treasure is there will your heart be also" (Matthew 6:20-21).
Ephesians 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places."
When people hear "The Crown", they automatically think of the King and Queen. When they hear "London" or "The City", they instantly think of the capital of England in which the monarch officially resides since London's expansion absorbed the City of Westminster.
"The City" is in fact a privately owned Corporation - or sovereign state - occupying 677 acres in the heart of the 610 square mile "Greater London" area. The population of the City is 5,000 whereas Greater London has 8 million.
"The Crown" is a committee of 12-14 men who rule this independent sovereign state known as London or "The City". "The City" is not a part of England and is not subject to the Sovereign nor under rule of Parliament. It is an independent state, like Kowloon City in Hong Kong, which belonged to Communist China. It's the Vatican of the commercial world.
The City is ruled by a Lord Mayor elected for one year. When the Queen visits the City she's met by the Lord Mayor at Temple Bar, the symbolic gate of the City. She bows to him and asks permission to enter his private, sovereign State. He grants permission to enter by handing her the sword of State. During such State visits, the Lord Mayor with his robes and chain, his entourage in medieval costume, outshines the Royal party, which can dress-up no further than service uniforms. The Lord Mayor leads the Queen into the City of which he is the monarch and she is his subject.
The Rothschild-controlled Bank of England, Lloyd's underwriters, London Stock Exchange, leading international trading concerns, as well as headquarters of the newspaper and publishing world are located here. The small clique who rule the City dictate to the British Parliament, Prime Minister and Cabinet.
Until the middle of the seventeenth century, the British Monarch was truly sovereign. Britain was prosperous. Indeed, for 280 years there was no inflation. The average man worked for only 150 days of the year, and lived well. (In Australia today, its said that we work for about 150-days to pay our taxes, and the rest of the year for the usury on our houses). Conditions went down-hill ever since the privately-owned Bank of England was established to finance the profligate ways of William III. Two separate empires operated under the guise of the British Empire, all white-skinned colonies: South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada (representing 13% of the people who made-up the British Empire) were under the Sovereign and under British law. All the other colonies like India, Egypt, Bermuda, Malta, Cyprus, the colonies in Central Africa, Singapore, Hong Kong and Gibraltar comprised the hidden empire that belonged to the Crown of the City of London. These were not under British rule. Parliament had no authority over them. They were private enterprise, owned and ruled by The Crown of the City of London whose representatives had the power of life or death over the people. And there was no appeal to British law - not even for a British citizen.
As the Crown also controlled the British Government, there was no problem getting the British taxpayer to pay for naval and military forces to maintain the Crown's supremacy. Any revolts were met with terrible retribution by the British navy at no cost to the Crown who reaped fantastic profits. This was not British commerce or British wealth, and the average Briton became poorer. It was "The Crown's" commerce, and "The Crown's" wealth.
The International Bankers of the City of London today control the available resources of the world at any moment. "The Crown of the City" still own and control their former colonies, financially and materially, only today the United Nations uses American military forces supplemented by the forces of other nations and paid for by the taxpayers of member nations (The Empire of "The City", by E. C. Knuth). And today they control the politics and economies of South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and . . . the USA.
The Khazars
Let's see just who are these people who control "The Crown of the City of London", and the wealth of the world.
They are not Anglo-Saxon-Celts as one might suppose, but Khazars, a people of Turkish stock, who occupied a strategic position between the Black and the Caspian Seas. Their ancient kingdom acted as a buffer, protecting Byzantium against barbarians from the northern steppes, and importantly blocking the Arab advance from the south, thus preventing the Muslim conquest of Eastern Europe.
In about AD740, Bulan, their king or khagan together with 4,000 of his feudal nobles embraced Talmudic Judaism which became the State religion of the Khazars. This was a shrewd political move on the part of Bulan, who, like Roman emperor Constantine, four centuries beforehand, sought to consolidate his power. The Khazars were the meat in the sandwich between the superpowers of that day.
On the one hand, the Holy Roman Empire. On the other, the powerful Caliphate: mortal enemies, who each sought to convert Bulan to their religious persuasion and political alliance against the other. Bulan retained the political and religious independence of his kingdom by adopting a third more profitable alternative and one that made his people brothers to the Semitic Moslems, with the claim to superiority over the nominal Christians of the day, many of whom mistakenly imagined the Jews were God's chosen people.
In truth Khazars are Gentiles, unrelated to Abraham, Isaac and/or Jacob by blood; and certainly not by faith. The Khazar's language is Yiddish, which is a corruption with low German with Slavonic (Polish) elements written in Hebrew script but with not one word of ancient Hebrew. Since the Captivity, Babylon and not Jerusalem, had been the center of Jewish religious scholarship and authority. It was Rabbis from Babylon who instructed Bulan and his subjects into Talmudic Judaism (Facts are Facts, Benjamin Freedman; Who are the Modern Jews? Scott Stinson; The Jews are Not a Race, Dr. Alfred Lilienthal).
The conversion of king Bulan and his pagan Khazars achieved for Talmudism what the "conversion" of Constantine and the Western European nations had accomplished for nominal Christianity. And the self-styled Jews throughout the world today make up about 95% of the world's so-called Jews.
The Talmud was completed in December 2, AD499. These 63 obscene, indecent, lewd and vile volumes comprise the sacred book of modern Jews, which is anathema to the Law and the prophets (Talmud Unmasked, Rev. I. B. Pranaitis).
Both Talmudism and Roman Catholicism are Babylonian cults. So is our banking system. Just as the Babylonian mystery religion rules in the spiritual life of most people, the high priests of finance comprise the invisible government that controls our natural life from behind the scenes.
Banking developed in Babylon. Once relative values were placed on commodities (like cattle, grains or craft), silver and gold became accepted as a store of values and convenient means of exchange. In order to guarantee the safety of their wealth, Nimrod, the priest-king, offered the temple vaults and protection of the gods as security for the treasure of his citizens. Observing that the bulk of deposits remained in the vaults at any one time, he developed the lucrative concept of fractional reserve banking.
This device was the key to unparalleled prosperity and unbounded influence. Nimrod explained and franchised his scheme to certain trusted commoners who were licensed to take deposits and lend gold from the temple vaults at 20% interest. Nimrod's next innovation was to issue clay tablet receipts in the value of the gold, and sealed with the high priest's signet as legal tender. A precursor of today's paper money. Safer and easier to carry than bullion, it quickly gained acceptance.
It is this same debt-money system that the merchants of Venice use to rule and impoverish the world today under governance of the Babylonian Talmud with its authoritarian dictation on everything from their immorality to their trade practices (The Babylonian Woe, David Astle; Descent into Slavery, Des Griffin, pp266-270).
Hegelian Dialectics
In Hegelian terms, an existing force (the THESIS) generates a counter force (the ANTITHESIS). Conflict between the two forces results in the forming of a SYNTHESIS. Then the process starts all over again: THESIS versus ANTITHESIS results in SYNTHESIS.
However both the thesis and antithesis have often been developed artificially, in the laboratory so to speak, before being released onto the world in controlled conflict to create the PREDETERMINED synthesis. To those behind the scenes, "all the world's a stage", and its actors but dumb cattle to be culled when they become too numerous.
There is a relationship between Finance, Centralization and World Hegemony. And we see that the money system is in fact the vehicle of a policy to centralize world power leading to world government (Hegelian Dialectics and Conspiracy.)
Current history, which looks episodic, is in fact the culminating stages of a very long-term policy moving internationally, but visible only in the long perspective of time. What we think we see is often an illusion intentionally presented. Hegelian dialectics is the process by which conflict creates predetermined history.
How the Invisible Government Controls Us
It is noteworthy that whilst the Khazar empire eventually declined and its citizens dispersed through Eastern Europe, and thus became invisible as "Jews", that the Roman Empire also became invisible. Imperial Rome divided between East and West and became the Holy Roman Empire which eventually broke up into ten parts after the fall of their last emperor, Romulus Augustus, in AD476. And as the Khazars rule the world from behind the scenes by their power of money, Imperial Rome became Papal Rome that rules in every country of the world by the power of their mystery religion.
Hitler's spy masters devised the tactic of "hiding in plain sight" their most secret inventions and innovations. Today, the invisible government is conducting a silent war against the Goiim or "human cattle". The weapon in this war is INFORMATION - analysis of computer data - or logistics. It's a weapon most people cannot comprehend and not being aware this silent weapons system operates upon data obtained from a docile public by legal (but not always lawful) force, provide the ammunition for use against themselves.(The Open Conspiracy, H.G. Wells).
As "Truth will set us FREE", clever social engineering using words and data processed as silent weapons, gradually encroach upon our lives, restraining our options, causing us to conform to a profile programmed into a computer. We are no longer individuals but human resources.
We are productive units. Those who do not match the specification have no utility. The faceless computer will reject them and they will have no place in the NWO society in which there will be no private real property like housing, and no inheritance, like land. Unless we meet the parameters of Big Brother, we will not be fed.
These silent weapons of statistics, computer programs and data are employed by bankers, governments and large organizations, to plan and manipulate economic cycles, and the scarcity or abundance, of food, raw materials, machinery and finished goods well in advance.
This is how the invisible hand behind government - all government, has always controlled the game. He has the information and he sets the rules in advance. He works years, sometimes centuries ahead of the present and now has the advantage of fast data collection and analysis - internationally.
He is like God, "knowing good AND evil" - as close as man can come to being omniscient. By his data processing he almost discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart. As he sets the rules, he is in a way omnipotent, not even bound by quaint old-fashioned customs like morality, honesty, integrity and good character. The social engineers use centralized systems analysis to keep public opinion from expressing anything other than the policies of the invisible government. They know that only a very small percentage of people comprehend the process of reasoning and have an ability to observe a problem as opposed to passing an opinion on it. Armed with this knowledge, the opinion-makers simply have to elevate irrationality to a high level of public consciousness to undermione and distract people's grasp of reality governing any given situation. Thus the inconsequential opinions of the masses engineered by these skilled manipulators assume the position of scientific fact. (Brain Wash, by Alan Gourley; Crystallizing Public Opinion, by Edward Bernays; Public Relations, Edward L. Bernayses and the American Scene, by Keith A. Larson; Public Opinion, by W. Lippman).
The simplest way of securing a silent weapon and gaining control of the public is to keep them undisciplined and ignorant of basic systems and principles on the one hand (for example the design and history of our Constitution); keeping them confused, disorganized and distracted with matters of no real importance on the other (as with the possibility of becoming a Republic or changing the flag).
This is achieved by rewriting history and law and shifting public perception by evolution theory. Bar Associations and Law Societies are little more than secret societies for Jewish Lawyers, Judges, Magistrates and Barristers who take over government by a judicial system run by threat and adversarial accomplishment wherein laws are no longer recognized. The best approach is the Hegelian model: create the problems, and then offer the solutions.
Disengage men's minds by providing inferior education, discourage creativity and initiative. Increase self-indulgence and indulgence in emotional and physical activities by media and entertainment, brain-washing and conditioning.
Furnish their desires to excess through generous dole payments and other social security benefits, or grants to minority lobbies. Use the Media to keep adult public attention diverted away from real social issues, and captivated by matters of no real importance.
Schools keep the young public ignorant of real mathematics, real economics, real grammar, real law and true history. Denominations do likewise with their man-made traditions. As George Orwell put it, "Those who control the present control the past. Those who control the past control the future".
Public entertainment like the press, must be aimed at ten-year-old level. The public must be kept occupied at work like other animals on the farm, with no time to think. If this information explosion can be withheld from public scrutiny and utilization for long enough, the elites will establish employment as a buyer's market. And thus return the world to Serfdom.
Who is the Hidden Hand that would (Openly) Rule the World?
Christians read in the Bible how God foresaw Satan cast out of the heavenly dimension. This is yet future. The first battle commenced in the Garden of Eden when Satan deceived Eve. He is not a creator nor is he of the truth. Everything he does contains an element of deception. God's Word is Absolute Truth. Satan is anti-Word.
His original name, Lucifer, means "Light-bearer". As God's right-hand man to fellowship, he was to lead Adam and His wife to God by faith which is Light on the Word. But knowing God's plan was to place His creation under the headship of Michael, the yet-to-be-born Christ, Lucifer attempted to usurp Michael and God's plan (or Word) to his own benefit. By deceiving Eve with carnal knowledge, Satan knew he could produce a kingdom that would be excluded from the Presence of God, and hoped thereby to establish his own rule and dominion over this earth. As death reigns in this kingdom, it must constantly be replenished with more births, and more sorrow.
In the garden of Eden Satan is called "the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil". He bore false illumination to Eve through knowledge of God's plans without faith.
Ever since the Fall in the garden, Satan has sought to establish his One World Government, or NWO. He employs deception as he did in Eden when he offered "secret knowledge" God had not revealed to Adam, His elected (and at that time, His only son).
"Babel is the original name for Babylon. It means confusion. It was literally started by Cush, the son of Ham, but was brought to a kingdom of power and grandeur under his son, Nimrod, the mighty hunter. Nimrod, according to the Genesis eleven account and also according to profane history, set out to accomplish three things. He wanted to build a strong nation, which he did. He wanted to propagate his own religion, which he did. He wanted to make a name for himself, which he also accomplished. His accomplishments were so monumental that the kingdom of Babylon was called the head of gold amongst all world governments. That his religion gained prominence is proven by the fact that Scripture identifies it with Satan completely in Isaiah Chapter 14 and in Revelation Chapters 17-18. And by history we can prove that it invaded the whole world and is the basis for every system of idolatry, and the theme of mythology, though the names of the gods differ in various sections of the land according to the language of the people" (Church Ages, 182:1).
Babylon was called the seat of Satan on earth following the Flood. Here he established his mystery religion with initiates, unknown priestly hierarchies, confession (data collection), secret signs and passwords, special privileges and power, as we find in today's secret societies. And every culture, primitive or modern, has its secret societies.
Adam Weishaupt who revised the conspiracy, organized and developed the Illuminati according to the plans of Mayer Amschel Rothschild. He said, "The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation."
The aim of the secret organization is to rule the world - Satan seeks worship as God. These are many and varied but those of any significance and which like the Freemasons, have initiation rights with "secrets" distinguishing and separating one degree from another - like the skin of an onion - are probably all, officially or unofficially, branches of the Illuminati.
There is competition for control of the NWO between the Vatican, International Jews and Communists. Each group, whether the church, Freemasonry, Judaism, Zionists, Islam, Trilateralists, Council on Foreign Relations, or Royal Institute for International Relations, will get out of hand from time to time. Stalin's Communism became a little independent of the International Bankers, and they had to drop a couple of bombs on Japan to warn him to toe the line. (Many powerful men have been killed for disobeying orders of the elite).
All of these secret organizations are interlinked. But Rome, with political support from the Black Nobility, and agreement with the Illuminati (or International Bankers) to refinance world commerce, will rule the NWO. The Bible says so.
"Jacob was Israel before his name was changed. The Bible tells how he took money from his kinfolk and anyone else: cheating, stealing and lying. Any way he could get it.
He started back to the Homeland but was afraid of Esau. Esau types we Gentiles who despise our birthright or Christian identity. Like him, we are approaching a place of no more repentance. Jacob sent his goods before him, trying to buy peace, like the returning Jews of today are trying to buy-off the Gentiles. But it didn't work, Esau didn't need his money. Neither does Rome; she has the wealth of the world. The Bible says the Jews will make an agreement with Rome" (Isaiah 28:14-22; Daniel 9:27; 11 and 12).
"In his time of trouble before his name was changed, Jacob wrestled with something that was real. He got his arms around God and said, "I'm not going to leave You. I want things changed." He types the money-scheming bunch. Moses and Elijah will be preaching like John the Baptist, "The Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Repent Israel of your unbelief, and return to God".
"They'll wrestle with God until a hundred and forty-four thousand of the tribes of Israel are called out just before the tribulation period. Jacob's trouble" (Seven Seals, 168:4; 428:4-429:2; Church Ages, 314:1; 377).
We know this evil came from Babylon on this side of the Flood and trace Babylonian rule and religion to Pergamos, thence to Imperial and ultimately Papal Rome. It appears that the Illuminati and the Black Nobility have as their public face, the Bilderbergers, where they share common ground with their rivals, the Vatican, and the Freemasons, and lesser groups like the CFR, and Trilateralists.
It appears this ancient rivalry between the church and aristocracy has existed since Rome divided into ten kingdoms. The Vatican and Black Nobility are both usurpers. The one has usurped Christianity and in the absence of Jesus, made their Pope, not the Holy Spirit, head of the Church. The other has usurped the Europe's land. They each derive their authority from Babylonian mystery teachings. The Political Zionists, or International Bankers, are Khazar Jews. And like the Black Nobility they are usurpers, stealing Israel's claim to Abraham's Covenant. Their authority is the Babylonian Talmud.
The distinction between the "Black Nobility", specifically the British Royal Family, and "The City" or "Crown" of London, is a device for distancing the Khazar nobility from the activities of the Khazar "commoners".
In 1871, a military blue print was prepared for three world wars, and three major revolutions, which Luciferian General Albert Pike considered would bring the age-old conspiracy to its final stage in the twentieth century with ALL international organizations and groups FINANCED, DIRECTED, and CONTROLLED by Illuminati agents AT THE TOP.
In World War I, Monarchism (thesis) faced democracy (antithesis), producing Communism and the League of Nations (synthesis). In World War II, Democracy and Communism (thesis) faced Fascism and Nazism (antithesis), resulting in the UN (Synthesis). In the Cold War, Capitalism (thesis) faced Communism (antithesis) and the result will be the totalitarian NWO (synthesis).
Thus, whilst Karl Marx (Mordecai) was writing the Communist Manifesto under the direction of one group of Illumanists, Karl Ritter was writing the Nazi antithesis under the direction of another group. Thus the conspirators AT THE TOP could write the "big picture", as infamous Australian Prime Minister Keating would say, using the differences between these two ideologies to start dividing larger and larger numbers of human beings into opposing camps so they could be armed and made to destroy each other, together with their political and religious institutions.
Communism, Nazism, Political Zionism and other international movements were to be organized and used to foment the three global wars and three major revolutions.
World War I was to be fought to enable the Illuminati to overthrow the powers and Christian empire of the Tsars in Russia, and change the country to a Jewish State and fortress of atheistic Communism. Brother Branham said, "there's only 1 percent of all Russia that's communism. They need a messenger - ninety-nine percent of them are still on the Christian side. One percent. Now, how can one percent control ninety-nine percent? That ought to explain it to you right there. If God didn't permit it, they'd be thrown out long ago". (Seals, 518:3)
Defeating the Ottoman empire, opened the possibility of redrawing all borders in the Middle East to ensure continual friction among the Arabs, and for approval of the Balfour Declaration, (the price of America's entry into the War) which laid the ground for Zionist colonization of Palestine. The establishment of a Jewish State is incidental to the molding of events and governments to procure a World Dominion or NWO for "Israel".
The differences stirred up by the agents of the Illuminati between the British and German Empires were used to foment this war. After the war ended, Communism was to be built up and used to destroy other governments and weaken nations.
Agents of "The City" had designed British foreign policy and built Japan's naval and military forces and established her industry, in order to prevent China's development as an independent power. They allowed the Japanese to invade and occupy much of China. This was a deliberate ploy to set up the conditions that would provoke the Communist Revolution in China following the Second World War.
In return for Japan's friendship "The City" promised her Germany's Carolines, Marshall and Marianna islands, as well as their trading and naval bases on China's Shantung Peninsula in the settlement after World War I. However at the Treaty-signing Zionist agents in America prevented Britain from fulfilling her agreement, alienated Japan, and eventually provoked her entry into the Second World War on the side of Germany.
World War II was to be fomented by using the differences between Fascists and Political Zionists. This war was to be fought so that Nazism would be employed as a tool to isolate Jews from the West where they were assimilating, and draw them together as tools for the third and last World War planned by the Illuminati. Nazism and the British Empire were to be destroyed so International Communism could be spread in Eastern Europe and the former British Colonies. Communism was to be built up until it equaled in strength that of united Christendom. At this point it was to be contained and kept in check until required for the final social cataclysm. This is precisely what Roosevelt and Churchill accomplished.
The emergence of the State of Israel requires that the Zionists of all races stand up to be counted in the conduct of world affairs. During World War II the power of Political Zionism increased so that the sovereign state of Israel could be established and so the Middle East would become the strategic center of the world, as New York would emerge as the center of world financial control (Zimunism -- Communism and Zionism).
In fact, the World War never ceased; it was transformed into the so-called Cold War, whose casualties by way of massacre, famine and deportations run in the millions. In Vietnam, the bombing rate massively exceeded for many months that of any stage of the Second World War. This continuing devastation of the world was sustained primarily by the industrial and productive power of the USA, which appeared in the contest as the opponent of the USSR, although both countries are controlled by the same International Bankers.
The agents of the Illuminati increasingly control the governments of the more significant countries of the world. The conditions for successive and major crises are created and maintained. The means to deal with each crisis as it arises are in the hands of Zionist Jews, directly or indirectly: and their use granted only to the highest bidder in the surrender of power or the guarantee of its use in the interests of Jewry.
In times past, control of money, gold and credit was the primary weapon of these people. But the money myth has been exploded, and legal control of raw materials is essential to the pursuit of this policy to a final and successful issue. Genuine unfettered private property of any description is absolutely fatal to it.
Thanks to their racial qualities, the Khazars are the strategists and directors of the World Revolutionary Movement from which they, almost alone derive advantage. However the bid for world power has attracted to its inner direction, evil men lusting for power from around the world, forming a directorship of quite diverse origins.
World War III is to be fomented by using the differences agents of the Illuminati stir up between Political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. This war is to be directed in such a manner that Islam and Political Zionism will destroy themselves, while at the same time the remaining nations, once more divided against each other on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and economic exhaustion.
Adam Weishaupt was succeeded as leader of the World Revolutionary Movement in turn by Moses Holbrook, Pike, Mazzini, Lemmi, Lenin, Manuilsky and Alister Crowley. The revolutionary activities of all these men were financed by British, French, German and American International Bankers. Like Nimrod's usurers, and the Money-Changers of Christ's day, today's International Bankers are tools or agents of the Illuminati.
On August 15, 1871, Pike told Mazzini that after World War III is ended, the aspirants to undisputed world domination will provoke the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known:- "We shall unleash the Nihilists (who oppose all constitutional authority, religious and moral principles) and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
That will be the third and last of the three planned revolutions, the Russian and Chinese Revolutions were the first and second. The First and Second World Wars so carefully planned in 1871, happened precisely according to the script. Christendom is now destitute of the faith as foretold in Revelation 3:17-20 and II Timothy 3-4, ready for the World War III and the final revolution.
God has sent us a prophet with warning and a way of escape before World War III can materialize. God will intervene to cause a great upset in nature, marking the end of the Gentile dispensation, for the First Resurrection and manifestation of the sons of God.
We who know the plan of the enemy should know what to expect as he prepares for World War III between the Political Zionists and the Muslim world. This conflict will be precipitated by an earthquake that sinks Los Angeles and splits the Mount of Olives. The Moslems will not want to see the Dome of the Rock (which will be destroyed by the earthquake) replaced with a new Jewish Temple. Communism is not dead, and according to Daniel, Russia will support this Muslim attack on Jerusalem. Simultaneously Russian forces will attack and invade mainland USA.
This will unite the world's religions in a covenant for peace thus forcing soldiers on all sides to lay down their arms and go home. The world's religions will nominate the Pope of Rome President of a NWO organized through the UN. I believe such an agreement exists between the Black Nobility and the Vatican. I have read that Pope John Paul II is a Khazar, so it's no surprise that under his reign, the Vatican recognized the State of Israel.
Meanwhile, let's examine what is happening in the world today as the invisible government positions their Zionist and Moslem pawns for the confrontation according to strategy drawn 130 years ago.
The world banking and financial system is bankrupt. It is a secret society of intrigue, corruption, murder, drug-running and money-laundering, arms-smuggling, international terrorism, genocide, and debt on a magnitude that is beyond comprehension.
Thirteen families are the majority shareholders who control policy making and decisions of central banks in the world's hard currency leading nations. Central Banks like the Federal Reserve Corporation are privately owned by the International Bankers. So is the World Bank, Bank of International Settlements and International Monetary Fund. They control the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Bank of England and all of them are as interdependent as a house of cards.
They control the banks which practice fractional reserve banking - sometimes without any reserve. This legal manipulation permits the banks to loan 20:1 against their deposits.
By way of illustration:-
Against a deposit of $1000 the bank can loan $950. This $950 can then be deposited in another branch or bank from which $902.50 may be loaned. Under the fractional reserve banking system, this can continue ad infinitum, till the $1000 deposit has been inflated to in excess of $20,000.00. And more, if we include "interest" on the money borrowed.
The increased money supply in the books of the banks is a debit to the system. But as there has been no actual increase in the issue of currency as a credit there is insufficient money in circulation to repay the debt, resulting in depression.
Let's examine a recent international banking scam:-
The worthless US dollar is the standard against which all currency is measured. The International Bankers coerced Arab oil producers to denominate all transactions in US dollars, thereby creating an artificial market and artificial strength for this currency. Over the years, the banks have cheated the Arab oil producing countries out of billions of dollars with their dishonest schemes.
Nigerian light crude is the standard against which the world's oil is priced. In the early 1970's, the Prime Minister of Nigeria was bribed US$50 million to more than double the price of light crude.
All OPEC buyers, including the United States, were prepared to pay higher oil prices, so long as all Middle Eastern nations supported the USA by investing the oil revenues into 30-year certificates of deposit in certain US banks. (The banks and the oil companies are owned by the same people).
These banks could then loan these windfall deposits 20 times over, compounding their debit base, whilst all that was due to the Arabs was interest on the principal they deposited. Some, for religious reasons could not accept interest, and would have to wait 30-years to receive their principal when the CD's matured.
Arab money gained from oil price manipulation, and increased sales turnover at the pumps, and which came from your pockets, returned to the banks at 20:1 compound. Of course, the Arabs received world anger over the price increases. Since they had secured a source of 30-year funds, the banks were now able to lend to the Third World nations.
The International Bankers determined these newly independent Third World nations would borrow large sums, and being inexperienced in government and administration, squander those funds and wind-up in bankruptcy.
In order to distance themselves from their crime, the banks loaned this money through intermediaries and later sold their interest in the CD's to third parties whilst a subsidiary company borrowed the proceeds to purchase the assets and liabilities of these banks.
The assets they were buying were the loans made to debtor nations, intended to be bankrupted. The liabilities they were buying were Arab CD's.
The 30-year CD's are almost mature. When they seek to redeem them, the Arabs will find that the International Bankers have sold them at a discount, and that the current holding companies - unrelated to the big banks - are insolvent. Therefore the Muslim nations are potentially bankrupt now. It's as if the International Bankers are following Albert Pike's plans to the letter.
At this point, Arab assets will have to be liquidated and sales of real estate in the US and UK, shares and bonds, will cause massive deflation in the West and global unemployment. Prime farmland will be insufficient collateral to finance cultivation, and famine will result. At this juncture the bankers will come to rescue the world they now own by replacing currency with a debit card, in exchange for perpetual consignment of natural resources.
This is happening now through debt for nature, and debt for equity swaps, World Heritage Listings, etc. A fractional reserve leverage of 5% collateral against Third World debt will potentially declare the world bankrupt and the International Bankers would foreclose.
The International Bankers are now preparing to implode the present monetary system and legal control of raw materials is essential to their world hegemony. Genuine unfettered ownership of property is anathema to their plan.
The unmitigated criminal financial war against Asian economies by the global financial cabal's hedge funds has drawn Asians closer together against a common enemy. Those hedge funds are presently betting on the decline of gold, to encourage hoarders to disinvest themselves and further depress the gold price. But the hedge funds are over-exposed, and can be wiped out.
At last December's Islamic Summit, Iran's Industry Minister, Mr. Shafei said he considers the creation of an Islamic Common Market imperative for survival. The criminal actions of the cartels have made physical production of goods almost impossible and are driving these nations together. If Russia, also betrayed by the West since its capitulation under Mikhael Gorbachev, could be influenced to reduce or stop the export of gold production, its price would rise as current demand for gold is at record levels. And the Arab world might even create a stable gold-backed currency in which oil sales are denominated. This could destroy the power of the International Bankers.
Russian and Chinese leaders have met with Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian, Libyan, North Korean, Chechnyan, Serbian and Sudanese leaders, to discuss an alliance against NATO (The Strategy, May, 1998, p4). It was stated (in Pakistan's "Nation", April 14, 1998), other nations like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait may be secretly joining. The West is driving Muslim nations like Malaysia and Indonesia closer together - economically and politically with Russia. Such an alliance with the Moslems was foretold in Ezekiel 38:1-6 and Revelation 16:12.
Progressive deregulation of financial markets in Asia allowed the currency speculators to dictate financial and economic policy to their banks, devaluing the currencies, and when the International Bankers pulled the rug from under them, surrogates picked-up their assets at fire sale prices.
In October, 1997, OPEC oil production quotas were increased. Until recently, oil prices were at their lowest since the 1970's. This price fall was fueled by the collapse of energy demand from Asia. As a consequence, developing nations like Indonesia, Nigeria, Iran or Venezuela that depend upon oil revenues for budget allocations, would have to radically amend their budgets.
Oil revenues threaten to hasten the next dilemma for Russian State finances as tax revenues from Oil production form the cornerstone of what remains of State revenues. Russia's oil is priced against North Sea Brent, which is now under US$15 a barrel. And guess who holds Russian Treasury Bills? By collapsing markets, International bankers can obtain control over the assets and wealth of nations, and enslave their citizens.
The old families in "The City" and power elites have been moving their fortunes from paper instruments into control of the crucial commodities of food, fuel, and minerals essential to mankind, and which they regard as a hedge to see them through the coming crash.
As Christians we recognize something had to happen to double-cross the citizens of Russia who are not Spiritual, or who have not been presented with the Message of Malachi 4:5-6. God allowed Communism to raise up to destroy the false Church. Communism is the work of the synagogue of Satan who pretend to be Jews, but are not.
Communism is not dead. It is more that just a political system, it is a spirit: the spirit of egalitarianism or rebellion - "people's rights", the spirit of lawlessness that works in the children of disobedience. Jesus called it "Laodicea". The world is soaked in this spirit, especially in the West. It saturates our governments and bureaucracies, our institutes of learning for all ages, and our denominational churches.
The Illuminati are using the Russian and East European people as their pawns today as they used the Jews in the days of Hitler and Stalin (and continue to use them - in particular the few remaining seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who have returned to the Land of their Covenant and who serve the Law).
It is not capitalism, or the peoples of our once democratic, once Christian, Western world which has deceived the people of Eastern Europe, but the Zionist moneyed elite who control us. They are the invisible administration in Britain, the USA, Russia and Israel. A part of Satan's Millennium end-game is to resurrect Communism in its revival of hatred against the world they imagine brought their ruin. They do not realize that Communism was always a tool of the mega-rich elites, designed to enslave them and destroy itself.
In 1950, one-time Russian delegate to the UN, Dimitri Manuilsky, spoke of "launching the most spectacular peace movement on record" with the object of "putting the bourgeoisie to sleep", so that the final take-over of the whole world by the Communists would succeed through the element of surprise.
This "peace offensive" was launched in 1956 by Khrushchev although it passed largely unnoticed because of the dramatic diversion provided by de-Stalinisation. The vital importance of Khrushchev's speech at the Twentieth Party Congress was that it inaugurated the strategy of "peaceful co-existence" as the means of achieving world-wide Communist dictatorship - an objective which clearly could not be gained by a conventional military confrontation.
Detente and ("The City's" asset), Mikhael Gorbechev's "Glassnost" and "Perestroika" won home support for the apparent abandonment of Communism and break-up of the Soviet Socialist Republic. This enabled the face of the West, in the form of the "International Bankers" who designed and financed, and are the real government of International Communism, to disinvest Russia of her industry and her resources and bankrupt her with debt. Soon the Russian bear will wake up to discover she has been robbed of her cubs. Soon the world will shout, "Peace, peace, but there will be no peace". For Communism will revive, and shortly after the earthquake sinks Los Angeles, Russia will try to exact revenge upon those she sees as raping her when she opened up her heart with the West for friendship and co-existence.
Russia will attack and invade the US. The Pope will send them home and establish the NWO. Then the strange Caribou-like creature of Brother Branham's vision, representing America, the image to Rome in the natural/political realm, will rule with Rome for precisely forty-two months. Russia will then attack America USA for a second time, and annihilate the whole of the continent. bb980304.htm
Revelation 17:12-13 - Part II: The Black Nobility
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More religious bullshit
13.08.2002 16:39
p.s. You left out the Prieure de Sion...
trouble with christians
13.08.2002 19:37
while much of the tale spun here is correct, you always have to extract the possibly factual from the belief-bound proselytising and the anti-semitic and unfactual information eg bankers=jews=khazars