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The attack on Iraq: will the US make covert use of bioweapons?

Watcher | 10.08.2002 14:56

We know that the US and Russia are the world centres of research on biowarfare. The recent anthrax attacks in the US, warn us that there are rogue elements with access to the key laboratories.

I have been having a little nightmare thought

In the event of a War on Iraq, might elements of the US armed forces not wish to unleash some sort of bioweapon (anthrax, smallpox, ebola ???) which could conveniently be blamed on the Iraqis, and thus become part of the retrospective casus belli for the war?

Let us go one step further on the lefty conspiracy theory paranoia road: there are right-wing environmentalists who have been arguing for a while that saving the planet means killing off all the poor folk (esp. those black, brown, or yellow) who are "overpopulating" it. The G8 have started re-inocculating their populations against small pox; among poor nations, the WHO has decided the disease is "extinct" and has stopped running immunization programmes.

One step further, perhaps the Israelis (who have their own biowarfare capacity) might find it convenient to set off a little epidemic die- off among their nearby enemies? (a way to rebalance the demography of the region)



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Sorry but...

10.08.2002 15:47

...this sounds like something of the X-Files! Unless enough people are willing to stop it, the US are going to attack Iraq no matter what, the won't need any justifacation apart from appeasing their fat-oil oil baron masters.

Thomas J

Make My Day....

10.08.2002 19:46

But... this has to be seen to be a democracy, although it is not, so the people must consent, lest they should revolt, but 90% of UK citizens are oppossed to a war with Iraq, so the US will need "something" to get the majority on board for WWIII. Brace yourselves.

Dirty Harry


10.08.2002 20:01

The following article is no longer on the VoxFux website. As of August 8th, 2002 the entire website content has been removed --leaving only a disclaimer warning that the death of the site operator would be a covert forces assassination.

A thorough scientific analysis of the swirl of events, people, nations, motivations, propaganda, personalities and histories involved in this current moment in history, leads to only one conclusion -

That clandestine forces loyal to George Bush Sr. are planning to attack the US population, blame it on Islamic terrorists and use the attacks as a pretext for a total clamp-down on dissent, basic civil liberties, normal democratic processes and in the confusion that will follow they will wage unchecked war and aggression against Iraq, and other nations Islamic and otherwise who have natural resources and particularly oil reserves that this shadowy group of petrochemical and arms industrialists are thirsting for. Their ultimate goal? The conquest of Eurasia.

Three quarters of the worlds population and resources are to be found on the Eurasian landmass. It has been the principle focus of State Department and military strategists since presidential National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski outlined it twenty years ago as the principle American "Imperative." Meaning: To survive, we MUST conquer. But what of all those nations that we will be conquering? According to Brzezinski and his cabal of adherents in the Military and State Department whom his writings are a biblical tome - it's for their own good.

The problem Brzezinski says is that most average American's don't have a taste for crusades of global conquest...

Unless...there's a sudden threat.

In his latest book, The Grand Chessboard, Brzezinski drills his followers no less than four times that only sudden and terrifying threats would rouse Americans to the task of global conquest.

With the opening salvo of September 11th behind them, American's are being, "softened up" right now for their first "Dirty Bomb," attack. If there was ever so sinister an imaginary catastrophic device that had been so entirely concocted out of thin air, so heavily promoted in the media and ultimately steered to what will almost certainly be the dramatic conclusion of a self fulfilling media stoked prophecy - to be fabricated first in our imaginations then ignited in the real world - It is the dirty bomb. Find out the "Generators" of the dirty bomb "meme" that took off like wildfire eight months ago and you will find the very source of American terrorism.

But it's not going to be easy. Covert operators like this don't leave memos of their machinations laying around - They don't write this in e-mails. But they do leave traces of their presence.

The analysis of the "Chatter," voxnyc is receiving and interpreting points to only one conclusion - Teams of private ex-intelligence and ex-military operatives under the command structure of the axis of industrialists aligned with the Bush Group of current and ex, intelligence and military operatives, are racing to consolidate total power in the hands of George Bush Jr. in the most ambitious power grab since Adolf Hitler.

To make it very clear our analysis is the following: The much vaunted radiological dirty bomb will NOT be dropped on the American population from any Islamic terrorists but from the shadowy group of American intelligence operatives aligned with George Bush Sr. (the father)

Americans have been made, "aware," of the dirty bomb for over six months now and have had the dirty bomb "meme" firmly linked to, "Islamic Terrorists." This is how it's done. It's called the, "Back Story." And it is part of the preparatory propaganda intelligence agencies call a Psy-op (psychological operation). These Psy-ops in actuality comprise nearly 70% of the overall human and capital resources our government devotes to a given geo-strategic objective - only 30% is bullets and bombs. But even with the many millions spent on painting these elaborate Psy-op pictures, it doesn't take a forensic analysis to uncover some troubling clues within them - Something terribly wrong in the picture. Like a Hollywood special effects extravaganza - all glitz but light on story, these psy-ops which accompany the dirty business of America's, industry, military, intelligence triad, are the shoddy.

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