George Michael's Music Video about Bush & Blair Rocks!
Aris | 09.08.2002 23:50
Have any of you readers of Indymedia UK seen George Michael's music video 'Shoot The Dog'? The Video rocks and I have not laugh that much at a music video in ages. I sure hope you people had seen it because its a must trust me!
I know it may be old for some but I say it anyway, this music video is not only hilarious but sure hell has alot of truth to it as well. You see Tony Blair as Bush's puppy and Bush as a thick headed idiot like he really is! You got to see it for yourselves people. Thus praise good old George Michael for having the guts for making such a music video because it sure has caused quite a stir and I mean a stir,no shit okay?!
If you have seen it you people don't stay silent, I'm curious about your reactions to this post okay?! Chao!
If you have seen it you people don't stay silent, I'm curious about your reactions to this post okay?! Chao!
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