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No-borders-camp demonstraitors attacked synagogue

problem child (IMC-Germany) | 09.08.2002 22:33

from IMC-Germany:
as the demo the synagogue reached, raced have would chain formed to arrive have I - there I with the worst calculated - naturally equally there. before the synagogue then about 20 to 30 people a type to protect spread around the building before...

de. indymedia. org

more tried attacked on strasbourger synagogue
of problem child - 29.07.2002 11:11

to deemphasize there the occurrence again and again tried becomes, attacked again a little supplement to the tried on the strasbourger synagogue in the course of the border-camps demo on Wednesday:

synagogue de la paix

as the demozug the synagogue reached, raced have would chain formed to arrive have I - there I with the worst calculated - naturally equally there. before the synagogue then about 20 to 30 people a type to protect spread around the building before. a good dozen of people (perhaps also more, it was in the tangle only heavily to settle, who what intended) tried then also with spraydosen at the synagogue. we the people. Again and again on that attentively made that it concerns in the building a synagogue, and we become felled allow on none, that this in any form is damaged.
it actually likes to be that that did not know/the one or other, what that is for a house (although it with the five once three meter of large siebenarmigen leuchter and the hebräischen inscription actually scarcely to surveyed was, well yes) and simply only anything zutaggen wanted. however I have even with three led an extremely violent discussion had to explain in that I tried to them why it is scheisse, here nowSpray. on that roared it only around: "why need this building?" "Israel is a fascist state!" "Sharon is a murderer!". so much to the thesis, the people everyone would not have known that the one synagogue is.
To approach at least three once tried people nevertheless at the building - it to be sure each time weggedrängt were able to become (once became somehow the camera weggeklappt). last of all prevented only the fact that the "defenders" of more people were than the "aggressors", worse.
In another posting, I had "looked criticized that something actions inconsiderate the bloc", must say protecting against placed have itself here I to be sure to the "honor rescue" desselbigen that it were mainly the people out of the bb, that the synagogue while the remainder of the demo watched this occurrence - (probably) indifferently -.
Do I think goes is is to be asked it now not therefore to speculate again a discussion antideutsch vs antiimp loszutreten or about that, whether the majority of the camp antisemitisch. rather earnestly, hire become are why such not object of the plenum discussions? around that for-and-against the beer sale on the camp could finally also hour long debated become. I would have the matter gladly even thematisiert, must however Wednesday night already again heimfahren.
joint greets at the users of the camp

problem child (IMC-Germany)


Hide the following 12 comments

bad English - but noteworthy story

09.08.2002 22:48

Bad (automatic) translation, but it's doesn't matter.
This is astounding and disgusting. Just a couple of years ago only neo-nazis would attack a synagogue - but now "progressive" fake-leftoids are just doing that. Don't they understand they are racists themselves?



09.08.2002 23:30

I have read the original German article. I am disgusted at this racist attack by the left on a Jewish religious establishment. My family were persecuted in Austria and Italy by the Nazis/fascists and forced to flee to Albania, Serbia and the UK. This is what they fled. No matter what your opinions on the Israel/Palestine issue, an attack on a religious establishment is a Nazi attack. If no-borders is really behind this, then they are Nazis and I am truly astounded that they have participated in this anti-semitic and evil act.


i was in stasbg

10.08.2002 07:23

I didn't hear about this at all, which is odd since if it happened this would have been a pretty huge subject in the camp. We need to find out more details about this to be clear about what happened and how etc



10.08.2002 10:54

I was there in front of the synagogue in Strasbourg. The synagogue was not really attacked as the article above let people think.

What happened was that people made chains around the building in order to protect it from anyone painting on it. Some people then argued that it is quite discriminatory to leave jewish religious establishments alone, while most christian churches had slogans like: No god, No master No priest. At the end I saw no one writing anyting on the building.

To clarify: the buiding was considered as a religious buiding, representing a structure of domination (a religion). No one at the NoBorder demo wanted to write on the building out of anti-semitism (no more than they wrote on churches out of anti-christianism).


Not clear what happened here

10.08.2002 15:36

But could I please suggest that the movement refrains from writing anything on any religious building for now; while most of us are probably irritated by growing up in a Church of England quasi-religioisty, desecration (which is what even scribbling on chruch walls actually is) can get out of hand. Even sincerely meant slogans like "Down with the Pope" will take on a more serious context in, say, Ireland, where many opppressed people idenitfy with the Catholic church. I was horrified by the Israeli behaviour around the church of Bethlehem, and I dont want to see synagogues mistreated either. By all means criicise religion, but keep it at a refined, dare I say decent level ?

Space - Trotskyist

different standard to diferent people

11.08.2002 01:30

by Manos 8:54am Sat Aug 10 '02

I was there in front of the synagogue in Strasbourg. The synagogue was not really attacked as the article above let people think.

What happened was that people made chains around the building in order to protect it from anyone painting on it. Some people then argued that it is quite discriminatory to leave jewish religious establishments alone, while most christian churches had slogans like: No god, No master No priest. At the end I saw no one writing anyting on the building.

To clarify: the buiding was considered as a religious buiding, representing a structure of domination (a religion). No one at the NoBorder demo wanted to write on the building out of anti-semitism (no more than they wrote on churches out of anti-christianism).


different standard to diferent people

11.08.2002 03:08

to Eyewitness - Manos

Please, don't lie. Of course, the synagogue do was attacked (read the comments to article above on german indy). Whe else you come near to synagogue at all?
Don't you understand that this kind of "direkt aktion" done before only neo-nazis?

Read what yourself write :
"Some people then argued that it is quite discriminatory to leave jewish religious establishments alone, while most christian churches had slogans like: No god, No master No priest. At the end I saw no one writing anyting on the building..."

my answer is:
a. Never have seen on some christian churches in any european country slogans like you say .

b."discriminatory to leave jewish establishment alone "? OK, shall we go to paint slogans "no god no masters" or "fuck you Bin Liner" to some MOSCE eh? IS it no discriminatory to leave muslim establishment alone while most of synagogues all over the world been attacked ? Why if somebody attack mosce you start shouting "this is racism !" but if somebody attack synagogue this is "no god-no masters" ? Why is different standard for different people ? If you are atheist (as me) you must attack EVEN the mosce OR leave in peace all of religious object at all.

c.Don't you know that the nazi-movement in Germany in 30-s were started exactly as now from the attack against synagogues and other jewish places ????

d.In many periods of last 2000 years it was banned to practice judaism as religion, f ex in Nazi-Germany 1937-1945 and in other european countries occupied by the germans
In former USSR under fake-socialism time 1917-1991 practicing of judaism was banned too, as even zionism, many russian jews were prizoned for learning hebrew, celebrating of jewish holiday, praying etc...
But funny enough at the same time all the jews had in their ID-and passport written notice "jew" (the same as in nazi-Germany). So, in the USSR the jews were obligate to be jews by the authorities. And the same time it was forbidden to practice jewish religion.
So, whatthehell "structur of domination" you drivel about ? It was rather object of humilation on many historical period. While christian religion were and are dominated in christian countries. How you dare compare opressors with the opressions object ?
Synagogue for jews is not only religious object - it is a symbol of surviving and some living museum.

e.Don't you know that judaism as religion have nothing to do with zionism (remember your propaganda argument nr.1 = Neturei-karta jews, who said that judaism and zionism is not the same) nor with Israel politic. Some of zionists are practicing jews, some - not.

The jews NOT just religious, but rather ethnic group. Many of modern jews are non-religious though they are still jews. So if you idiots want protest against Israel politic - synagogue isn't right object for your protest.

p.s. I'm atheist.


No Gods No Masters No Borders

11.08.2002 05:46

Erm, nothing happened - so what's the problem?

I was also at the synagogue on Wednesday, playing with the samba band, nobody in anyway interfered or made any move towards synogoge, apart from a number of german leftists, who for their own reasons of guilt, formed a line between the procession and this building.

Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all used by reactionary forces in the world to push racist, sexist and homophobic agendas and generally to mystify and spread divisions amongst peoples. However there are some christians, jews and muslems who act to support social justice - so i wouldn't condem 'em all -

but I am bored with having to put up the unlikely alliance of religious bigots and sad leftists - both those who support isreal and those who support some islamic anti-colonial line - that is used to justify war , expoitation and oppression-

so please no more lies

Ya Basta
Enough Is Enough-

No gods, No Masters
NoBorders, NoNations
Freedom of Movement for All

Bored with Bigots

to Ya-Basta

11.08.2002 20:58

Answer to Ya Basta-
You wrote: "... apart from a number of german leftists"
-so Yourself admite that somebody from No-border group do tried to attack synagogue ! "...number of german leftists "? Strange, as I know in Germany is some left Antifa-groups go to opposite direction - they being Pro-israeli and Pro-zionist exactly "for their own reason of guilt"! Check , they called "anti-deutsche"(anti-german).

You are right that all religions are shit, but you missed my point.

1. Do you dare to paint the same slogans "no gods-no masters " or similar political slogans as "fuck you Bin Liner" on the mosque walls?
Why is different standard for different people ? If they are atheist (as me) they should attack EVEN the mosqu OR leave in peace all of religious object at all.

2.Don't you know that the nazi-movement in Germany in 30-s were started exactly as now -
from the attack against synagogues and other jewish object ?

3.Don't you know that judaism as religion have nothing to do with zionism (remember Neturei-karta jews, who said that judaism and zionism is not the same) nor with Israel politic. Some of zionists are practicing jews, some - not.

You wrote :
" christians, jews and muslems ..." - no accurate comparison, because christians and muslems are only religious group, but the jews are even ethnic group, as there are too many non-practicing jews. It would be more correct to say "british, french, german, jews, polish etc etc etc".

So if somebody want protest against Israel politic - synagogue isn't right object for your protest.

Green Anarchist-zine wrote about Ya Basta (s.8) : "Beware of White-dressed cops" (


baba you're gaga

12.08.2002 09:41

Hi Baba,

I don't think you even read what 'Bored with bigots' wrote. He said that some german leftists moved to protect the synagogue - NOT to attack it.

People who went to the noborders camp told me that there were a lot of idiots there. One particularly bad thing was some people in the blac bloc spray painting on the walls of immigrants' houses even after immigrants came out and told them to stop. But it sounds like attacking the synagogue didn't happen.

You also misunderstood what was meant by 'many churches had no gods no masters sprayed on them'. This didn't mean most churches in europe - just in Strasbourg during the noborder camp.

I agree that it is a bad idea to attack religious buildings. Religions are going through a period of change at the moment. On the one side, you have the scary fundamentalists of xhristianity, islam and judaism. But on the other side, many people in those religions seem to be seeking out a more relaxed form of spirituality. It's not so good to alienate all these people by attacking their sacred spaces.

It's similar to attacking squats because a few people who live there take part in the blac bloc and a few people in the blac bloc are nutters.


the synagogue was never attacked

12.08.2002 09:57

it is incredible to see how the issue is being hyped and how indymedia is becoming a tool to deligitimize the protest, by constantly pretending that the movement is antisemitic.

The synagogue was not attacked.
The demo crossed half the city centre, and happened to pass in front of a synagogue. The buildings along the street had been covered with tags and graffities all the time, as the demo turned left passed the synagogue a group of black masked activists preventively stood in front of it (forming a line) indicating people to continue their way in order to make sure noone tagged the building which was already protected by crowd barriers. A little discussing among people happened, a camera close to the synagogue was turned in a way it pointed upwards...people moved on....that's it.
Now, some people can assume that a few people would have tagged if there had not been a protective line of activists....and discuss ages about it. but please don't spread the rumour that a synagogue was attacked by THE camp and compare people to neo-nazis. This is an uncredibly destructive and irresponsible way of dealing with information. A tactic that police is probably happy to use,as they see how much energy thy can take away from the movement by spreading rumours of antisemitism in the Left (and i am of course not insinuating that there is a jewish conspiracy behind it- there isn't).

for your information:
- there were jews taking part in the camp
- there were several workshops and discussions about the issue of antisemitism during the camp
- there were banners made denouncing antisemitism

surely the issue is discussed controversely, but people are not indifferent to it

no borders no nation
stop antisemitism
stop racism

stop rumours
