Ruptures ahead of the World Summit on Sustainable Development
IMC-SA | 09.08.2002 22:02
Those eyesores threatening to mar South Africa's global image as simpering champion of self-denial in sustainable development are being hurriedly and brutally bandaged ahead of the United Nation's descent on Johannesburg.
Those eyesores threatening to mar South Africa's global image as simpering champion of self-denial in sustainable development are being hurriedly and brutally bandaged ahead of the United Nation's descent on Johannesburg. In the Western Cape, poor families have been suffering Apartheid-style relocation to houses better fitting their means, nonchalantly called 'right-sizing'. Mr Mcondobi, a pensioner forcibly removed from his home in Mandela Park, died as a result of his eviction to a dog's kennel in Thubelitsha.
Gatesville Hawkers attacked and evicted by council law enforcement
GATESVILLE, CAPE TOWN, 22 July 2002 | At 8am this morning, police and council law enforcement arrived to confiscate the goods and stalls of the Gatesville Hawkers, who have been engaged in a payment boycott for the last few months. The hawkers wares will now sit and rot unless hawkers manage to pay unaffordable rents to the UniCity. In the ensuing confrontation, three hawkers were arrested and brutalised by council law enforcement.
LPM-led walkout shuts down SA HRC talk shop
The Landless People's Movement (LPM) - an independent national movement of landless people struggling to access land reform across South Africa - yesterday led more than 400 farm dwellers in a walk-out which succeeded in shutting down the pathetic talk shop of the South African Human Rights Commission's (SAHRC) hearings into farm violence in KwaZulu-Natal
Gatesville Hawkers attacked and evicted by council law enforcement
GATESVILLE, CAPE TOWN, 22 July 2002 | At 8am this morning, police and council law enforcement arrived to confiscate the goods and stalls of the Gatesville Hawkers, who have been engaged in a payment boycott for the last few months. The hawkers wares will now sit and rot unless hawkers manage to pay unaffordable rents to the UniCity. In the ensuing confrontation, three hawkers were arrested and brutalised by council law enforcement.
LPM-led walkout shuts down SA HRC talk shop
The Landless People's Movement (LPM) - an independent national movement of landless people struggling to access land reform across South Africa - yesterday led more than 400 farm dwellers in a walk-out which succeeded in shutting down the pathetic talk shop of the South African Human Rights Commission's (SAHRC) hearings into farm violence in KwaZulu-Natal
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