Cheer the brave opposers !
gadi | 09.08.2002 09:42
The opposers (Palestinians) and their fight for justice. Before and after the resistance action.
[editorial comment (andi at have taken off the picture as direct link as many people have protested. view it on - have any comments on if putting the link to the pic one click away is the right policy? please mail to]
[editorial comment (andi at have taken off the picture as direct link as many people have protested. view it on - have any comments on if putting the link to the pic one click away is the right policy? please mail to]
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And whats the big picture?
09.08.2002 10:03
But I just want to ask one question: how many Palestinians have been murdered by the Israelis over the last fifty years (from Deir Yassin onwards) vs. how many Israeli Jews have been murdered by Palestinians?
Until jews take responsibility for the horror they have created in Palestine, these horrors will continue.
Sympathetic Sceptic
Re: both above and many comments to come...
09.08.2002 10:13
if only it was that simple - it's not.
It's a very complex situation out there, both in Palestine and Israel, with diverse views and groups amongst both Palestinians and Israelis.
And watch your language - when you say jews, either you mean Israeli Jews & Druze & Christians and all the other Israeli 'ethnic' groups, or you're an anti-semite.
It's so easy to spout on Indymedia.
Hoping (& working) for a just peace over there, xx
Sad State
09.08.2002 12:54
Marquis de Sade
pleae dont look at the 'cheer the brave oppos
09.08.2002 17:18
digusting pictures of human carnage
some sick fuck has just put the most obscene pictures of human carnage on the board, that i have ever seen. i think he was trying to show the brutality of the palestinian suicide bombers. but all he has done is offended human sensibilities. imo,no one should use violence on either side.
you are advertising for him (deliberately)?
09.08.2002 17:20
The images posted there are intended to work as propaganda but all they achieve is to remind us of the horror which zionism has created in Palestine/Israel
sympathetic sceptic
09.08.2002 17:21
Thanks for the warning 'disgusted'. I can't stand looking at carnage.
This is war
09.08.2002 23:48
This could be a wedding in Afghanistan. It could be a bat mitsvah in Israel. It could be a funeral in Palestine. It could be a night out in London.
When you support an armed group, this is the consequence. So all those who vote for war, whatever side you are on, think about what you are really voting for. Perhaps take a look at these horrific photos and think about the families which are destroyed by the nasty, hateful killing of civilians.
No-one has the right to take another's life. No-one should be allowed that power to decide who lives and who dies. No-one should march into a market place and blow themselves up. No-one should carpet bomb an antire city and think themselves morally superior.
No-one should kill in the name of liberty.
Just a Few comments about Israil
28.08.2004 18:43
Israel was founded as a terrorist state, the Irgun terrorist group being the precursor to the Israeli Defense Forces
Here is a brief timeline of their activities:
[1931] Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military Organization) was founded in Jerusalem; led by Avraham Tehomi, it advocated armed Jewish insurrection against British rule and war against Palestinian Arabs.
[1943] Menachem Begin became leader of the Israeli terrorist Irgun Zvai Leumi (National Military Organization), which was engaged in a campaign against the British in Palestine.
[1946] King David Hotel bombing (July 22): Irgun Zvai Leumi terrorists, commanded by Menachem Begin, bombed the British office wing of Jerusalem's King David Hotel, killing 91 people, 17 of them Jews. Among other Irgun terrorist actions was the bombing of the British Embassy in Rome.
An exerpt from the website dedicated to Israel's treachorous attack on the U.S.S. Liberty:
"This web site is dedicated to the memory of thirty-four fine young men who gave their lives on June 8, 1967, defending the USS Liberty against a sustained air and sea attack by the armed forces of the State of Israel
During the Six Day War between Israel and the Arab States, the American intelligence ship USS Liberty was attacked for 75 minutes in international waters by Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo boats. Thirty-four men died and 172 were wounded.
The attack has been a matter of controversy ever since. Survivors and many key government officials including Secretary of State Dean Rusk and former JCS Chairman Admiral Thomas Moorer say it was no accident. Israel and its supporters insist it was a "tragic case of misidentification" and charge that the survivors are either lying or too emotionally involved to see the truth.
Israel claims they mistook our ship for the out-of-service Egyptian horse carrier El Quseir and that we brought the attack upon ourselves by operating in a war zone without displaying a flag. Not so. We were in international waters, far from any fighting, and flew a bright, clean, new American flag. The flag we flew is on display at the National Cryptologic Museum, Fort Meade, Maryland and can be seen there, or in the USS Liberty Images Archive.
Our commanding officer, Captain William Loren McGonagle, received the Congressional Medal of Honor for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty during the attack. The Congressional Medal of Honor is the highest award our country can bestow. To avoid embarrassing our attackers, Captain McGonagle's Medal of Honor was presented in a quiet ceremony in the Washington Navy Yard instead of in the White House by the President as is customary."
Here are a few facts. What is the only nation in the Middle East known to actually posess Nuclear weapons? Israel.
What country in the Middle East is in violation of 69 U.N. Security Council Resolutions? Israel.
What country in the Middle East has racially discriminate land laws? Israel.
What country in the Middle East still carries on an illegal 37-year occupation? Israel.
What country in the Middle East has racially discriminate laws regarding water distribution? Israel.
What is the only country in the Middle East that refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and bars International Inspectors? Israel.
What country's military in the Middle East has had high-ranking officers admit publically that prisoners of war have summarily executed by it's forces? Israel.
What country in the Middle East's Prime Minister was found responsible by one of it's own courts for the Sabra and Shatilla massacres in Lebanon? Israel.
What country in the Middle East has a Prime Minister whose coalition government includes a party called Molodet which promotes Ethnic cleansing by calling for the forced expulsion of all Arabs from Palestine? Israel.
Also, some other facts about the whole situation. Under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(December, 1948) the right to self-determination is guaranteed, yet under the Oslo Accords Palestinians were expected to have to negotiate this right. Also despite what is perpetuated, in the 1967 6 day war, Israel struck first calling it a "pre emptive strike".
Did you know that the former chief rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Ovadia Yossef, who is also a founder and spiritual leader of the religious Shas party (Israel's third largest political party) openly advocates a 'Final Solution' to annihilate the Palestinians? Speaking at the widely broadcast sermon marking the last Passover, he declared of the Palestinians: "The Lord shall return their deeds on their own heads, waste their seed and exterminate them, devastate them and vanish them from this world. It is forbidden to be merciful to them. You must send missiles to them and annihilate them. They are evil and damnable."
And the saddest part is, Israel receives more aid from the U.S. every year(mostly military) than is spent on the entire African continent. Never mind getting rid of famine or helping alleviate the AIDS epidemic, we've got to arm an Apartheid Colonialist regime!
Only God knowed....
01.12.2004 07:00
Daryl Al rasyad
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