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Europe 2002, a political party is about to be illegalized!!!

Basque Campaign | 09.08.2002 09:15

The Spanish Government wants to ban Batasuna

Batasuna (known previously as Herri Batasuna and Euskal Herritarrok) is a left-wing political coalition in the Basque Country.

Because it has been seeking democracy, justice and self-determination for the Basque Country and its people, it is about to be illegalized.

By doing so, the Spanish government is actually trying to illegalize 250,000 Basque citizens (out of a population of 3 and a half millions!).

The Spanish government is desperate to be rid of the Basque resistance, making the most of the international context following September 11. After using false arguments saying that Batasuna is ETA and vice-versa, the Spanish government has just released the new Law of Political Parties (Ley Organica de Partidos Politicos), wich enables the government to declare a political party illegal.

Batasuna has a legal political activity, it represents a large amount of citizens across the Basque Country.
Spain keeps torturing and goes against Basque Country’s rights. They closed down a paper (Egin), a magazine (Ardi Beltza), a radio (Egin Irratia), they have already illegalized Segi (youth movement), civil disobedience groups such as ABK and Joxemi Zumalabe Foundation and many of ther members were sent to jail.
All that has been organised and executed by “super-judge” Baltazar Garzon on behalf of the spanish government (the executive would not interfere in the legislative in a real democracy...).

It is time now to say STOP and to condemn Spanish interferences in the Basque Country. If Spain was a genuine democracy, the Basque people would have their right to decide of their own future...

We encourage anyone to get in touch with the Basque Campaign in order to obtain more information about the conflict in the Basque Country. Or, alternatively you can also check Batasuna’s website: (Basque and Spanish only).

Basque Campaign
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a political party that supports killers

10.08.2002 14:43

Batasuna supports politically and economically the group ETA, which has been killing people, including children, for over 30 years.

That is at least one of the reasons why it is being banned: to stop assassins, as dialogue has failed with them.

a basque


10.08.2002 20:00

Batasuna has never supported ETA in anyway. You made this up! There are two different things.
A democracy should encourage dialogue...
