IMC-UK overrun with bulls**t
Thomas J | 08.08.2002 19:56
Am I the only person who reads the IMC-UK newswire who is a teeny weeny bit annoyed about all the crap that gets posted on here? I seriously doubt it.
For the past month, I have not been able to read the newswire without coming across articles about the latest whacko conspiricy about the Freemasons, or the New World Order, or the Illuminanti, or whatever is flavour of the month for these loons. At the moment that flavour is that the goverment is using airliners to saturate the skies with "chemtrails" - utter nonsense. So I ask, WTF is this doing on the newswire?
It's not just the conspiricy nuts that are annoying me. There are some articles which are just mere discussions, with very little news or ideas in them, unless you can count the (never ending) flame wars between anarchists and SWP supporters.
If any of you have read my previous postings on IMC-UK, you would know that I was 100% for an uncensored newswire. Now having seen drivel upon drivel upon drivel, hiding some of this would not be a bad idea, as the newswire is becoming less informative because of this.
Some of you (like I did) will cry out that this would be only the thin end of the wedge, and it would undermine the principles of IndyMedia, but something has to be done otherwise the IMC newswire will become next to useless. Conspircy theorists have their own websites, so they have no excuse to pollute IndyMedia with their drivel. Besides, if people really want to look at this, the IMC should provide a link from the front page to all the hidden articles.
Final thing, my appologies go out to Dan for publishing yet another "un-news" article, and appologies also to Mike (the Essex Uni one), dh, and BlackPope, who suppored my anti-censorship views.
It's not just the conspiricy nuts that are annoying me. There are some articles which are just mere discussions, with very little news or ideas in them, unless you can count the (never ending) flame wars between anarchists and SWP supporters.
If any of you have read my previous postings on IMC-UK, you would know that I was 100% for an uncensored newswire. Now having seen drivel upon drivel upon drivel, hiding some of this would not be a bad idea, as the newswire is becoming less informative because of this.
Some of you (like I did) will cry out that this would be only the thin end of the wedge, and it would undermine the principles of IndyMedia, but something has to be done otherwise the IMC newswire will become next to useless. Conspircy theorists have their own websites, so they have no excuse to pollute IndyMedia with their drivel. Besides, if people really want to look at this, the IMC should provide a link from the front page to all the hidden articles.
Final thing, my appologies go out to Dan for publishing yet another "un-news" article, and appologies also to Mike (the Essex Uni one), dh, and BlackPope, who suppored my anti-censorship views.
Thomas J
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lets talk about this on the admin email list
08.08.2002 20:40
ciao, j
Let the people speak
08.08.2002 20:52
Let's develop our critical faculties. Let's exercise our own judgement as to what is a good and bad posting. Let's not have officials exercising that judgement for us.
Steve Booth
Come on, Thomas J
08.08.2002 20:53
Many of us do have activist backgrounds, and reckon we have just joined the dots and have seen what's really going on. If that mean's we share some views of the world with some backwoods militiamen in the US, big boys with toys, so be it.Maybe they saw the wood for the trees long ago.
The only reason I post here, is that I love to join a community which is aware and active and out on the streets with gnerally the right feelings and attitudes.
I just think there is some background which is more or less correct, but so easily dismissed as wierd stuff, though as I see it -right in your face, which needs to be given some consideration, most definitely including chemtrails.
Love and solidarity
Conspiracy Facts
08.08.2002 21:50
The flagrant spraying of the skies, recognised by congress, admitted by parliament and studied by many, is visibly causing drought, flash floods, crop destruction, water shortages and as a result, starvation. Now the old, the young and infirm who are suffering most, must be ignored or censored because it is not deemed newsworthy - but “kook stuff” by an arrogant, patronizing, narrow-minded and dangerous, ‘know-it-all.’
If you remove the alternative viewpoints then all you are left with is the accepted “official version” of events, government propaganda, which you can read in any mainstream news.
Here is a different opinion from a very concerned citizen in England who you would dismiss as a loon...
The UK has been blitzed with Chemtrail spraying
since May 16th - May 16th is the day the Bush Regime
tried to subliminally state they had limited foreknowledge
of the attacks of last September 11th. The trouble for the
Bush regime is that people were not satisfied with this
small news blip, they demanded MORE information on
WTC/911. Consequently (I believe) the USA and UK have
been bombed with even more severe Chemtrail spray
ever since May 10th to 20th, right to this time now.>
Since the end of May there are a lot of allergy and flu-like
symptoms with many people. There are chemical smells
in the air - similar to pesticide - and a lot of itchiness to
eyes and face. How many people have died from this
chemical onslaught, one can only guess.
From July 24th, parts of central and northern UK
have suffered a very low, dark cloud cover. With lack
of either oxygen or healthy negative ions in the air.
or both. Headaches and migraines have increased.
This felt very suspicious, as if something was being
intensively sprayed over at least the north of England,
which resulted in almost zero precipitation and very
un-vital air.
After a week of this strange 'weather', the dam burst,
and the north of England was flooded out with huge
AT THE SAME TIME - August 1st/2nd - severe outbreaks
of illness made the news from northern England and
Scotland. Both connected with infection in either
air or water. Remember, August 1st brings us to two
and a half months of intensive Chemtrail spraying,
and one week of very thick spraying which caused
'airless' conditions.
AUGUST 2nd: Alarming outbreak of pneumonia
across NW England. Some people diagnosed with
Legionnaires disease. One man has died so far.
Authorities very alarmed. First state it's from the
WATER in AIR conditioning system. Pneumonia
is very common effect from Chemtrail spraying.
AUGUST 3rd: Outbreak of illness from bug in
WATER SUPPLY in Glasgow. Bug causes severe
diarrhoea. Authorities tell over 100,000 people to
boil all WATER for personal use.
AUGUST 3rd: Bug found in WATER SUPPLY at
campsite in Inverness, Scotland.
Authorities say bug is E. Coli.
Replies (1)
08.08.2002 22:47
Steve Booth: In an ideal world, yes, I once though the same as you do, but having seen mostly drivel in the past few months, with more 'bad' articles than good, I realise that the crap needs to be cut out somehow, because if it isn't it will become very hard to find the decent articles on there, and the newswire will cease to be informative, and the IMC will not be doing the job it was intended to do.
dh/Luna: I've seen pictures of so-called 'chemtrails' they are no different to what I sometimes see in the sky and think "what conspiriacy"? Besides, others have debunked this myth, and you just can't believe everything you read, be it corporate media, or Indymedia. If people really want to know about the latest conspiricy theory, there are millions of sites out there, so why clutter up Indymedia with them, since many people just don't give a monkeys for these wacko ideas.
I know people will accuse me of hypocracy, and say who the hell am I to say what people think or whats newsworth, but these "conspiricay theory" articles are getting in the way of the real information on how world goverments and multinational are screwing the people of the world (again), and any protests against that.
It isn't just the conspiricy theories that are pissing me off. The never ending argument between "anarchists" and SWP supporters is also getting quite tiring, if both camps actually put their differences beside them and did something it would help, but most are two narrow minded to see that. The so-called anarchists accuse the SWP of being narrow minded, but by slagging of the views of people other than their own, they are just as bad as they allege the SWP to be.
I know I will also be accused of selling out because of my previous anti-censorship stance, but I suppose you can't be friends with everyone.
Oh and Ben, if you are reading this, sorry it ain't what u define as "news", but my defination of news is a lot wider than yours (although dh and Luna may disagree).
Thomas J
let's not talk about this on an e-mail list
08.08.2002 23:00,3604,770783,00.html
How to disenfranchise a whole population to achieve your aims.
And how to continue?
Why a Reichstag fire of course...
08.08.2002 23:05
question to Steve Booth. Should you published in your GA a letter with something "fuck you negroes...down with negroes supremacy...All the negroes are rapist, criminals and robbers...kill all the negroes..." or something? So tell me WHY do you accepted this disgusting generalisating posting on this site against other ethnic minority? Why this different standard for different people? This is astounding that fake-leftists have the same argumentation as the right extremists.
Shame on you bloody fake-"antifascist".
thankyou thomas
09.08.2002 00:34
i to post many `loony ideas`, but mostly i find i must post articles that have been published on `respected` sites like guardian or cnn, so as not to scare people like you into thinking these `loony` ideas are rubbish.
i was aware of the 2001 american election scam weeks b4 newspapers where taliking about it. thanks to loony conspiracy sites.
i found offical versions of sep 11th hard to get my head round, and found others on conspiracy sights felt the same, only recently have the `respected` mainstream media begun to question it. ie, that the gov. ATLEAST knew it was to happen, but actively did nothing to prevent it.
and atleast these stories of chemtrails have got me noticing the sky again. which can be quite troublesome, living in london.
theres no smoke without fire.
except for the dick who keeps posting photos of indymedia dressed as east european army generals????
and its raining all the time.
The New Don Quixotes
09.08.2002 13:39
Therefore, by default, in the absence of an overwhelmingly confident socialist movement(and of course in the aftermath of the fall of the USSR and chums), indidviduals struggle vainly, and valiantly, like Don Quixote, to use whatever comes to hand. Its not their fault !
Ok now we're back on the newswire...
09.08.2002 14:07
dh, I now confess that some conspiricies (including chemtrails!) may be debatable and thus newsworthy and it was wrong for me to condemm them as just "utter nonsense", although that still doesn't stop me from being highly skeptical.
Space-Trotskyist, as far as I understand "anarchism" and "socialism" are two different things, so I don't get your point about "anarchists not sure if they are socialists". Please explain.
There are still some stuff on the IMC-UK newswire that just shouldn't be there, such as Jean's 'Heinzreport' spammings, which have come under fire last night. You click what looks like an intresing article just to find loads of irrelevent links, which if clicked on put loads of cookies on you PC, (unless, like me, you have disabled cookies). Now that DEFINATELY does not have a place on Indymedia!
Another person who has some explaining to do is "scalanews", who posts about how "today in the Global Observer you can find x1, x2, and x3...", and gives a link to the website. Why doesn't this person just post the infomation into the article, rather than expecting us to go look for it, or at least link directly to the articles in question, rather than just to the website.
As I say, this stuff is watering down the useful content on the newswire and the whole IMC is suffering as a result.
Thomas J
anarchism and socialism
10.08.2002 15:14
Space -Trotskyist
All anarchists are socialists
10.08.2002 18:05
10.08.2002 18:57
If people want to debate about the SWP, there are hundreds if not thousands of message board sites to do that on, so leave the Indymedia for stuff that more newsworthy. I'm not sure what should be done about the conspiracy theorists, because some have become all too real (like UN's piece about the American presidential election), however things like David Icke's huge lizards are not what I would consider fact, despite his cult following. Thing is, people can make a conspiricy theory on anything, without a grain of evidence.
Thomas J
always keep an open mind
10.08.2002 22:26