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Microwave Weapons May Be Ready For Iraq

bov | 08.08.2002 00:48

An attack on Iraq is expected to see the first use of high-power microwave weapons that produce a split-second spike of energy powerful enough to damage electronic components and scramble computer memories.

HPM weapons now available to be used against Iraq are not talked about openly. They are built, like bombs, as expendable one-time-use weapons. Many of the payloads are designed for carriage by cruise missiles like the ALCM, Tomahawk, Jassm or Britain's Storm Shadow.

This is scary. Please help stop the war.
By David A. Fulghum/ Aviation Week & Space Technology

06-Aug-2002 9:37 AM U.S. EDT



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08.08.2002 12:39

Even the dumbest sheeple must see through the charade by now. In the early 90’s Saddam was the Arab bogey man whose image was the object of hate, but he was untouched during Desert Storm, only Iraqi civilians were punished and allied troops were poisoned. Then he was old news and it was Bin Laden we had to vent our spleen at after Sept 11th - who would be smoked out of his lair and hunted down, “make no mistake, we’ll git him, dead or alive” but they didn’t and that’s all forgotten now, as we dig out the archive footage of Goddamn Insane again, as a ‘threat to civilization.’ A blind man could see they are all CIA puppets to be animated, brandishing a sabre, when the President’s flagging popularity needs revived by a ‘patriotic war’ - without end and without winners but with big profits.

Gwen Tower

Plasma Detonators Being Designed in Bristol

12.08.2002 16:44

Final year undergraduate students from the University of Bath Physics Department are currently working at MBDA Missile Technologies at BAE systems, Filton, Bristol.

Their work involves the development of plasma pulse technology that emits high power bursts of electromagnetic radiation with the intention of creating telecom blackouts, data scrambling and electronic mayhem. This technology could be used for example to block the launch of anti-air missiles, to confound cruise missiles, to jam land-air signals and other uses. As far as I am aware it does not cause physiological symptoms and is to be used at high altitudes. However, such missiles targeting airports, traffic control centres, bases, communication headquarters.... could create low level radiation burts that may have physiological consequences.

The technology draws on the plasma black-out effect first noticed when lunar capsules re-entered the earth atmosphere and the plasma shell around the capsule prevented telecoms.

It is a high tech a low cost complement to Star War technologies that target national defence systems. This and other stealth technologies are being used to disarm defence capabilities so as to allow strikes to be as destructive and unhindered as possible. The use of depleted Uranium is enhancing the destructiveness of these strikes and creating massive human and environmental catastrophes wherever they are being used.

Perhaps people could visit Filton BAE systems on open days.... and interfere with their plans?
