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Anti Nazi League | 07.08.2002 11:24


Labour-controlled Burnley Council is disgracefully refusing to let the Anti
Nazi League use one of its parks for our planned "Love Music - Hate Racism"
Carnival on Sunday 1 September.

We need to pressurise them to change to their minds.

The Council's licensing committee is meeting TONIGHT to decide whether to
grant the Anti Nazi League an entertainments licence for Sunday 1 September.

This is a crucial meeting. Our phone calls and emails can make a difference.

The Council is banning an anti-racist Carnival, but it allows the BNP to
organise. Only last Thursday, vetern Nazi John Tyndall was allowed to hold a
meeting in the centre of Burnley, protected by a massive police presence. On
17/18 August the BNP plans to hold its "Red, White and Blue" Nazi rally in

Burnley NEEDS an anti-racist Carnival. It would bring black and white people
together, united against the BNP. It would be a massive show of strength
that would prove anti-Nazis are the majority. It would be the first major
anti-racist event to take place in Burnley since the race riots last year
and the election of three Nazi councillors in May's local elections.


* RING Stuart Caddy (Burnley Council leader, CWU member) on 01282 425011
* FAX him on 01282 438772
* EMAIL him on

Anti Nazi League
PO Box 2566, London N4 1WJ
tel 020 7924 0333

Anti Nazi League
- Homepage:


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07.08.2002 14:26

Well my dear anarchists? Do you support this call to action? Or is the priority still crying about the ‘impurity’ of the ANL?


Council meeting

07.08.2002 16:08

All you get out the secretary is that the council will review the appliacation tonight. Apparently one BNP councillor will also be present.

in solidarity.


Lets go for it!!!

07.08.2002 20:40

The ANL event must go ahead! LOVE MUSIC! HATE RACISM! This is the kind of positive event Burnley needs! The council are dangerous nutters trying to stop it.
But this time it should go ahead anyway. The ANL should refuse to call it off! Even without council permission we should continue. If thousands of us turn up anyway, and start making music and having a big multi-racial party, it will be a brilliant statement of resistance to Fascism and the collaborators on Burnley council!
THE PARTY MUST GO ON! If we have learned one thing over recent years, it is that we CAN DO THIS, even with the Criminal (in)Justice Act and the powers that be trying to stop us! GO FOR IT! FREEDOM! PEACE! UNITY!

Barry Kade


07.08.2002 20:59


Asif Liketherewaslove

e-mal to stuart caddy, leaderofBurnleyCouncil

09.08.2002 20:34

Stuart Caddy,

A Blackburner here. Check the website

I remember meeting you in burnley town centre. You walked past an ANL stall in the Arndale centre way back in may 2001 around the time of the General Election. I can remember you remarking that as a councillor that you abhored the thought of organised fascists operating in burnley. You then proudly (or it seemed) to offer your lapel to an ANL sticker that said "SMASH THE NAZIS". You seemed an affable bloke who was quite genuine and I thought "Good bloke fairly, he'll come up trumps if needed", as you walked past with your kids.

Fast Forward to this week. History and local govt politics and a quirky collapse of the council have left Burnley with three (not openly, but respectable[sic]) fascist councillors. Good work done all round don't you think?

Next thing I see is that you and your colleagues are now working with these misguided individuals on a regular basis. But of course Stuart this is democracy and they are playing by the rules (so far) that there is nothing out of the ordinary.

Beginning of july I heard that John Tyndall was going to address a BNaziP meeting in Blackburn. As they had been systematically leafletting the Highercroft estate for weeks. Do your research Stuart, Highercroft estate as been under resourced and left to rot for the last fifteen years. But the one thing about it is that it's an all white working class estate. Perfect breeding ground for the fascists to tow it's lies about putting working class people first.

The BNaziP then hold a public meeting at the Manxman pub that draws 260 people, locals and organised fascists who were mobilised nationwide. The Lancashire Evening Telegraph the runs an article stating the "Meeting was orderly respectable and there is nothing to get worried about."

When I was ten Stuart, people in Bburn who saw the threat of nazis in the seventies when Kingsley Reid (remember), the then leading light in the National Nazi Front decided to move to Bburn to stand against Jack Straw in elections. De Ja Vu? So John Tyndall decides to have a meeting in Bburn as there are still worms in Bburn who also remember. Don't get me wrong about worms I met them in my time, last year was the last epsode in Bburn precint. It makes you feel all ill all over when someone comes up to you staring aggressively and says calmly "F**k Off Commie, you deserve nothing better than a bullet in the head".

Not to digress of course, Tyndall decides against a meeting in Bburn and heads for Burnley instead. The rest you know I'm sure Stuart. Your police reports probably verify it that 100 officers surrounded the Falcon Pub including those on Horseback to keep legitimate protesters away.

I ask you, and I ask you again. "Why did you let that meeting go ahead when you know that the meeting was to harden up the support for fascism in your town. And I would like a reply to my Question of why you have agreed with your colleagues to Ban a multicultural event like the "Love Music - Hate Racism" Carnival in your town. You state that it will "create unwanted tension in the town." Isn't there enough tension when facts like when the BNaziP are active in an area "racist attacks go up 200%".

Thnk back to the ninties Stuart. Stephen Lawrence lying dying on the street. The BNP headquarters a mile away. The Lawrence report. The term "Institutionalised Racism"..... What stopped the BNaziP then. 60,000 protesters at Welling and a Carnival in Brockwell Park South London of 100,000. Black, White, Gay, Straight, Purple and Yellow people.

Think back to your youth Stuart, listening to the Clash 45,s when they were playing Rock Against Racism Gigs all over the country. Dig them out quick. Play them to your Kids. Kingsley Reid got the Heebee Geebees and left Bburn a broken man because of the courage of the Clash fans.

The Carnival will bring together both white and asian people which is the opposite to what the British Nazi Party want "An all White Britain" said Nick Griffin recently in the Media. And I'm confused as to how musicians like the Doves can create "Tension".

I urge you Stuart to seriously consider your councils decision on the Carnival before the real hardcore of the BNaziP start leaning on you physically, but hopefully you won't suffer too much because I remember thinking "Good bloke fairly, he'll come up trumps if needed" as you walked passed with your kids.

As they said at Auschwitz " NEVER AGAIN"

Yours in solidarity brother
