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US AID reports Israel trying to starve Palestinians

Auntie Beeb | 06.08.2002 19:01

To the list of prima facie war crimes perpetrated by Sharon's Israel on the Palestinians it appears we must now add the denial of food to those in the illegally occupied territories. USAID reports they face a humanitarian emergency.

Israeli contempt for international law and norms of civilized behaviour are widely known. Ruled by a man found responsible by his own government for the murder of un-armed civilians at the Sabra & Shatila refugee camps, it has weapons of mass destruction, engages in collective punishment, has an official policy of execution without trial and is the ethnic cleanser par excellence.

Today's report by the dept. of the US government responsible for development assistance - USAID - states that .....

"Market disruptions from curfews, closures, military incursions, border closures, and checkpoints affected key high protein foods, especially meat and poultry and dairy products, and in particular, infant formula and powdered milk".

These deliberate policies are cited by USAID as a "critical accompanying factor" to the "distinct humanitarian emergency" facing the West Bank and (especially) Gaza.

Not content with killing children with F16 bombings of residential areas in the most densely populated place on the planet - Gaza - it seems Sharon is now trying to starve them. Sharon's response was predictable. He blamed the Palestinians.

For the views of Jews who don't agree with Sharon's twisted version of reality try -

Full US AID report available as pdf file from -

Auntie Beeb