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Request to Indymedia for Anti-War article on front page

Ras D | 03.08.2002 19:28

Indymedia should create a quality site on Iraq, which (a) provides information and attacks disinformation, and (b) announced urgent actions

There is going to be a war on Iraq this year. We need to get ready to fight it: time to be pro-active. I hope Indymedia will add to its web front page a major permanent article on IRAQ. Its purpose must be to provide information on Iraq and to attack the lies and disinformation which we are going to hear in abundance over the next few months. We need to be provided with authoritative information on

(a) civilian casualities in Iraq over the last decade
(b) the lies being told about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction (a list both of the appearances of lies in mainstream media as well as the truth would be helpful)
(c) supplying information about the build up, and about big antiwar activities, links to key stopthewar, and to articles by Pilger and Chomsky

Create a site which people can point others for reliable dissenting information. You'll have to do it eventually, so why not get it up and running now

Ras D


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03.08.2002 21:00

With you 100% - the upcoming war is such a transparently immoral, cynical endeavour, trading other people's lives for oil and votes, that handled properly it could be the scum-at-the-top's undoing.
The long lead-in time means we can really mobilise.
My old man says he'll march thro London and he's never signed a petition in his life!

anyone see the article in today's Guardian mag? top


Special focus on Iraq needed

03.08.2002 21:24

I would like to second the proposal. Since there is no Indymedia group in Iraq (at least I have not heard about it) it would be good to link to critical mainstream articles and maybe commission some pieces by people in the know, i.e. anti-sanctions groups, the No War But the Class War discussion group, Iraqui exiles,; critical academics etc.
We have to expose the lies in the mainstream media, (although some of the corporate papers such as the Guardian and Mirror do not seem to support the Bush/Blair strategy of war for oil).
We need unbiased information to mobilise against this pending war of agression - not just oppressive, but also illegal under current international law. Not that it matters to the rogue states we live in.


Infomation on ideas also useful

04.08.2002 00:27

I would also be very helpful if people had ideas on how they would stop a war on Iraq. I'm all for doing a lot more direct action this time, as opposed to just chanting slogans and waving placards in Hyde Park. We need to disrupt the normal patten of life in this country, otherwise the leaders of this autrocity won't give a damn about us! For more on what I think we should do (and some ideas on what people can do) check out my story on the link below.

Thomas J
- Homepage:

I agree..

04.08.2002 00:33

I agree wholeheartedly with the original comment. We need a site - not posts like this, which soon become inaccessible and aren't in a good format for rapid, timely information sharing.

The Blair administration (in spite of apparent misgivings over war with Iraq) is likely to follow GWB's lead. At present, there is strong public opposition to intervention. Over the coming months, Blair and Co. will be working to change that - it's now or never for progressives / radicals / pacifists to oppose them.

The UK's dissent from the Bush doctrine would be a very positive development, and this is a real possibility! Unlike on most of the issues of concern to indymedia users, we ALREADY have the support of a majority of the public. We must a) encourage them to voice their opinions, b) attempt to counter Tony's PR machine and c) take action in a way which does not alienate that majority.

I know it will go against the grain for anarchists / marxists / libertarians socialists (all the decent humyns, basically!) to write to their MPs / the FCO / the PM. I'm certainly not against direct action in this and many other causes. But please - for the sake of all the innocent lives at stake - let's not seize this opportunity for posturing, denunciation and endless 'critiquing'. Everyone knows what I mean: "x group is an SWP front!", "legal protest plays into the hands of the elite".. yak, yak, yak. And meanwhile, Iraqi civilians die.

We can act now to turn UK policy on Iraq around. If we organise with people from all political backgrounds, letter-write, petition, demonstrate and generally make a fuss we can succeed! The sooner we do that, the sooner we can get back to slagging each other off.

