92 martyrs in deathfast
DHKC Informationoffice Vienna | 03.08.2002 15:57
Date: 31st July 2002
Statement: 264
We have the 92nd martyr in the resistance against the isolation of the imperialists and fascists.
Our fallen comrade Semra Basyigit IS OUR RESOLUTENESS AGAINST THE IMPERIALIST POLITICS AND THE OPRESSION OF FASCISM. In this time is every day a confirmation of our statements. We have told that opression not only concerns the prisoners; We have told that the F-Typ-prisons are not only made for the prisoners; They want to turn the whole world into an F-Typ-prison. This is what we see und this is our experience. Almost everybody can see this. The term “the whole land an F-Typ” was and is also a term of people beyond our context. “Isolation” is the main instrument against the resistance of the people and for the destruction of organisations. What makes the difference is, that we, compared to other sections had the courage to see it. We didn`t leave it unchanged. We made statements. And the most important thing: We did what we were talking about. Our statements, the reality in turkey told that, how many sacrifieces it may cost, resistance is necessary. We are resisting. The prisoners of the party-front have this resoluteness and this awareness. We are writing the myth of resistance in this fight. Our comrade Semra Basyigit was, compared to other resisters, on the 19th of december not in prison. At the beginning of the resistance she was outside the prisons. But she knew, she saw, that the F-Typs are not only for the prisoners. She set a reaction of what she was seeing; She participated on many solidarity actions; She was on hungerstrike with a group of relatives in Bursa. Hülya Simsek, a martyr of the deathfast, was participating this hungerstrike too. Two of the deathfasters and solidarity hungerstrikers were attacked by the police. On 6th of January 2001 ten persons were arrested, so was Semra Basyigit. Since this time Semra was fighting inside the prison. She was a volunteer for the deathfast resistance and participated the 6th group of the deathfast in the prison of Kartal. She started her deathfast on 28th of July 2001. She was a “living bomb”. And now she is exploded!
Take a look at the newspapers from the 13th February once again. Semra Basyigit was alleged to be a “living bomb” of the DHKP-C. She was in the prison of Kartal when this was published. This was correct. She was preparing to explode like a bomb against the tyranny. But this feelings and thoughts were at this time only in her head and heart. It was hidden, nobody could make any investigations about this fact.
Because of her isolation in the prison of Kartal, she could be informed about this fact a few days later.
In a letter, what she wrotes to a comrade, she valuated the situation as follows: „Aren´t we all, the whole people, a living bomb for the tyrants? Can one predict when it will happen?Yesterday a man cracked up and killed his wife and his four kids. Yes, today the people destroy themselves within their own four walls. Tomorrow this will change!“
Tomorrow it should not be this way. The whole people should go up to tyranny.
She was a revolutionary. In this march she was right in front. Approximetly five months after this articles, she put on the red band. Now she was a death fast resistance fighter and her martyrdom should burst like a bomb, a bomb against the tyranny and the lies. Therefore the systemconform medias can do what ever they want. With the red flags, what waved on the demonstration on the 1st of Mai, with the red bands on the forehead of our catched comrades, with hundredthousand of signatures of the relatives* and our fallen comrades, the censor will be break through. And it will become more. The calculations of Hikmet Sami Türk, of the government, of the european an american imperialists for the F-Type jails will run nowhere.
We have this resoluteness. Our 24 years old comrade, Semra Basyigit, she carried the flag of resistance against imperialism and the oligarchy, she did not eat for 367 days and she held out the whole pressure. She is the expression of this resoluteness. Now it is totally clear „who is behind the F-Types“ and why and whatfor they want the F-Types. Our resistance against the F-Types is also a resistance against the USA and the EU and their institutions: The IMF, worldbank and NATO. Out of this point of view, the resistance against the F-Types is the strongest opposition in our country, the strongest opposition in the fight against imperialism and for independence. With the resistance against the F-Types, we also resist against the tyranny, oppression and the prohibition of facism, against the fascist government, the general staff and the systemconform partys. And thats the reason why this resistance in the fight for the rights and for freedom, is the resolutest position.
The collaborators what govern this country have showed very clear now: They are about to transform our whole country into a F-Type jail to continue their wild robbery and their exploitation, and to be able to force our people hunger and employlessness.
In Pababahce, renewed we became witnesses of the occurance in the jails from 19th to 22nd of december, how also the methods what are applied in the F-Type-Cells should be used against all those who offer resistance. We have said it: „To resist against the F-Type jails means to resist against IMF“! Look at Pababahce. That means, to resist against the F-Type jails means to fight against dismissals, privatizations, hunger and misery. The fight for bread, justice, freedom and democracy are one thing. We, the people who stand in for all sections of the people have to unite our struggle in all levels to support the fight of this or that sections of people with all the power we have.
„How high the price for victory may be, as high the dignity will be. This dignity belongs to us. It belongs to our people.” Our comrade Semra Basyigit was born on th 27th of July 1978 in Kütahya-Domanic. She attended the subject areas medical documentation and office administration at the Uludag university.
During the year 1996 she joined the revolutionary struggle. The death fast resistance of 1996 was one of the most influental ocurrences in this period. For some time she was active as a correspondent of the newspaper Kurtulus. She has been arrested on the 3rd of February 1998 and stayed in prison for some time. After her imprisonment she continued her struggle. About her arrest, she made the following statement: “As long as the truth will be defended, there will be always someone from us, who is in prison. As we can see, it is our turn at the moment. But everyone knows, that, neither with arrests, nor with torture and massacres, they are able to silence us.
That shows absolutely clear, that there is no difference between the situation inside and outside the prisons. Therefor, there are people inside, as well as outside, who resist. There were always people, who fought for victory.
Even if her comrades talked about her in different ways, all of them said, that she had a respectfully, strong, mature and modest character. She was a young woman of us, who grew up with the values of Anatolia and kept them. Whitin our front she increased these values with the values of socialism and strenghtened them.
Before she joined the death fast resistance by herself, she said the following things about her death fasting comrades: “ You should see their simplicity, naturality, their beauty and refinements. These are our women. They let us feel such a big dignity and proudness – could there be a bigger force for our people then them?” And Semra herself became one of them, who let this dignity and proudness live. The young women of Anatolia will put up resistance, according to the strength of Semra and her comrades, and the example which they gave them.
Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Cephesi
Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Front
* The relatives have started a collection of signatures against the isolation and have collected over 100.000 signatures within a short time period.
Statement: 264
We have the 92nd martyr in the resistance against the isolation of the imperialists and fascists.
Our fallen comrade Semra Basyigit IS OUR RESOLUTENESS AGAINST THE IMPERIALIST POLITICS AND THE OPRESSION OF FASCISM. In this time is every day a confirmation of our statements. We have told that opression not only concerns the prisoners; We have told that the F-Typ-prisons are not only made for the prisoners; They want to turn the whole world into an F-Typ-prison. This is what we see und this is our experience. Almost everybody can see this. The term “the whole land an F-Typ” was and is also a term of people beyond our context. “Isolation” is the main instrument against the resistance of the people and for the destruction of organisations. What makes the difference is, that we, compared to other sections had the courage to see it. We didn`t leave it unchanged. We made statements. And the most important thing: We did what we were talking about. Our statements, the reality in turkey told that, how many sacrifieces it may cost, resistance is necessary. We are resisting. The prisoners of the party-front have this resoluteness and this awareness. We are writing the myth of resistance in this fight. Our comrade Semra Basyigit was, compared to other resisters, on the 19th of december not in prison. At the beginning of the resistance she was outside the prisons. But she knew, she saw, that the F-Typs are not only for the prisoners. She set a reaction of what she was seeing; She participated on many solidarity actions; She was on hungerstrike with a group of relatives in Bursa. Hülya Simsek, a martyr of the deathfast, was participating this hungerstrike too. Two of the deathfasters and solidarity hungerstrikers were attacked by the police. On 6th of January 2001 ten persons were arrested, so was Semra Basyigit. Since this time Semra was fighting inside the prison. She was a volunteer for the deathfast resistance and participated the 6th group of the deathfast in the prison of Kartal. She started her deathfast on 28th of July 2001. She was a “living bomb”. And now she is exploded!
Take a look at the newspapers from the 13th February once again. Semra Basyigit was alleged to be a “living bomb” of the DHKP-C. She was in the prison of Kartal when this was published. This was correct. She was preparing to explode like a bomb against the tyranny. But this feelings and thoughts were at this time only in her head and heart. It was hidden, nobody could make any investigations about this fact.
Because of her isolation in the prison of Kartal, she could be informed about this fact a few days later.
In a letter, what she wrotes to a comrade, she valuated the situation as follows: „Aren´t we all, the whole people, a living bomb for the tyrants? Can one predict when it will happen?Yesterday a man cracked up and killed his wife and his four kids. Yes, today the people destroy themselves within their own four walls. Tomorrow this will change!“
Tomorrow it should not be this way. The whole people should go up to tyranny.
She was a revolutionary. In this march she was right in front. Approximetly five months after this articles, she put on the red band. Now she was a death fast resistance fighter and her martyrdom should burst like a bomb, a bomb against the tyranny and the lies. Therefore the systemconform medias can do what ever they want. With the red flags, what waved on the demonstration on the 1st of Mai, with the red bands on the forehead of our catched comrades, with hundredthousand of signatures of the relatives* and our fallen comrades, the censor will be break through. And it will become more. The calculations of Hikmet Sami Türk, of the government, of the european an american imperialists for the F-Type jails will run nowhere.
We have this resoluteness. Our 24 years old comrade, Semra Basyigit, she carried the flag of resistance against imperialism and the oligarchy, she did not eat for 367 days and she held out the whole pressure. She is the expression of this resoluteness. Now it is totally clear „who is behind the F-Types“ and why and whatfor they want the F-Types. Our resistance against the F-Types is also a resistance against the USA and the EU and their institutions: The IMF, worldbank and NATO. Out of this point of view, the resistance against the F-Types is the strongest opposition in our country, the strongest opposition in the fight against imperialism and for independence. With the resistance against the F-Types, we also resist against the tyranny, oppression and the prohibition of facism, against the fascist government, the general staff and the systemconform partys. And thats the reason why this resistance in the fight for the rights and for freedom, is the resolutest position.
The collaborators what govern this country have showed very clear now: They are about to transform our whole country into a F-Type jail to continue their wild robbery and their exploitation, and to be able to force our people hunger and employlessness.
In Pababahce, renewed we became witnesses of the occurance in the jails from 19th to 22nd of december, how also the methods what are applied in the F-Type-Cells should be used against all those who offer resistance. We have said it: „To resist against the F-Type jails means to resist against IMF“! Look at Pababahce. That means, to resist against the F-Type jails means to fight against dismissals, privatizations, hunger and misery. The fight for bread, justice, freedom and democracy are one thing. We, the people who stand in for all sections of the people have to unite our struggle in all levels to support the fight of this or that sections of people with all the power we have.
„How high the price for victory may be, as high the dignity will be. This dignity belongs to us. It belongs to our people.” Our comrade Semra Basyigit was born on th 27th of July 1978 in Kütahya-Domanic. She attended the subject areas medical documentation and office administration at the Uludag university.
During the year 1996 she joined the revolutionary struggle. The death fast resistance of 1996 was one of the most influental ocurrences in this period. For some time she was active as a correspondent of the newspaper Kurtulus. She has been arrested on the 3rd of February 1998 and stayed in prison for some time. After her imprisonment she continued her struggle. About her arrest, she made the following statement: “As long as the truth will be defended, there will be always someone from us, who is in prison. As we can see, it is our turn at the moment. But everyone knows, that, neither with arrests, nor with torture and massacres, they are able to silence us.
That shows absolutely clear, that there is no difference between the situation inside and outside the prisons. Therefor, there are people inside, as well as outside, who resist. There were always people, who fought for victory.
Even if her comrades talked about her in different ways, all of them said, that she had a respectfully, strong, mature and modest character. She was a young woman of us, who grew up with the values of Anatolia and kept them. Whitin our front she increased these values with the values of socialism and strenghtened them.
Before she joined the death fast resistance by herself, she said the following things about her death fasting comrades: “ You should see their simplicity, naturality, their beauty and refinements. These are our women. They let us feel such a big dignity and proudness – could there be a bigger force for our people then them?” And Semra herself became one of them, who let this dignity and proudness live. The young women of Anatolia will put up resistance, according to the strength of Semra and her comrades, and the example which they gave them.
Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Cephesi
Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Front
* The relatives have started a collection of signatures against the isolation and have collected over 100.000 signatures within a short time period.
DHKC Informationoffice Vienna